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Posts posted by Dragoncat

  1. I recall seeing a shop here in my town called Anna's (quite a coincidence there, lol). There's also one called Ross. :P

    Ross is a chain of stores. I believe it's a clothes store. And lol at the Anna's...

    There's Daniels here too. That's one of the Tellius merchants, right? Forgot about him. He's not as memorable as Aimee.

    Oh and Matthews. I'm forgetting a buttload, arent I?

  2. Since FE characters often have normal everyday names, you're bound to run across a person with a FE name. Or a place...


    I kid you not, I live 7 miles from that little town. I have to go through it to get to the nearest Walmart...that brown O + M building? Seen it in person. There was a building that had "home of an underground environmental hazard" spray painted on it. Apparently nobody took a picture of it and put it on the internet. I'd do it myself but it's since been painted over. True story!

    And there was a Heath and a Boyd in my school. So...yeah, can anyone add to this? Have you seen a FE name irl?

  3. The one that really sticks out to me is the Noire/Libra conversation in the Future Past dlc. I just love Noire's "Fuck you!" It just gave Noire so much depth. She really became this child who had to grow up too fast in order to save the world and survive. It was really beautiful imo, and it's probably one of my favorite conversations throughout the whole game.

    Does she actually say that? Direct quote?

  4. I would've liked to see Lon'qu talk with Florina in *insert the title of that one DLC map with a large amount of male/female past FE characters fighting each other*.

    That wouldn't be much other than "OMG you're a guy/girl, bye"

    In a nutshell. They wouldn't talk much. Florina might think Lonky is a scary bandit. Not that he looks like one...but yeah.

  5. So I bought the scrambles today...and now I'm giggling like an idiot. Gaius got told not to get too creative with candy hidey holes while in the swim trunks...and omg "that just screams unwrap me" lol. Innuendo YAY! Oh and, Lon'qu's interest in the beetles...I don't mind that. As long as he doesn't put one on my head, in that case, he'll be sleeping on the couch. (Paired MU with him if you don't already know) I mean I'm not terrified of bugs, but who wants a nasty stink beetle on their head...I'll kindly direct him to put it on Gaius instead. I'm so mean at times xD

    Put your favorite DLC convos or whatever here.

  6. Oh man I sucked. First one was Sacred Stones...got to the level where you get Amelia and I had like 4 units left. Then I started a new game and started actually resetting when someone died. I'm honestly surprised I got that far.

    I don't remember anything specific about how much I sucked at FE. But if I may...my first Pokemon game was Yellow. During the battle with Brock, I beat him with my pikachu...with struggle. Then, like an idiot, I actually WENT ONTO THE NEXT ROUTE WITHOUT GOING TO THE POKEMON CENTER FIRST. Epic fail.

  7. it's completely relevant - if we can establish that the laguz evolved to use their stones as a defense mechanism, what's to say that they can't evolve further against the threat of weapons?

    on it's face the question isn't an interesting one regardless; the answers come down to "they'd get slaughtered" or "they use the technology themselves". by introducing the factor of evolution, we can open the possibility of a further adaptation (i, for one, love the idea of bulletproof lions)

    I guess I was getting at that this thread is turning into a big argument about whether or not the stones thing would happen. I for one see the stones as more of a gameplay thing, they can probably shift without them, but they might be considerably weaker.

    I love the bulletproof lion thing too. Badass.

  8. You can already have two Tikis and three Marths (4 if you count Lucina when she's still disguised as Marth) on the map at once, it's pretty lulzy.

    Also someone on Deviant Art named their avatar Ignatius, not knowing there would be a boss with the same name...

    Minor but ANYWAY.

  9. I remember hearing something about how in Pokemon X/Y you can get a Steelix from a trainer that is named Thumper, but if you try to name a Pokemon Thumper yourself, you can't because it has "hump" in it.

    Why a steelix? I'd expect that for a bunnelby/diggersby. Because...Thumper in Bambi is a rabbit.

  10. Because only Nintendo is allowed to put innuendo in their games! The players must be forbidden from this secret art of game design...

    Innuendo and names that are obviously supposed to be offensive are two different things. Nobody wants to see a team called "I f***ed your mom". Henry's recruitment quote about where the risen apparently came from, while being a mental image I don't want, is meant to be for the lols.

    But they needed to do a better job...if you can name a yveltal Scrotum, but not a bunnelby Burrow, that's seriously messed up. That is if what I've heard is true...

  11. Keep in mind guys, that the topic title says shapeshifters, meaning manaketes/taguel/etc, not just laguz.

    I would run a Deviant Art contest about this, but my contests never go far...that being said, I'm sure we can come up with some interesting ideas for modern non beorc weapons. Bird/dragon laguz and manaketes could probably drop bombs from above, but idk about the beast types or anything else.

  12. Purely hypothetical topic here. There will most likely never be things like guns and cars in FE...but imagine for a second say, Tellius had 21st century technology. The beorc no longer use swords/axes/lances/etc, guns are the main weapon. How would the laguz respond to that? If somebody's shooting at you with a rifle, turning into a saber toothed tiger wouldn't work as self defense. Even though there is bows in the medieval setting, guns are faster and more accurate...

    Do you think they'd put cyborg attachments on their animal forms? Bullet proof vests? Or do you think they'd stop shifting all together and use guns like the beorc?

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