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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. Yeah, this is amazing. Claude's VA is cool, I sent him two memes and he pushed like on them. Oh and @TheGoodHoms you put in two of the McDonalds play place. There's one about Edelgard blowing up Flayn's Minecraft house, I think you meant for one of those to be it?
  2. How did you get that image? A HW render edited? LOL.
  3. OMG if it does that'd be so awesome. I'd commission an artist for that in a heartbeat. Actually I think I'll attempt it myself. Lol that's clever. After finally listening to Inheritors of Arcadia: Why is Celica never alluded to? Couldn't she be "ruby lioness" to go with Alm being "jasper lion"? Shouldn't Duma get to sing a little? He wasn't evil! He just went insane. I think he should have had some lines in there.
  4. Tried it. It only lets me hide individual boxes. But thanks for the suggestion. *Tries again* Hey, that's actually quite effective! Figured it out. Works.
  5. Pretty sure that's more of a standard for violence than sex. Like George RR Martin once summed it up well by saying it's always gonna be unpleasant to be slashed in the gut or have your head chopped off, but sex can go either way, and people normally prefer detailed descriptions of sex over violence. Also a thing with the author's preference, like you can fade to black at the bedroom door or follow them in, but even if you follow them in you can describe everything or leave it to the imagination.
  6. Should work, and then delete the subforum and move everything to the main board in a few months.
  7. She probably is! And so is my Uncle Brad, he's not a stereotype either. Why are there old people names that are mildly offensive? Fanny, Gay, Dick...
  8. That's what the body of the post is for. And actually this is why I'm asking to hide the newest topic titles, so I don't see them if I'm not looking for them. The topic in question wasn't even in the 3H board it looks like. I explain below.
  9. Best answer ever. Your avatar is Marianne, so that. A guy goes to a river on the border between two states. He has no fishing license. What would he need to ensure that he can legally fish? A license from the state he came from, a license from the other state, or both?
  10. No swimming in the fishing pond. No watering the plants in the greenhouse with your own pee. Or anyone else's, for that matter.
  11. Envelopes. WYR work for 5 hours constantly on your feet and busy or work for 3 hours when business is slow?
  12. I've seen some mild 3H spoilers in topic titles there and I'd appreciate not seeing any more. Is there a way to do this?
  13. I should have clarified. Ana's entry showed the bloody corpse, which isn't shown in Disney. Tarzan shows Clayton's shadow hanging from a vine, but that's as close as it goes. In hindsight I guess a better example of violence that was okay was Otts' entry with the guillotine and the head rolling into the bucket.
  14. You act like there is no inbetween Barney and Game of Thrones. Your country is stricter, but please do not assume the whole internet is. Idk, I may have told you this before, but I don't remember a response. Remember Declawed? There was literally prostitution in the backstory of that. And one of Shob's entries had people accuse Maribelle of being Chrom's harlot. Did anybody complain? No. We don't want you to write Barney, and Game of Thrones would be M rated and not acceptable. Write Zelda or Fire Emblem, or Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, stuff like that. Don't remove story elements because they allude to M rated material. Just don't describe them in detail. If you need help you can ask me. EDIT - Oh and Ana also had a guy fall off a cliff and die in her entry. So there's another example.
  15. First I was like "I want to know classified information" but I don't want to quarantine myself every time I go, so the former. WYR dig into Rhea's secret weed stash or order porn and have it sent to Garreg Mach?
  16. Every musical instrument. WYR fart all day or have to be in the same area with someone who farts all day?
  17. Secret stash of what lol. The next time somebody comes to class in their underwear they are getting detention on sight.
  18. Professors must maintain proper food safety protocol! Dropped food must not be eaten! Even if you work in the infirmary. ESPECIALLY if you work in the infirmary.
  19. I see what you did there. Monkey, because then I could throw poop and coconuts and it would be socially acceptable. WYR be an owl or a falcon?
  20. Edge of Dawn because: And I actually haven't beaten Echoes to hear Inheritors of Arcadia. WYR play basketball with short people or football with skinny beanpoles?
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