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Posts posted by Dragoncat

  1. But if you're looking for Lon'qu's English VA, that would be Travis Willingham.

    Who I heard apparently also voiced Thor...who would apparently have like 6 girls in bed with him at a time. Lonky wouldn't be that way, so it's hilarious. UNLESS maybe he gets drunk. Lol...I dunno if it's realistic for someone to have that much of a personality change because of alcohol, but it's funny anyway. And then Rene would kick his butt and lock up all the booze and throw away the key xD

    I'm not extremely interested in voice actors. Half the time I don't recognize their names.

  2. Since the thread it's from is locked now.

    On voice actors...

    Lon'qu is Thor (Avengers Assemble edition)

    This is funny because in the comics sometimes Thor would have like, 6 ladies in bed with him

    I don't think Lon'qu would've liked that

    Oh god lol. I paired my avatar with him! It would be hard enough for him to let one woman in bed with him without freaking out...he'd get used to it eventually but still.

    This is why he should NEVER get drunk.

  3. To give an example of the Westermarck Effect being subverted in real life, the Ancient Egyptian Royalty were aware of it but they also had the belief that they were of pure blood and their bloodline shouldn't be diluted. So they would raise male and female siblings in different houses until they were old enough to marry and would feel comfortable doing so. At least that's what I've heard. I wasn't personally hanging around ancient Egypt at the time.

    Omg. That's pretty messed up. They did similar things with ancient Europe, cousins marrying cousins...

    Things were pretty messed up back in the day anyway.

    I hadn't heard of it either, to be honest. But would this mean that the way I've done Frederick's relationship with a childhood friend in fanfiction doesn't make sense? He was growing up with this friend until they were around ten years old, and then Frederick left his village to become a knight. He didn't see his friend for almost fourteen years. But even after reuniting, they remained very close.

    I really liked how I did this too...

    Idk, you mean Ralph? I don't think it counts with non romantic relationships.

  4. That Westermarck effect thing...it makes sense I suppose. I had never heard of it before. Wonder what would happen if two kids were close up until they were like 5 or 6, then after that for whatever reason, they're separated/don't see each other as much? Would they still be that way or not?

    Doesn't always happen though, as has been pointed out. I wish I had an irl example but I don't. And on the other hand, you'd think since they already know each other it would be easier to get a relationship going? Idk...

  5. Looks quite accurate. I dare you to try to throw Lucina into the mix...maybe a month pre time skip and 16 ish after? Because I don't think she was just born in that part. Chrom seemed too calm, and any new father would be pretty frazzled during the birth of his kid. Worrying and all...births back in the day didn't always end happily. Plus, the mother wouldn't be up and walking around that quickly.

    She looked like a month old imo.

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