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Posts posted by Dragoncat

  1. Post your favorite miiverse screenshots you did for Awakening here.


    Father and son kicking butt and taking names xD Lon'qu had activated Astra mere seconds before I took the screenshot. So I suppose he's trying to teach Morgan how to do that even though he doesn't have that skill yet. I promoted Morgan today and he looks almost like a clone of his dad, as you can see here...Anyway that sniper is probably wishing he was never born right about now.


    Thank you for that mental image. Where's the brain bleach?

  2. But Idoun didn't want to fight. She was an innocent Divine Dragon girl who was kidnapped by the Fire Dragons, who destroyed her soul to make her obey and create War Dragons. AND the Fire Dragons were simply retaliating against the humans, who made the first strike in the Scouring.

    She was a demon dragon, but that might just be the new thing post corruption. Like I said, haven't played it.

    The scouring was...a perfect example of how the people of Elibe didn't give dragons the respect they deserve.

  3. You might be able to tell from my username that I love dragons...thought I'd make a topic about the magical scaley baddies in FE. This has been done a lot of times in the series. Since I love them so much I'm glad they're not restricted to being evil, but yeah. This topic is about the evil ones.

    We have Medeus and Grima who are similar. Both hate mankind with a fierce passion and want to eradicate that species. Medeus is an earth dragon, Grima...is a huge four winged six eyed embodiment of evil itself. His opposite and mortal enemy is Naga, the divine protector of humans. I find myself wondering if there's any connection between Medeus and Grima. The worlds they appear in are apparently one and the same. Could they be the same dragon even? They have their differences...mostly in appearance but still.

    And then we have the nameless fire dragon that Nergal summons at the end of Blazing Sword. It was given no development, it was just there. Idoun in Sword of Seals is apparently a different story. But I know nothing about her, haven't played it.


    EDIT - Added the one I had no idea even existed.

  4. People in the US still get freaked out when other people buy condoms? Is the US still stuck in the 1950's or something?

    Lol. Idk, I didn't make the game. I guess it's just to encourage thinking outside the box?

  5. Inspired by the other walmart thread here and I'm not ashamed because it's different enough.

    You can buy a total of 3 things. What do you buy to freak the cashier out the most? No lube or condoms. Everything else is fair game.


    Aluminum foil

    The biggest goldfish they have

    GO GO GO!

  6. Until relatively recently (the last few decades or so), gay men sleeping with women was the norm. Homosexuality was a huge taboo and gay people kept it hidden. They married people, had families, and pretended to be normal to blend in. You've heard of "covers" right? Basically the same principle.

    Hell, this is the case even in societies where homosexuality wasn't as taboo. In ancient Greece, for example, men often married and had a kid or two just to continue their line, and had affairs on the side.

    I actually prefer Ike/Elincia to Ike/Soren but this post is just incredibly ignorant, and shows a disappointing lack of knowledge about homosexuality. Please become more informed before making such arguments.

    That is true....BUT. Like was said, Ike would want his kid to have both parents in its life, and I honestly can't see him knocking up some random girl, then taking the kid and never letting the mother see it so him and Soren can both be its daddy. To me, that's just Ike/Soren yoai supporters grasping for something to stay afloat.

  7. I might redo the laguz, guys...but atm I like them how they are. I do appreciate the input though :)

    For now, have some skills. These are the mastery skills, things like Wrath and Vantage are custom skills, which will be added later. The difference being mastery skills are specific to certain promoted classes, custom skills can be taught to anyone. And of course there's class skills, like the stealing for thieves...

    Some icons were taken straight from FE4. Some I had to make. Some classes are completely original or tweaked from canon, will add info on them later.


  8. Hmmmm, reminds me of someone who insists that Ike/Elincia is so obviously what was intended.

    Idk, did she ever say that? I think it'd be more like "a lot of fans wanted it" But meh...

    I mean seriously... to put it bluntly:

    "Who the fuck cares who or what Ike fucks?"

    Best blunt statement ever lol. Yeah, that's pretty much it...but people will argue until the cows come home anyway. It's the same way with a lot of shipping wars in pretty much every fandom. I do think him and Elincia are a good pairing though...and I see his relationship with Soren as a bromance. Look that up...

  9. Too bad they couldn't save Rajaion in time though...heck, Rajaion was galdred by TWO herons and he died, Renning just needed one and he was fine? And looks like he was feralized for longer than Rajaion. Wtf. Maybe it's because staying in animal form takes up more than just being a mindless killing machine with only one form.

    Yeah, I suppose that alternate reality thing would work. But there will still be "bawww my opinion is final screw you" people.

  10. Pure opinion thread here...are there any pairings you wish would happen but can't, or things that the games say happen to the characters that you don't agree with?

    I'll use RD. Thought about putting this in that board. But I figured it could work for general FE too.

    I disagree with Mist x Boyd, there looks to be too big of an age gap there, especially when Rolf is there. Seriously, IS? Rolf and Mist are close to the same age, if not the same...and their personalities mix better than with Mist and Boyd. So why on earth did they make poor Mist single for her whole life if you don't do that support? It makes NO sense. Can they not see it? Mist and Rolf are adorable together and a lot of fans agree with that. Plus, Boyd should be with...my OC lol. Not canon but works better...better personality mix and all that.

    I also wanted Ike and Elincia to be together. I can see him not wanting to be king and all, but yeah...Ana found a good work around. She had Elincia give up the throne and Geoffrey take over. Which would work and makes a whole lot of sense, considering Elincia was nervous about being queen in the first place. And Geoffrey is a natural born leader. No brainer.

    So yeah, without this turning into a bunch of arguments...post your own.

  11. Did the GBA games have villains like that though? I mean Nergal was a shallow "the world will burn, who needs a good reason" as far as I know...I might be wrong since I never had my own copy of Blazing Sword. Valter...he was slimey, but I think he lacked his own motive.

    I can see how you would see Zelgius and think there would be more like him in the future and be disappointed though.

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