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Posts posted by Dragoncat

  1. I still don't entirely know why I married Lon'qu...but I found him cute and awesome I guess. When I figured out his tragic backstory, that sealed the deal. He needs a woman who he can trust to not die on him like Ke'ri did, granted, that might fit other options...but yeah.

    And since he has that little "girls are scary" quirk, I can trust that he'll be loyal and not cheat on me. I'm the only female he's really comfortable around, and that's fine by me...I kinda feel sorry for any female avatar who marries Virion lol.


    There's three games, and each game has a codex (basically an encyclopedia on the world), not to mention the main galaxy map has information on every single planet you can select. And when I saw every one, I mean every one.

    But how long is the information? I'm willing to bet it's not more than a paragraph or two.

    Also in regards to Germany and drinking: in Mexico you can legally order alcohol if you're tall enough to see over the bar table...like you can be an extremely tall 5 year old and they'll still sell you a beer.

    But off topic comment was off topic on my part xD

  3. Gaius calls Cordelia "Mother" what. o_O

    I thought that was Cherche. Derp...

    Yeah I wonder what he would call everyone else too. I don't think Ricken would appreciate that name lol, either that or Shorty xD

    Aaaand Donnel. If he was irl I'd call him either Donnel Duck or McDonnels. But I think Gaius would use something refering to him being a farmer.

  4. I was aware of Freddy Bear. Not Fredericson though...but that makes sense. If a male avatar used the first nickname it would imply...things that would make the homophobes of the world rage, thus possibly hurting sales.

    I think I saw a different image than the one Vermilia posted, but that works. Lon'qu's is a bit long lol. And I still don't see how Junior fits Henry. Or Bubbles for Avatar...Gaius needs to explain himself.

    The nicknames are awesome and I hope they return in future installments.

  5. So everyone's favorite thief with a sweet tooth seems to have a nickname for everybody...I thought I saw a list floating around but I don't remember where. Anyway the ones I can remember off the top of my head:

    Chrom = Blue

    Sumia = Stumbles

    Panne = Whiskers

    Avatar = Bubbles(wtf? how does this even fit?)

    Tharja = Sunshine

    Lissa = Princess

    Sully kinda does the same thing:

    Virion = Ruffles

    Gaius = Chuckles

    I think those are the only two she has...but yeah.

    Anyone know where the list of the nicknames is? iirc it was an image with pictures of everybody and nicknames under them. Also...how on earth does Bubbles fit for Avatar? I don't...see any connection.

  6. ...Yeah. I suppose they could go a lot farther with it for more realism. I see your point now. But really, can you think of a fictional world with cultures as defined and fleshed out as the real world? Would be kinda hard. When producing fiction, you only tend to include the most important aspects of a culture, some cases you'll have minor little things, but most of the time you can't write more than a paragraph or two about it, if even that.

    I don't think I will do that. Knowing my luck, I might accidentally say something offensive to people of that country.

  7. Oh, entire elephant beards will stop and be silent when they come across the bones of another elephant. They're also one of the few animals that recognize that they reflect in a mirror.

    Elephant beards wtf? Autocorrect?

    Crows are recognized as being one of the more intelligent bird species. When one was given a bottle with food in it and a wire, it bent the wire into a hook and retrieved the food. Also, in regards to the elephant funerals, crows apparently do too. When a member of their flock dies they will all crowd around, have a moment of silence, then fly off. Dunno if that last one is true though.

  8. Lol OMG. Ana needs to post in this.

    I think poor Brady would be too traumatized to do anything. And...if Brady is around, Lucina would be too, so the royal bloodline would already be continued. Freddy wouldn't be able to call it a "mission". That mission would already be completed...

  9. Exactly. But one could assume he is if only told about his other reclass options, knew Nowi and Tiki's class set, and accepted the similarity as proof.

    I was demonstrating exactly how silly it's possible for those kind of assumptions to make one look.

    Yeah. It is silly to assume like that.

  10. It's in his supports with Lon'qu. He actually was Basilio's equal, if Lon'qu is to be believed.

    Okey. Still, I can't see Gregor wanting that.

    In other news...I'm tempted to draw/write something involving Khan!Lon'qu. Basilio would have to die first, probably...which would be sad. But Morgan would strut around like he owned the place feeling like he's hot shit on a silver platter because his dad is now khan, Lonky would be depressed for awhile since in my headcanon, Basilio was the closest thing to a father he had, and Rene(avatar) would be both happy and sad for him and go "meh, just don't get too much of an ego". She would much rather see the warriors of Ferox focus on bandits than each other, isn't a fan of the tournaments...

    But I'm not as good at drawing as I want to be. Writing I'm better at, but...meh.

  11. iirc--and i could be wrong, but--didn't Gregor challenge Basilio directly sometimes and got his ass whooped


    That doesn't sound like Gregor xD I don't think he'd be interested in holding an important rank like that. Unless of course that wasn't his intention...

  12. Virion is definetly NOT a manakete. Bad example is bad imo. That's a gameplay thing...gameplay things =/= canon things, so if somebody said that, of course they'd be wrong.

    Good to know I was on the right track...it DOES make sense for Chon'sin to have that naming tradition.

  13. And how would you feel if you picked your kid, they failed and got mashed in a tourney, and your line was both out of the running because you picked for aesthetics over strength and ended because your kid died?

    Yes exactly!

    Lon'qu not being Feroxi is actually full canon, though the source is incredibly obscure (ask Vincent if you're curious).

    Or ask me. He's from Chon'sin. Everybody from there has apostrophe names, Say'ri/Yen'fay etc. It is very obscure though. Even in his backstory support(Cherche)it's not said. But if you put two and two together it becomes obvious that he was from there before Basilio took him under his wing when he was a teenager.

    As for him being next in line, have you read the comic on the main site? If we say that's canon, he is. That would prove that you don't have to be Feroxi by birth to be khan, you just need the skills.

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