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Posts posted by Dragoncat

  1. I see nothing wrong in shipping or anything like that. It is fantasy and who hasn't really thought of being an awesome person in a book/game/ect. or having an adventures with that person. People have relationships in irl right? So why can't fantasy characters as well or you make the pairings if you so choose, since it is fantasy and for your entertainment. I am fine so as long you stop confusing fantasy with reality when you leave your off time and it doesn't get to the point where it hurts you irl.


    But shipping wars are ridiculous...

    Ah, I just pair who I feel gives the kids good enough stats and skills, like Lon'qu/Maribelle and Stahl/Olivia.

    Also supports help, too.

    Rene: *gives Maribelle a death glare* That's my man! Am I gonna have to kick your pretty little butt...

    (female avatar x lon'qu ftw)

    EDIT - I just realized how much the bottom statement contradicts the top...derp. Shipping wars are still ridiculous. Notice I didn't flame people who don't agree...

  2. Btw, is Storm Hawk meant to be a reference to that TV show with almost the same name (Storm Hawks)? If so, I like that, because that show was really awesome. :D

    No not at all...I never even heard of that show.

    I say all the dragons use both strength and magic, because I give laguz two weapons to choose from. Beasts and dogs have claws and fangs, birds have beaks and talons, with the exception of herons which have their move again power and light magic. Dragons use strength for fangs and magic for breaths.

  3. LOL wow. Aliens in FE...nice.

    And...you got me there. I really don't know HOW she got interested in tactics. But maybe it's just a talent she has? Some people have natural talents while others have to work for them. Like I have a friend who can draw. REALLY well. Much better than I can. She always has been that way. She has a gift for art. Where as I have to work hard to improve.

    The annual drafts...well, I have a feeling if she didn't have that tactical instinct, she would be like everyone else in Ferox and see them as just something that's part of their culture and something that's not going to change anytime soon, and willingly go.

  4. I'm wonering, though, why your OCs have so many twins? I often like to hear why people choose to design their characters' and their lives a specific way.

    Good question. Probably because I wish me and my brother were twins...he's 12 years younger than me and because of that we don't always get along that well. Cerai is supposed to be my alter ego. Leo is the twin brother I never had. Jess and Jak...well, they're much newer, not based on me or anyone I know.

    I just find twins interesting.

  5. Dragon laguz aren't mostly female children in skimpy outfits


    But I agree with you, you know I love the promoting laguz idea and have used it...how about regal lion? And what do blue dragons breathe? If red = fire, white = ice, and black = thunder...at least that's my headcanon. Maybe they can breathe wind magic to have all the anima tomes covered.

    I do like limiting to three classes per tribe though. And here are my promotion names.

    Wild Cat

    Fierce Tiger

    Regal Lion

    Storm Hawk

    Shadow Raven

    Aura Heron

    Alpha Wolf

    Swift Fox

    Sly Coyote

    Blaze Dragon

    Frost Dragon

    Bolt Dragon

    Stole wild cat and blaze dragon. But if it's not broken, don't fix it xD

  6. Aside from the fact that over the years, Dei has turned out to not exactly be the one of the better spriters amongst the community, I'm pretty sure someone who had no experience with art would confuse masterpieces by Davinci and Pollock with the lonely guy down the road who paints in his spare time, that isn't exactly a fair defence that you're taking, because you're actively stating that your work is on par with TBA, which it isn't, but also saying that anyone who doesn't sprite would not tell the difference which isn't your audience.

    Yeah I meant like...someone who doesn't sprite. But you have a point. Spriters ARE my audience...my bad.

    I found the beast maps. They WERE in my FE folder. Dunno why I didn't see them the first time...

  7. I love your manakete promotions...

    I've done stuff like this. I split mages into two types. Weather mages use wind and thunder. Climate mages use fire and ice(cause why not add another type of anima tome). When they promote, they still can't use the other type's kind of tomes, but they gain staves. Also I gave wolf laguz their own tribe, the dog tribe. Wolves have good strength, foxes have good speed, coyotes have good defense. The tribe's weakness is ice.

    There's also the wyvern trooper, which promotes from wyvern rider and uses lances and bows. And the night striker promotes from thief and uses swords or knives and dark magic.

  8. This Dragoncat girl cracks me up. xD

    It's also what the Nazis tried to do in Germany, but their principles were flawed and luckily they lost the war.

    There's talk of creating superathletes by marrying someone like Usain Bolt to a successful female sprinter, but I don't know if it has any scientific basis other than genetic speculation.

    Yeah, so...are we being compared to Nazis when we go "Gaius you need to marry Tharja so her daughter can have galeforce" if he thinks she's creepy? If it's necessary we can always treat them like french bulldogs and artificially...you know. French bulldogs always have to have c sections because the puppies' heads are too big, and they can't mate naturally either because of how they're shaped. I saw that on Dogs 101.

    Not serious of course...LMAO. But I'm sure Gaius would comply if you gave him enough candy... :lol:

  9. Meet Raigh and Lugh.

    Raigh and Lugh are twins.

    Raigh and Lugh have different affinities.

    Maybe it was around midnight on the last day of a month when they were born? Sometimes if that happens, twins can have different birthdays. Like if one was born at 11:55 pm, and 5 minutes later the other one came out. The second one, since midnight starts the next day, will have a different birthday.

    Pretty rare for that to happen though. That's why my two sets of twin OCs would have the same affinity. Cerai and Leo are both thunder. Haven't decided about Jess and Jak yet.

    Edit- Okay what gives? Fire and ice aren't right beside each other on the birthmonth thing...crazy.

  10. Soren and Titania disagreeing so much and being total opposites, even down to color scheme to an extent (Soren wears mostly black, Titania mostly silver/light yellow). Black = dark, and silver/light yellow = light. I just laughed when I noticed. lol

    Ike and Elincia have opposite affinities too (Earth and Heaven, respectively), which is probably a nod to how they're so different, yet also so alike.

    Makes sense now. I haven't played Tellius in awhile...but I can see how they'd disagree on a lot.

    Yeah, and you pair Ike and Elincia...but Soren x Titania I don't see happening. So that makes the two opposite affinities things different.

  11. Sometimes when I'm tired of losing on a chapter...I will let someone go. RIP Gregor, Maribelle, Miriel. Next playthrough I'll try to keep them.

    I actually use laguz.

    I never bought my own copy of Blazing Sword. Friend let me borrow hers a couple times though...

  12. Oh, not to mention the inside joke with Titania being Light and Soren being Dark. XD

    What inside joke?

    Agreed. Also, Boyd with fire...self explanatory. Mist with water cause she's calm and serene...

    Also, since my birthday is in November, I'm an Ice affinity! :D

    Thunder for me, since I was born in April.

  13. Just what it says. In every game but RD they appear to be there just because, with no specific purpose, correct me if I'm wrong...in RD each chapter is assigned one and characters with the same one get bonuses.

    I see them as FE's version of zodiacs/horoscopes. Since in BS(lol, BS) the one you have is determined by birthmonth...they're just an interesting thing that breathes more life into the FE worlds. So I was a little disappointed when they were taken out for the newer games, but Awakening gave everyone birthdays, so I can assign them affinities in my headcanon. Chrom is wind, for example. I go by the BS ones only I replace anima with earth, just because I like it that way. So we have: fire, ice, wind, earth, dark, light, thunder.

    Would you like to see them return, what are your opinions on them?

  14. Inigo: You're guaranteed to lose 100% of the jousts you never attend, my friend. Perhaps you should name your next move "Eternal Chastity."

    Owain: Sure, why not? I've got the perfect teacher right in front of me!

    Lol. I don't see Inigo's logic there though, losing sparring matches and dying a virgin are two extremely different things.

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