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Posts posted by Dragoncat

  1. Ashera was sleeping during the time Ashera and Almedha first met. How could she have interfered?

    You mean Ashnard and Almedha?

    Derp. Forgot about that...maybe it's like in the Heroes of Olympus/Percy Jackson books. The earth goddess Gaea was asleep, but she could still interact to a certain extent and use some of her power. So maybe she just...had a goddess intuition that it happened and yeah.

  2. Been hammering out a system for this for awhile now...thought I'd put something out in the open. Long time ago I was trying to develop a fangame that replaced RD, but still had some parts of it like the Crimean rebellion. Looking back, the "epic plot" I had was full of bad cliches and needed patching up big time. But I'd like to keep some of it, even if I have given it a better name. That being said, if it succeeds as an RP, I'll probably try fangaming it again. I'm posting things here for your feedback.

    First of all, villains. Daein is being a little bitch like it was in PoR. This is probably the cheesiest thing you've ever heard, but...the main baddie was Nyra, daughter of Ashnard. She was raised as a common soldier, when Daein lost the war her mom finally told the truth about who her father was. She then did some research and decided that Ashnard was murdered, not taken out for the good of the world, and aims to get ahold of the medallion to finish what he started. So...she could use some work. Dunno if I should keep her parentage, maybe she can instead have an important noble/one of the four riders as a parent? But she would still need important enough parents to be able to be queen. Of course if you think that idea ISN'T a terrible cliche, feel free to say so.

    The two side villains were given to me by an internet friend who I haven't talked to in ages, who said I could do what I please with them since he created them for my project. Valmas is a Begnion noble whose wife died in childbirth, along with their son. He didn't take that well. He thinks the goddess must hate him. Nyra convinces him she can help him get his revenge on the world, he'll do whatever she tells him to without question. Pretty much a pawn type of henchman. The second is Xemar, a black dragon. He's power hungry, and after he failed to raise in the Goldoan ranks as much as he liked, he tried to kill the one who was promoted in his place, so Deghinsea exiled him. He ends up in Daein, where Nyra was impressed by his power and ambition, so she made him another one of her generals. When he was given to me, he had no motive. Just that noone knew why he was there, so I gave him one.

    So yeah, another war is brewing...I had a common mercenary group get caught up in it, like in PoR. The Greil Mercenaries...were in the service of Elincia as part of her royal guard. Before you say you can't see Ike agreeing to it...I also had him father the Crimean prince, so he pretty much had to. Now I think it makes sense that it wouldn't happen that quickly. Blame Ana for that. Now I'm leaning more towards them being in hiding like they were in RD and coming out when they were needed to stop Lucia's execution. The protagonist group is Crimean, and the story will probably start around the time the rebellion does. The protagonist group looks up to the Greil Mercenaries, aims to find them and all that, and wonders why they're not taking mercenary jobs anymore as far as they know.

    Feedback and suggestions are much appreciated. I know this is a big case of history repeating itself, but is it a good thing or a bad thing in your opinion? Plot wise...should I keep it?

  3. I still think that if it does always happen, it should only happen if the laguz is the mother. For a father, he never gets beorc DNA in him, he just puts laguz DNA into a beorc female, so...

    I remember learning about Agent Orange in school when we were covering the Vietnam war...it was a chemical they used to kill thick jungle vegetation in order to find the enemy hiding in it, and when the exposed soldiers came back and married, their kids would sometimes have birth defects...maybe beorc...female fluids are like Agent Orange to laguz DNA? Idk...

  4. Nope, whenever a Laguz breeds with a Beorc, the Laguz ALWAYS lose their shifting ability. This why it's considered taboo(even though the Goddess herself never knew of the branded.)

    I don't think it's punishment; just a weird quirk of evolution.

    The goddess herself didn't even create Beorc or Laguz or their ancestors, the Zunanma, and surely didn't expect the Branded.

    But how? I can understand maybe...if the laguz parent is female, the introduction of beorc genes in the fetus might somehow deactivate the shapeshifting thing. But does the same thing happen the other way around? If so, how...

    And when you see Soren (I'm not sure but I might think it's ashnard son or i'm completely under drugs) You can say it's good way to evolve. I'm not sure that when they created the branded at first in path of radiance they thought of the explanation they got in radiant dawn, which for me is completely idiot.

    Soren is apparently Ashnard and Almedha's son...but yes, I think they thought up that explanation later.

  5. So Almedha lost her dragon form because she had a kid with Ashnard...because of this, the fandom seems to think this is the norm. When a branded child is born, the laguz parent loses their animal form and is reduced to a branded themselves. I don't think this always happens. It happened in this case because...Ashnard was Ashnard, an evil SOB bent on overthrowing the world's natural balance. Ashera found the need to punish Almedha, like "That guy should have never gotten the chance to breed! He's just using you as a reproductive tool to create more chaos! For your stupidity, I'm taking your dragon form and you're never getting it back!"

    Is there any source that says it always happens? I don't think there is...if it's true love and there's no intent of world domination/world destruction, then I don't see the point, the laguz parent should still be able to shift. Sure, it's shown that beorc/laguz romantic relationships tend to be frowned upon...but not a big enough reason. If I'm wrong, then...Ashera isn't what a goddess should be imo. Gods/goddesses that protect worlds should be more tolerable of their subjects than that.


  6. Henry said they reproduce, lol...

    I'm willing to bet they're animated corpses, given life by the grimleal's evil magic. "my friends that became risen" probably means the friends were killed, then turned into the risen.

    And I agree that the reeking boxes have a smell that attracts them.

  7. Royal Strut

    (My attempt to give Chrom a bit more of a personality. Hopefully done in a funny way.)

    A golden scaled wyvern was curled up in the corner of the barracks, watching the scene in front of him. His rider's offspring was growing fast. Seemed like just yesterday, the whelp was barely the size of a sirloin steak. Now it was the size of a small dog, and he still couldn't tell whether it was male or female. He thought the oldest young human in the group was female, but he might be wrong...either way, that one was looking more like its alpha male father every day. His mistress' little one kind of was too. It had its father's fur color. But its eyes were the same color as its mother's.

    "What are you doing?" Rene saw Lon'qu give Morgan a fork. "It's nowhere near dinner time."

    "I'm starting his sword training early. Figured a fork would be the least dangerous."

    "Have you lost your mind? He's not going to know what to do! And...ever heard of a butter knife?"

    Morgan blinked at his parents, then thrust the fork into his mouth.

    "There, see?" Rene rolled her eyes. "He knows what forks are for...gods, Lonky! Wait until he's out of diapers at least!"

    The drool covered fork fell to the ground. "Nee! Nee!"

    Rene and Lon’qu looked at each other. That was Morgan’s term for horse, but the only animal in the barracks was Sol. Sol wasn’t a horse...far from it.

    Then Sumia came walking in. “Hi, guys. Have either of you seen Chrom or Lucina?” Breezy, Sumia’s pegasus, whinnied a greeting to Sol.

    Morgan giggled and waved his arms. “Caw nee!”

    “That translates to ‘bird horse’.” Rene explained. “I have a feeling he’s gonna be quite the genius.”

    “Well he DOES have a genius tactician for a mother. I only hope he got some fierce warrior blood from me too.”

    Rene laughed and cuffed Lon’qu over the head playfully. “I saw Chrom at lunch, but that was two hours ago. Lucina wasn’t with him. He said she was with you.”

    “You might check the garden, I thought I saw both of them go there a little bit ago.” Lon’qu added.


    “Daddy, what’s the royal strut Mommy keeps saying you have? Is it a pretty shiny thing? Can I take it for show and tell someday?”

    Chrom almost snorted. “I don’t know about show and tell. But I can show you it.”

    Lucina clapped and jumped up and down. “Where’s it at?”

    “Right here.”

    “But all I see is flowers and bushes and trees.”

    “Watch this.” Chrom circled one of the hedges, shoulders squared, head held high, and with a distinct spring in his step. “THAT is the royal strut.”

    Lucina stared for a moment. “Oh! So it’s a kind of dance? Like the hokey pokey?”

    “...Almost. It’s more of a way of walking, a way for people to tell you’re royalty right away when they see you.”

    “Then how come Mommy and Aunt Lissa never do it?” Lucina blinked, then gasped. “It’s not something girls can’t do, is it? That would be not fair!”

    “No.” Chrom smiled. “You can do it if you want.”

    “Yay!” Lucina attempted to copy what her father had done. She got the squared shoulders right, but was almost stomping instead of stepping lightly. When she was finished, she turned to her father and grinned. “How’d I do?”

    “You need to try not to stomp around. More like...skipping or a horse walking. And if you see people, you can wave at them and say: 'sup, peasants!’”

    “Chrom, what in the world...”

    Lucina royal strutted right over to her mother. “Sup, peasants!” The little girl had a playful grin on her face, looking mighty proud of herself.

    “Oh, but your mother’s not a...” Chrom gulped.

    “You honestly can’t think of anything better to teach her?”

    “What’s the matter, Mommy? Am I doing it wrong?”

    “Lucina, go find me...one flower of each of the colors of the rainbow. If you can, I’ll make pie tonight.”

    “Okay!” Lucina ran off toward the flower patches. Sumia turned her attention to Chrom. His face was beet red. “...You royal oaf. I can’t stay mad at you when you give me that look.”

    “...Emmeryn would kick my rear.”

    “She probably would. Just try to teach our little girl good things from now on, okay? We don’t want her growing up with a bloated ego.”

    “Yeah, we don’t.” Chrom shook his head. “We want her to be as kind and sweet as Emmeryn was.”

    Sumia chuckled. “Bingo.”

    Lucina returned with the flowers. “I couldn’t find a green one...would a leaf work?”

    “Absolutely. Now which kind of pie do you want?”


    “Chocolate it is...”

  8. The very first time? Totodile with Treecko. Then on other playthroughs I was different things, my favorite being Charmander with Totodile, which I do all the time now.

    Great spinoffs, memorable plots and music. I HATE how in the Explorers ones you and your partner can't even evolve after the main storyline but everyone else can. That's messed up...I've heard Mystery Dungeon is getting worse the more installments they make. Red Rescue Team will always hold a special place in my heart though.

  9. Random idea...so this would be kinda like a combination of Awakening and Holy War. You'd play through Blazing Sword's story first, and get the children in Sword of Seals. If a certain person isn't paired, either you just don't get their kid, or they marry a random NPC. Of course it would have to be the latter with important characters like Roy.

    I have no idea what this remake would be called...but, what are your thoughts on this?

  10. Guess that's what you call 'Balls of Steel'


    I too noticed how Ephriam does crotch stabs...like what kind of crazy combat training did he get? That's not a vital area. It just feels like one.

    And...tomes. My headcanon is a combo of both.

  11. Light can actually be very harmful in real life. Lasers, for example, are a form of light, and they can be used to cut through diamonds.

    Well explained...but I will now never again be able to think about light magic without thinking about "IMMA FIRIN MY LAZAR!"

  12. To each their own. That look is just out and out impossible for me to take seriously, or to look at without rolling my eyes in disdain. Doesn't help that the Gonk twins (Read: Vincent and Victor) are Berserkers... Also, Hawkeye is the only one to pull that off well. This game, OTOH... Man, what a bunch of derps. Including Basilio.

    Basilio isn't a berserker technically...

  13. To be honest, if they were gonna do that to swordmasters, then IS should have made freaking unique sheathes for each sword, kinda like how bows get unique quivers.

    I noticed different arrows, but not quivers...

  14. In chapter 15 of Awakening, Say'ri is defenseless despite the fact that she has two swords strapped to her waist.

    Yeah I found that part of the swordmaster model in Awakening odd too. They're never shown actually taking swords out of those scabbards...shouldve just left em out.

  15. Ha, imagine if she'd asked him that in RD. Ike would've been like "HELL no, are you crazy?!" because his buffness. The fangirls would go nuts and Aimee would have a nosebleed. XD

    Aimee is crazy...lol. But it might be an effective strategy in certain situations. Like if they just wanted to get the enemy out of some place without necessarily killing them. If someone came running at me waving a sword in their birthday suit I'd run the other direction xD

  16. 1: Books can break.

    2: Riders and horses/wyverns seemingly share HP.

    1: My headcanon says that to make a magic tome, you soak a book in some kind of magical essence/potion/whatever. Every time you use the tome one of the pages crumbles into dust. When there's no pages left, the tome "broke".

    2: In PoR/RD it only shows the rider dying, in Awakening the steed dies too. Idk...

  17. But this thing I'm hearing about female Great Knights being pantsless? Yeah, now THAT I don't like.

    ...Wait, WHAT?

    Well I noticed that on female wyvern lords too. *pokes avatar Rene* Put some freakin pants on! You don't see any of the guys running around in their underwear. -_-

    I'm reminded of Lethe and Ranulf's support in PoR...she was complaining about the beorc wearing so much armor, and he was all "You can go to Ike and ask him to fight in the buff, but you won't have much luck." Lol...naked on the battlefield, wouldn't THAT be interesting...

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