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Posts posted by Dragoncat

  1. The Khan's remind me of the Kai's from DBZ. Disappointed we never got to meet North and South Khan's if they were even a thing.

    Not familiar with Dragonball. But yes, there's no North and South khans because Ferox is split into just East and West.

    Anyone should be fair game if they're good enough fighter

    If Morgan (ignoring gameplay for a second here) is a chump then no, if they're actually really good then I don't see why not

    Gotta win by muscle and skill and if they end up getting seriously hurt in the tournaments the person responsible should not be penalized for it

    They take the chances, their own risk

    May be true, but, they would probably always pick their family members, which wouldn't be fair to everyone else. Idk...maybe it should just be direct family. Cousin might be okay.

  2. Been thinking about how Ferox has the khans and the annual tournaments that determine which will have authority over the other. Thought I'd make a topic about it because, it's interesting, and Basilio is so funny xD

    Did you like this little culture thing IS put in? And, what do you prefer in terms of successors? Should they be able to choose someone related by blood or not?

    I think it's canon that Basilio picked Lon'qu for that. That's cool, that would make my avatar both a famous tactician and eventually the khan's wife. As long as she's known for more than just being the khan's wife...pretty awesome. Anyway this leads me to believe that a khan isn't born into their rank like the exalts of Ylisse. Then again, Basilio apparently doesn't have any kids. Or any other family that we know of...but, as awesome as Khan!Morgan sounds, I think it makes sense that they're not allowed to make their kids or other family members their successors. That would give people a reason to want to be in the tournaments. Do well enough, you might be offered that position. And it gives the khans a reason to interact with their warriors as well. Whereas if it was the other way, they'd probably always choose their kid/little sibling/niece or nephew/etc. Discuss.

  3. leo__white_storm_by_rubydragoncat-d82hdf

    Name: Leo
    Gender: male
    Race: beorc
    Class: wyvern rider
    - Steed name: Frostbite
    - Steed color: white
    - Steed gender: male
    Affinity: thunder

    Bold, blunt, level headed. Can be stubborn. Doesn't give up easily, with more difficult tasks he will often keep at it, sometimes until he ends up losing sleep and/or hurts himself or others. Competitive and a major sore loser. Sulks, stomps, and even throws things at times when he loses. A bit of a jokester, and quick witted. Loyal to his friends and family. His never giving up nature makes him a valuable ally, and a big danger to the opposite side.

    He was born, along with his twin sister Cerai, to a couple of Crimean Air Force members. Their mother was a commander, while their father was a mere soldier. He's the younger twin by one minute. The two of them had what can be considered an average childhood, they got along well mostly, even if the getting along often meant causing trouble. Their parents adopted an orphaned beast laguz when they were four. They quickly bonded with him, and still consider him their brother. At the age of twelve they began Air Force training, following in their parents' footsteps. Leo named his wyvern Frostbite.

    When the twins were eighteen, their parents were jumped by bandits in the middle of the night while on a trip to one of the smaller towns in Crimea. They didn't survive the attack. Because of this tragedy, the siblings left the Air Force to start a group called the Whitefire Mercenaries, and make a living smiting bandits and other thugs. When the Mad King's War broke out, they heard of another band of mercenaries that had gotten themselves directly involved in the conflict. They searched for them, but were always just a few steps behind. Later when rebellion broke out in Crimea, they finally caught up with the Greil Mercenaries, and an alliance was forged. Leo crossed paths with a Crimean pegasus knight one day. He had always found most pegasus knights attractive, but he found himself liking this one for her personality, and the fact that she was a new Air Force recruit, so they had something in common. After about a year, he went with his gut instinct and proposed to her, and she agreed.

    Ethan(father, deceased)
    Riara(mother, deceased)
    Cerai(twin sister)
    Samba(adopted brother)


    Name: Samba
    Gender: male
    Race: beast laguz
    Class: cat
    Affinity: ice

    Usually cheerful and fun loving. He will often shift into his cat form at random times throughout the day just because he feels like it. It's not uncommon for him to spend an entire meeting/debriefing/etc shifted, but he only does this around those he knows well. If it's a formal event in which laguz animal forms would be a problem, he won't. Has zero tolerance for those who use the term "sub-human" and he has clawed or threatened to claw people who said it in his presence before. Enjoys joking around, and will be friendly as long as people stay on his good side.

    Like most laguz of the beast tribe, he's originally from Gallia. His mother was a lion laguz, his father was a cat. He inherited his mother's gray hair and fur, but with stripes the color of his father's hair and fur. When he was a young child, a family hunting trip ended in disaster. They chased the deer across the Gallia/Crimea border on accident, and were confronted by a group of beorc who accused them of stealing wild game. The beorc refused to listen to their explanation and a fight broke out that ended with Samba knocked unconsious and both his parents dead. When he came to, there was a priest, and a beorc couple with a set of four year old twins. He was amazed that he had survived and that there were kind hearted beorc in the world who would see two shifted cats and a shifted lion beat up on the side of the road and want to try to save them. The couple ended up adopting him, and he is still extremely close to his adopted siblings. Three beorc youngsters call him their shapeshifting uncle. He is somewhat interested in romance and possible kids of his own later on, but for now, his adopted nephews and niece are enough.

    Kile(father, deceased)
    Senna(mother, deceased)
    Cerai(adopted sister)
    Leo(adopted brother)
    Naroc, Milo(adopted nephews)
    Ciara(adopted niece)

  4. For example: Do we know anything about any culture in the FE games? Other than some stuff about the Laguz and such and how it contrasts with humans, there doesn't seem to be much besides armor color and current ruler ever separating the nations, at least in my experience.

    Awakening did this. Ferox is ruled by two khans, and has annual tournaments to determine which one will have authority over the other for that year. Everybody in Chon'sin has an apostrophe in their name. This is never said, but it's implied, and I'm willing to bet Lon'qu was originally from there. Ylisse worships the divine dragon Naga. Plegia doesn't, so they allow the fell dragon worshiping Grimleal cult to run amok in their land and do what they please.

    And in the Elibe games we have the nomads of Sacae, who would obviously have a different culture than the Lycia league. There's also Ilia with its pegasus knight dependent culture.

  5. The real question is dark magic: what even is it? Light is something, but darkness is literally not having light. So how, logically, does that deal damage? Of course, it's magic, and stupid to ask, but by gone it I shall!

    I picture it as maybe some kind of poison or something similar. Some kind of dangerous chemical that shrivels things up and drains their blood/life force.

  6. I'm also willing to bet that Petrine is a heron Branded because of her magic stat.

    I remember hearing she was beast tribe branded...don't remember where, and it mightve just been a random guess. But that would work if she had good speed like cats...I don't remember which of her stats was the best.

    I thought he inherited that from Ashnard. At least, Ashnard was considered a military genius too.

    I'm more willing to bet otherwise. Ashnard never interacted with him, and usually when you see family lines with a certain talent, it's because they were taught by their elders, not born with it. Might not always be the case though...

  7. Are you still taking requests because I would like one of these majestic fucking cat monsters in the colour scheme of the greatest pokemong ever: bug-horse centipede mon (aka Scolipede).

    That would be great and I would piss myself with joy.

    I would, but I'm only taking requests for awakening avatars atm.

  8. cerai__flame_streak_by_rubydragoncat-d82

    Old mug is old. I'll be putting up a lot of mugs I made ages ago when I show you guys my OCs...just know if you see a mug with a battle sprite the mug was probably made years ago. Battle sprites...I'm improving on them all the time, so they will likely be new.

    Name: Cerai
    Gender: female
    Race: beorc
    Class: wyvern rider
    - Steed name: Blaze
    - Steed color: orange
    - Steed gender: female
    Affinity: thunder

    Friendly and quick witted, anything can become a joke when she's in a good mood. Can be hyper and childish at times. Fiercely competitive and tends to gloat when she wins. Mostly fun to be around, but likes to annoy people, and she will continue to do whatever the person finds annoying until she gets bored. Highly intelligent. Speaks fluent sarcasm and in some cases, profanity.

    She was born, along with her twin brother Leo, to a couple of Crimean Air Force members. Their mother was a commander, while their father was a mere soldier. Cerai is one minute older than Leo. The two of them had what can be considered an average childhood, they got along well mostly, even if the getting along often meant causing trouble. Their parents adopted an orphaned beast laguz when they were four. They quickly bonded with him, and still consider him their brother. At the age of twelve they began Air Force training, following in their parents' footsteps. Cerai had the option of getting a pegasus, but decided on a wyvern because she had always liked them more than pegasi. She named the fiery colored wyvern Blaze.

    When the twins were eighteen, their parents were jumped by bandits in the middle of the night while on a trip to one of the smaller towns in Crimea. They didn't survive the attack. Because of this tragedy, the siblings left the Air Force to start a group called the Whitefire Mercenaries, and make a living smiting bandits and other thugs. When the Mad King's War broke out, they heard of another band of mercenaries that had gotten themselves directly involved in the conflict. They searched for them, but were always just a few steps behind. Later when rebellion broke out in Crimea, they finally caught up with the Greil Mercenaries, and an alliance was forged. Cerai eventually developed a romantic relationship with one of the members of the other group, causing the allies to be united by both blood and friendship.

    Ethan(father, deceased)
    Riara(mother, deceased)
    Leo(twin brother)
    Samba(adopted brother)

  9. It's not you. I just have awful memories of one particular RP with no stats.

    I'm used to statless RPs...yeah, they can get ugly sometimes. People like to god mode and use mary sues. BUT if you're with a group of more experienced writers/have a GM that doesn't tolerate that kind of shit, then it can be just as fun as with stats.

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