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Posts posted by Dragoncat

  1. My favorite one is still Boyd's "Kiss my axe!" lol I just thought it was SO clever and sounded just like him. XD

    :lol: That's epic. Now if it were in a game, would that warrant a higher rating for language cause axe = ass? The world will never know...but anyway Cerai approves. (for those of you who aren't Ana, Cerai is my OC who ends up with Boyd because their personalities mix so well.)

    I wanted Ike ones that weren't from Brawl, Red Fox. But I guess they would work...

    Man I want to include OCs in here SO bad...

  2. Is Fin's sword supposed to be all curvy like that?

    I like the hawks and the wagons. I can tell you used some pegasus knight wings, but is the rest custom? Like the human form wings and pretty much everything else...

    I've fixed my bird laguz sprites, too. Mainly the human forms. And I still need to sprite dog laguz.

  3. In Awakening the characters are more vocal during battles, with Chrom's "now I'm angry", Frederick's "pick a god and pray"...etc etc etc.

    Pretty much think of what these would be if they were in the other games. And post them here. I really can't think of any but one atm...

    Soren(victory): "Idiot."

    There's two main categories, victory and critical/skill activation. So yeah. I wish I could come up with some Ike ones that aren't from Smash Bros.

  4. Also, I wish Panne was an assist trophy in Super Smash Bros.

    That would be cool...

    I like the taguel, I just wish the game had gone more in depth with them like Ike's games did with the laguz. We learned about how the laguz came to be, the Serenes Massacre. how they suffered slavery, etc.

    In fact, I kinda wish the laguz themselves would just return instead of IS making basic copies of them. I like rabbits a lot and all, but they could've just as easily been a new laguz tribe...

    Well, they did do some backstory, but not enough, I agree. And laguz rule! Bring them back!

  5. I'm not saying gameplay wise, more like, story/lore wise. But if you want to comment on how they are as a class that's fine too.

    Since I love the laguz to death and enjoy using them, you can get a pretty good idea of my opinion from that. When I first found out there were shapeshifters that turn into rabbits in Awakening I was all "wtf?" Rabbits are cowardly and not fierce at all, unlike the laguz which are all animals I can see being warriors. With the exception of herons...to a certain extent. But when I actually saw the taguel myself, I liked them. I think they're a good example of how creative Nintendo can get. They took a timid, mostly defenseless animal and made it badass. And they even kept part of how it is in the real world, with Yarne's personality.

    All in all I like them enough to make a taguel OC. He can be found in my profile, but why not post him here too. Obviously I assume that they're not as wiped out as the game says they are. My taguel is a tribal elder, him and his tiny group are hiding from the rest of the world and surviving. His name is Fiver xD Yes, Watership Down...I really couldn't come up with a better name, but it works, right?

  6. And I thought I knew a lot. Guess I don't...but yeah, I like it better that way anyway. Sothe x Micaiah kids are possible...come on, there has to be some romantic feelings there. And I'm a huge shipper and I would squee if that happened. Their kid(s) would have golden eyes since they both do, hair color? I'll have to dig up my FE genetics thing and do some punnett squares xD

    Confession: I've never actually completed RD. Got to part 4 though...my friend got to the final chapter and her game glitched up. She hasn't completed it either. But all this that we're talking about, while it should be spoilers to me...meh.

  7. Okay, que copy and paste. Nowhere near done...I'm mostly looking for feedback on the plot.

    Group Affiliations

    There are three affiliations that your group can have: Mercenaries, Hunters, and Rogues. The one you pick will determine the kind of goals you will have in each chapter. Logically, you’ll probably interact more with groups that share your affiliation. You can engage in combat with any player group if the situation calls for it.

    Mercenaries are warriors for hire. They fight beside the military of the country that hired them, and their goals are usually to smite their employers’ enemies or run bandits out of villages.

    Hunters focus on the non human threats of the land: the monsters. They know the most about fighting monsters, so their goals usually involve getting rid of infestations.

    Rogues fight for themselves, very rarely do they pick sides. They are more interested in treasure and gold than anything else. Their goals vary, but they often act as merchants.

    Level System

    Depending on how well you did in the chapter, you will receive level points to distribute among your characters. Meeting the goal for your affiliation is a big part, but not all of it. The goal is just a guideline for what you’re supposed to be doing. You will also be judged on how much you wrote and if you interacted with other groups. For example, if your healer heals someone else’s character, you will get more points than if you kept to yourself. The maximum amount of level points you can get per chapter is 15. You are then free to edit your sign up post to show the level ups. Levels go up to 100, and promotions happen at level 50. Laguz promote too! When they do, they lose their weakness. So a storm hawk will no longer be weak to arrows and wind magic. Beorc might gain a weapon type on promotion, but they will still have the weakness of their class if it exists.


    Bob has an archer at level 32, a wolf at level 47, a cavalier at level 30, and a myrmidon at level 48.

    Bob receives 14 level points. He gives 4 to his archer, 5 to his wolf, and 5 to his myrmidon.

    He now has a level 36 archer, a level 30 cavalier, a level 52 alpha wolf, and a level 53 swordmaster.

    Shops and equipment

    Some chapters will have shops in them. Your gold is directly linked to your levels, the total level of all your characters is how much gold you currently have. So for the above example, after leveling, Bob has 171 gold and that’s how much he can spend for that chapter. The gold amount resets after each chapter, so you never have to subtract when you buy something. Just remember your total level = your total gold.

    You can buy from the shop at any time during the chapter, as long as it makes sense. If the shop is located in town and you’re in the forest outside of town, you obviously can’t buy anything at the moment. All shops have unlimited stock. But you can only have two unique weapons at a time, so don’t go buying 50 silver swords. And of course you can only buy what your character can use. You can have a character buy something they can’t use for a teammate who can, like if they get separated, as long as you put it in the right inventory.

    Examples that ARE allowed:

    A warrior with a steel axe and a steel bow.

    A shaman with an eldark tome and a duskdrain tome.

    Examples that ARE NOT allowed:

    A paladin with two iron lances(no duplicates)

    A swordmaster with an iron sword, a steel sword, and an armorslayer(only two weapons at a time)

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