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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. I smell poop more often and it's natural, puke means somebody's sick, so the former. WYR get a tattoo of a smiley face on your butt or a tattoo of a butt on your face?
  2. As much as I love Tellius, I have to disagree with you because Jeralt, despite not interacting with much more than his kid, had better quality interactions and more screentime. Greil didn't ever seem to laugh or smile and Jeralt did so that humanized him more imo. Regardless I hope the Outrealms extend to the afterlife so these two can hang out and be cool FE dads. Victims of one of IS' favorite tropes. Also Jeralt's new nickname is Nun Humper lol I'm horrible
  3. For those of you who aren't aware: Also not allowed on Minecraft: Male genitalia. Female genitalia. Female breasts. Nudity in general. Villager orgy rooms. Naming animals Pee Pee Poo Poo. Cults involving drowned animals. "No swearing on my good church Minecraft server" - Seteth
  4. My mom told me when she was in highschool a guy in her class did it on the bus and burned his jeans.
  5. Only if you had your mouth open. Why is sneezing more socially acceptable than farting?
  6. Next time draw dicks and write F bombs up there Sothis lol.
  7. - First rule of Lion Fight Club: You do not break up Lion Fight Club. (Dimitri) - I thought the first rule was you don't talk about Fight Club. (Claude) - That's regular Fight Club, in Lion Fight Club, if two of my house members get into a fight it continues until somebody bleeds on the floor and Manuela has to come in with vulneraries. (Dimitri) - It should probably stop earlier next time. Poor Sylvain almost needed a testicle amputated. (Manuela) - Oh I really hit him that hard? Sorry but not sorry. (Ingrid) - Lol BURRRNNNN! (Claude) - OH MY GODDESS GOSH! (Edelgard) - I take back the request for Eagle Fight Club. Unless hitting below the belt is made against the rules. (Caspar)
  8. Yes because a witness or someone can find it and tell the police. Is it true the phrase "pissed off" originated from someone's dog peeing on a map?
  9. Play ball. WYR run through a football field during a game naked or skinny dip in a mall fountain?
  10. Actually happened like a month ago. And yes ugh so annoying I hate it! Should we protest Nintendo taking their OSTs off youtube by uploading them using this image instead of art from the game in question?
  11. - WHO STOLE MY CLOTHES WHILE I WAS IN THE SHOWER AND REPLACED THEM WITH A BANANA COSTUME?! (Edelgard) - It was the Death Knight. (Claude) - You're not fooling anyone. Weird prank but okay. (Dimitri) - Did she wear the banana? (Sylvain) - Like I had a choice! (Edelgard) - Yes we know you wouldn't mind the alternative, leave the ladies alone. (Dimitri) - I'm selling popcorn and tickets for this shit. (Claude)
  12. My face is bored and I'm not raking my groin. Is it weirder to give birth in a Burger King or a Walmart?
  13. When Flayn is using the fishing pond, it is NOT a good time to attempt to skinny dip. Or any time. No skinny dipping. At all. If this rule continues to be broken we are going to put in piranhas.
  14. Deaf psychiatrist. A blind proctologist would be using their sense of smell? Ew. WYR have bright neon purple hair or only wear bright neon yellow underwear in public?
  15. Almost perfect. France does not exist for them. For a serious answer I'm thinking bonding over being bookworms in the library and they're probably gonna move pretty slow because they're both shy. Their kid might inherit some art skill... So you can be Rezzy and clear out Deer Forest. What happens if you try to smoke hemp?
  16. Tanky wizard, he'd be slow right? WYR be a potato farmer or a sheep herder?
  17. One time a couple months ago. Who makes the first move if Ignatz and Bernadetta become lovers and how?
  18. Only slightly related: Ignatz x Bernadetta as a ship yay or nay? I'm saying yay.
  19. I think she's telling her friends to dig through the manure harder.
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