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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. Never tried it. How does one beep beep like a sheep?
  2. Repeat it for ten hours. The proper way to locate your friend in a crowd is...
  3. Got them both when they came out. but Sephiran's sex life sounds like a topic I'd talk about
  4. Let them live and have a shitty life. WYR have an NPC based on you in the next Pokemon game or the next Zelda game?
  5. Upload your image to an image host. You can't use one stored on the device itself.
  6. We have a FE one but not a regular one. So yep. I wish my apartment complex had built in air conditioning so I didn't have to fight with window units every summer.
  7. Maybe if there's a Jugdral remake. Who is the mother of Jedah's daughters and what happened to her?
  8. Alienware! WYR have a movie made about your life or watch a movie about your worst enemy's life?
  9. I asked Jyo yesterday on Twitter and he said the web server ran out of memory. Whatever that means.
  10. I was aiming to post on this, thanks Anon. I'll be a wyvern rider if possible.
  11. Xenoblade does this too. Holy freaking crap, it's a roller coaster...I laugh, I want to cry, I feel like a badass, I go "wtf just happened"...all of this in a game about people fighting robots with light sabers on the frozen corpses of titans that became landmasses. I need to go back to it and finish the damn thing. Learned the hard way not to start fanficing until the end -_- AU it is. Okay, I'll have to reread Chloey's soon, and I sent Ana her feedback on Discord, so this will be yours, Otts. It was very sweet and fluffy, much like mine I guess, only with some sorrow at the end. I think we can all agree that the Fates method of 2nd gen is godawful compared to Awakening's but you worked it in well enough. Is Soleil's name origin canon, or did you come up with it yourself?
  12. I'm not getting what you're saying is "nameplay" here, do you just mean the title? The battle banter in Xenoblade is glorious for sure. And as for the exact thing I think you're insinuating...look at the AU I linked to for the answer to that. It's in the spoiler under the story.
  13. Because all perfume is the same stuff. If somebody had the Ocarina of Time irl, how much trouble would they be in if they used the Elegy of Emptiness to make a creepy statue of themselves to put in front of a coma patient, and then played the Sonata of Awakening to wake said coma patient up?
  14. Well I mean, it's a common trope to have humanoid races with animal features kinda act like said animal. Or else I'm the only one who does that in fanfic and I'm weird... Canonically laguz have better smell, hearing, and sometimes sight than beorc, the combinations depending on the exact laguz. It's not unlikely that the beast tribes will poof out their tails and flick their ears as body language or that laguz in general will make animal noises. I mean in RD they do make said noises in their battle scenes. I am aware that was sarcasm but yeah xD
  15. Give him his bubble tea Or whatever hipsters drink idk
  16. Katana! WYR develop a mobile game or an app that isn't a game?
  17. Steak. WYR have to pee really bad every day at 3 am or throw up every day at 3 pm?
  18. Join the Write Your Butt Off contest! Did my aunt leave her sanity in Denver with my second cousin's indoor voice?
  19. No he's trying to bribe her. He's telling her he'll rejoin if she pays him and she's like "Not my decision but if it was the answer would be no"
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