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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. I have started inking. Should have it up tomorrow.
  2. Throw away trash after you eat in the dining hall. Especially if it includes a stained napkin with chicken bones on it spread out and just left on the table. Flayn and Seteth both thought this was a (insert Fodlan equivalent of the word Satanic here) ritual. Thank the goddess it was cleared up before word got to Rhea...
  3. Something something poop joke. Why do people leave Discord servers to take a break from them? Can't they just not go on Discord?
  4. This is amazing. They should add another view with kids throwing balls from the ball pit at Seteth and Flayn smiling lol.
  5. Because it just came out and it's crack. Is Yoda x Jar Jar Binks a crack pairing?
  6. Unfortunately I don't think so. Unless somebody invents an AR machine or neurotransmitter thing but then it wouldn't be brain "bleach". Also if you have to google for pictures of Gary Oldman do not under any circumstances forget the R Why do monkeys throw poop?
  7. Middle finger is tame compared to what I've written but not posted here heavens no. You're good. Moving on:
  8. Selling anything in school is banned here. It was a matter of time. Good luck!
  9. Bat! Dragon! WYR be one of the slaves in Ancient Egypt who built the pyramids or one of the Romans in Pompeii when the volcano blew up?
  10. Because it's Reyn Time. (technically incomplete dominance red + brown meaning he's got red hairs and brown hairs that blend in for the reddish brown but still) @Espurrhoodie Because he shaved to go on his hot date. He also manscaped his pubic hair. I am sorry for that mental image lol. Why are potatoes funny?
  11. I'm only on month 5... What would happen if I took all my old stretched out bras and underwear and stuffed them in the exhaust pipes of cars in the apartment complex parking lot?
  12. Just asking if you saw any of the discussion and advice about how to do R rated things PG/13 without gutting the piece? Please don't ignore it. It's solid and sincere advice.
  13. Dunban blows him out of the water though. Seteth looks like he's never been in an actual fight in his life. Dunban's been in fights and won them and has the battle scars to prove it. Best big bro with spunky fiesty little sis. Seteth is kinda cool regardless. He may get to do something interesting or cool later in game.
  14. I'm drawing the three house leaders as anthro animals, all what their house mascot is. There is no room on the page for their weapons. There's a couple options I'm considering and I need help deciding. Traces of their hair color or no? They will of course have their eye colors. If I add their hair color in it will show up as yellow highlights in Dimitri's mane and tail tuft, white head crest for Edelgard, and a tuft of dark brown between Claude's antlers. Their main colors are of course blue, black, and gold. Just their scarves/cloaks or the rest of their outfit sans gloves and boots to show their paws/hooves/talons/feather hands? In other words, naked except for the cloak or most of their outfit? If the style matters, here's the sketch sans dark brown hair tuft and clothes other than cloaks. I'm not asking for critique, people. Please do not just post just to say my drawing skill is lacking or I need anatomy practice. I feel bad saying this but with my past experiences with posting art I have to. Long story short, look at the style I have and decide which option will look the best with it.
  15. Like 2. Month 5. Not even timeskip yet. Why has there been three male lords in FE called lions? First Young Lion(Roy), then Jasper Lion(Alm), now Dimitri is a blue lion.
  16. Hanneman. He snuck in and stole hair out of a brush for crest research lol, that would be a neat support... WYR have duck feet or a squirrel tail? As in you are a human, but your feet are duck feet or you have a fluffy squirrel tail attached to your butt.
  17. Yeah that's what it looks like. And I stupidly said HW instead of FEW. Derp.
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