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Posts posted by Dragoncat

  1. pegasi don't like the feeling of balls on their backs

    Not to mention it would be very uncomfortable for the male rider's balls. I think wyverns have some kind of ledge in their back for that kind of issue

    You guys are hilarious. Why did I know that would come up...

    In regards to the myth, it actually makes a bit of sense, if I remember it completely correctly. The male rider, Bellerophon, almost got Pegasus killed, so if Pegasus is like a lot of animals, he(?) would be wary of people bearing a resemblance to Bellerophon, i.e. men.

    But didn't a guy named Perseus have the pegasus? Unless this happened afterward...

  2. don't you have to be alive to kill someone?

    Maybe she can haunt somebody and scare them so bad they have a heart attack. Or the question applies to before she was killed.

    I STILL feel sorry for poor Matthew...but maybe he can take some pointers from Lon'qu. If you read his support with Cherche, he had a girl he cared about, she got killed by bandits, her parents hated him because he couldn't save her. Which is probably a bit worse than Matthew's situation, but yeah...if Lon'qu can move on and love again, so can Matthew.

  3. All male enemy pegasi in FE3.

    Also the mythological pegasus was riden by a male.

    I'm aware of that greek myth...but do you have a source/sprite for that? I'd like to see what it looks like.

    There's a support that states in fe7, that Pegasi only feel comfortable around female [humans].

    *reads it* Lol at the ooga booga fire dancing...I'd love to see what Lyn would say if she heard that.

    It's a brief mention. One line...I guess pegasi are a bit sexist as a species?

  4. First two Avatars added. I went with a more leather looking armor for Kelli. Leather armor is associated with having high magical tolerance as far as I know, and the dark flyer class has good resistance and uses tomes. I think there are games that have leather armor that protects you from magical attacks, I know in Runescape for example, if you wear a lot of metal armor, your magical defense suffers. It makes sense irl too, leather clothes for crappy weather...

    But yeah.

  5. Pegasi seem to only accept female riders, but why? One theory I've heard is that they're not as physically strong as wyverns, and women tend to be smaller and less bulky than men. The same person who came up with it actually had a male pegasus knight OC who was small and scrawny....so...can this happen do you think? Is this a cultural thing or is there a legit reason?

  6. Who would actually say that...

    People would. Heck, the post right above mine is pretty much saying there can't be female berserkers. Berserkers are similar to fighters...

    Ciara gives whoever says it a death glare and informs them who her father is to shut them up: "I'll have you know my dad travels with the Greil Mercenaries under Lord Ike! Now say that to my axe!"

    But if you mean Boyd himself would say it, well...idk. I think he'd be more proud than anything.

  7. Lol he got a glass lance. He can't even use it!

    His waifu is buying him lunch though xD And...let's sell the glass lance and get him a nice new killing edge. And forge it a bit.

    Oh gods. There's a horde of risen on the only place they sell killing edges all the time. Batten down the hatches, people, this is gonna be ugly...

  8. What? Do you mean by "the player wants her to be" that you decide if you marry Panne and therewith father a child (which would disprove your theory, because her existence is depended on the fact that you're banging Panne) or if you use Second Seals? Because the latter one is only a game mechanic and Taguel!Morgan, Manakete!Morgan and Nah don't change their race when they get a new class. They just get different sprites (and Morgan doesn't get another portrait because IS was lazy).

    Yeah I meant that the player decides to marry her. But second seals work too I guess.

  9. Ashera isn't ugly. Not all villains have to look like Gheb, and I don't really see her as a villain in the first place...she's just a goddess whose subjects disappointed her greatly so she decided to try to start over with the world. It's like the bible story about Noah's ark...kinda. Only difference is she wanted to start completely from scratch. No letting a few chosen ones live...but she did give them the benefit of the doubt and say "come to my lair if you want to prove yourself" This coming from someone who never completed RD, so...

    I'm getting off topic. Ashnard, Jarod, Gangrel, Validar, Aversa...those are examples of villains who aren't so ugly they would be given a job application if they went into a haunted house, but they still look the part.

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