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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. Manakete MU? YES PLEASE. I doubt it though...
  2. Both of those sound like they'd be way OP and since when are there vampires in FE?
  3. Yeah! And that manakete looks awesome too! I prefer that kind of dragon design over the ones from Awakening. Also, the two faction names...which is west and which is east?
  4. Don't click the source link for that one folks, it plays annoying music. As in, music where the only instrument is a screechy whistle... Cool pic though.
  5. Read the OP for the answers to your first two questions.
  6. I'm more apt to believe theyre separate races...but that's just me.
  7. Shadow? That sounds like a name for a pokemon/animal character...if I were you I'd change it or shorten it to Shad, which would work. Meh. Hate to gripe, I'm not the owner of this RP...but yeah.
  8. The only awakening OC I have who isn't a relation to someone...is of a class that you didn't list. I'll throw him out here anyway, if he's not allowed I might try making another, might not. Depends... Name: Fivel Age: 20 Class: Taguel Inventory: Beaststone, concoction Appearance: Short, light brown hair with cream colored rabbit ears, ice blue eyes. Tall and somewhat lanky, and wears typical taguel leather clothing. Shifted, he's light brown with cream ears and belly. Bio: The taguel race was dying out during the events of Awakening, and what was left of them was keeping away from humans for fear of being wiped out entirely. One of them had enough courage to show herself and work with them. Today she is known as a folk hero among the taguel, and Ylisse's taguel friendly policies are gradually spreading. Fivel's parents are the leaders of one of the taguel tribes that live around the outskirts of Ylisstol, growing up, he enjoyed going with them on their ambassador trips. Now fully grown, he's next in line to lead the tribe.
  9. Sully. Consider it payback for her terrible cooking. WCWY expect to be a highschool dropout?
  10. Inigo. WCWY expect to be friends with Larry the Cable Guy?
  11. Must be a combo of me liking to draw shifted laguz cause I'm better at animals, and like I said, my mind is messed up xD
  12. OMG you're including Kiara in that pic? Why can't I get the mental image of a cat in a bikini out of my head? Lol! Likely, NOT shifted. Why is my mind so messed up -_- True, but he would still know what a pegasus is. But I did think that before I knew/you told me what their floofy feet were called.
  13. I thought horsefeathers refered to pegasi...those have feathered wings. And I see xD
  14. That's a good idea. OR you can do the different breeds of horses. Throughobred, clydesdale etc. I can see clydesdale ponytas/rapidashes having extra flames near their hooves like irl, clydesdales have those extra big and fluffy feet.
  15. Yep! Guardians of Gahoole familiarized me with lots of different kinds of owls. I picked the most well known ones for this. Thought about including sooty, which is like barn owls except an ashy gray color, and my favorite for some reason...but I decided to limit to 6.
  16. Sain but he'd photoshop it to make himself what he thinks would be a chick magnet xD WCWY expect to use grumpy cat as their avatar if they were on a forum?
  17. Great Horned: This variety lives mainly in mountainous forests. Great horned hoothoots/noctowls are strong and hardy creatures, making them ideal for pokemon battling. Barn: As their name suggests, barn hoothoots/noctowls are often found living in barns. They tend to be shy and reclusive around humans despite this. Farmers value them because they help control pests such as rattatas/raticates. Screech: These hoothoots/noctowls are often found in rough terrain areas and deserts. They are fierce battlers, but hard to tame, so it's uncommon to see a trainer with this variety. Spotted: A forest dwelling variety with a calm temperament. They are often kept by bird keeper trainers who want something more exotic, yet still loyal and well behaved. Snowy: Found in the colder areas of the world, snowy hoothoots/noctowls are rarely seen by humans and rarely caught by trainers. Folklore suggests that seeing one means the coming winter will be harsh. Great Gray: This variety is often found in higher altitude areas, mountain ranges etc. They are powerful in pokemon battles, but hard to find and even harder to capture.
  18. He either settles down, or he doesn't and spends the rest of his life lonely/dies a virgin... At least from what I've heard, Hector dies a noble death. It doesn't bug me much, nobody lives forever, and it adds realism/makes Zephiel more of a villain. He lived a full life, he settled down and had a kid and stuff. I do feel sorry for Lilina though. Losing a parent has to suck.
  19. Okay, fair enough. I suck at custom though. If I made my own base it would probably suck even more.
  20. Its evolutions are better swimmers :)
  21. They've been enlarged...like I said. But I made them quite some time ago. Atm I'm more concerned about figuring out the nuts and bolts of how rom hacking works, maybe before I release the final game, they'll be better.
  22. I've downloaded a music ripper, and thanks, I'll look there.
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