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Posts posted by Dragoncat

  1. I'd rather they add more interesting monsters from mythology than just names. Fire Emblem has been mainly in the "warring kingdoms" sub genre of fantasy, so I get why most games don't have legions of zombies/monsters like 13 and 8. Nervertheless, all we really have for the most part are Dragons, and give or take the laguz and risen. I think it would be cool if we fought more unique monsters every once in awhile, and heck some could be bigger than 1 space on the map. They could have different types of attacks to spice things up also.

    I'm thinking vampires, harpies, giant serpents, hydras, ect. Would be nice to fight special enemies rather than zombies and soldiers. Just every 4th chapter or so, nothing too formulaic breaking. Gotta keep that warring kingdoms vibe.

    There could be a kingdom that finds out how to control the monsters and use them to smite their enemies. We have seen this very briefly in Awakening, when Gangrel has the risen archers kill the Ylissean pegasus knights. Also feral laguz in PoR, but they don't really count imo. They weren't monsters in the first place.

  2. Sully added. These will be in the order of the introductions on the main site...with the exception of Avatar, there will be a separate page for mine and others'. Debating whether or not to make Morgan. He/she will also have a varied appearance, but always the same name, so...that might get confusing. Will probably just end up making my Morgan.

  3. Well guys I'm not aiming for them to be perfect. It will take forever if I anti alias and properly shade every single one of them.

    And if you don't want me to make a Kelli dragoncat, that's fine. Just thought I'd offer. But now Freddy's there, so you're happy, right? xD

  4. The attachment of the wings is quite awkward.

    It looks like you drew a cat, then added the wings a bit too far in.

    Try placing them closer to the spine.

    Well...wings come from the shoulder blades on dragons. If I put them farther back it wouldn't look right to me.

  5. Who here loves species swaps? You know...taking characters and drawing them as something they're not. After seeing a bunch of Awakening teddy bears on DeviantArt, I got a bright idea...my internet persona is the dragoncat, basically a house cat with dragon wings. The idea is this: FE dragoncats! Starting with Awakening, might branch out into others.


    Since I'll be making so many of them, the coloring might not be the best it could be. Males have brown noses and females have gray ones. Their paw pads are also that color, but not visible. I'm making Avatars too! If you want one, just ask. I'll need: name, gender(if I can't tell from the name), hair color, and what their outfit looks like. The easiest way would probably be giving me a miiverse screenshot. Ana gets one automatically :) Avatars are indicated with a * in front of their names.

    Every time I add a new one, I will post a reply and update this op. So...feedback? Requests?

  6. I would like to see some more Christian mythology. We get to see a lot of Norse, Greek/Roman, Egyptian, and even Shinto mythology now-a-days, but seem to only see Christian mythology/lore/whatever-you-want-to-call-it when they're the defined bad-guys outside of werewolves and vampires (and even that's questionable if that's actually 'Christian' or not).

    Somebody on an RP forum I was on awhile back made up a race called the rekudo, which were like manaketes only they were snakes. The name rekudo means "lie" in some language, forgot which one. That's a nod to Christian lore since the snake lied to Adam and Eve.

    Closest thing we have to werewolves in FE is the wolf laguz. Vampires...nothing.

  7. So there's a lot of names of characters, weapons, places etc that come from various cultures' myths and legends. Would you like to see more of a certain type, maybe you want more to do with Egyptian mythology for example? Do you want something specific like...a character named after a Greek god? Etc etc etc.

    I don't have something I would add, but something I would change. In the bible, Cain and Abel were brothers, and Cain murdered Abel. It would add so much more depth to Marth's tale if one of his loyal knights turned on his comrade for whatever reason, and then became a rogue knight/got exiled because of it. Then maybe he could be a boss later on. They wouldn't have to be brothers, just Cain killing Abel would be enough to make an effective nod to that bible story.

  8. Yeah, two self-insert characters would be a bit too much. Also, maybe your partner always picks the name? : P

    Personally I think it's just 'cause they wanted to have a little throwback with FE7's Mark (Morgan was Mark/Marc in the Japanese version, which is another word for "Emblem").

    1: Yeah I suppose that could be a possibility. Maybe Avatar and his/her spouse just don't feel like waiting until their kid is born to pick a name, so they use the first unisex name they can think of. Although, I don't know any male Morgans irl...I know like 2 or 3 people with that name, but they're all girls.

    2: Really? That's interesting. Female Morgan too? Mark is a male name...

  9. I would name things after myself if I actually liked my real name. Well, Rene comes from part of my middle name...but meh.

    Since my Morgan's father is Lon'qu, Mo'gan comes to mind...in a fanfic I had 4 year old Morgan interested in the apostrophe names of Chon'sin and wanted his name to look like that. They didn't end up changing it of course. But it is a pretty good looking name xD

  10. Oh! Branching paths an additional content based on character deaths. And not the completely messed up way Shadow Dragon rewarded you for massacring half your army. I mean if you're meant ot be protecting the princess as you travel across the continent and she dies in gameplay then the story continues on and different things happen as a result. Think Pelleas' death in Radiant Dawn except gameplay based. The way perma death is now in Fire Emblem actually just equates it to a gameover when ever anyone dies. If losing important characters changed the way the game is played then it would add replay value and actually give deaths meaning beyond "Abel got hit by a critical. Damn now I have to reset. That was a waste of two hours."

    Then they would have to program a whole other story. But why not?

  11. If you want to kill your own allies maybe. Mythbusters tested that one, I believe and the dude would not survive this. But they did catapult corpses into besieged cities so that illnesses would spread. That'd be a bit too harsh for FE, though.

    That's actually where I got the idea...

    It's fantasy though, and hey, a lot of the classes do backflips and stuff already. I bet they're agile enough to maybe make a smooth landing. Unless they're an armored knight lol. Let's take Kellam and launch him into Fort Steiger! He'll be happy he's getting noticed, and he might land on one of the Valmese and crush them. OR we can go get some risen and use them instead, but we'll need tranquilizing darts...

    I like the dual wielding and dual magics ideas.

  12. Can be a minor mechanic, a weapon type...whatever. What do you think FE needs?

    I think expanding on the ballistae would be awesome. Particularly, a catapult thing that you can actually launch your units across the map with. Rumor has it that they would do that back in the day, put people in catapults and throw them into the enemy ranks to cause chaos/make it easier to seize the castle. You'd put one unit on the catapult space, then use another to launch them. Obviously mounted units wouldn't be launchable...but it would add a new depth of strategy, and would be epic on huge maps like Holy War has. Enemies would be able to use them too if they get to them, so watch out!

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