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Posts posted by Dragoncat

  1. First off, your headcanon is kind of nonsensical. Yarne is a taguel. As in, the species that Panne is the only (known) survivor of. If Yarne, a human/taguel hybrid, didn't result from the only remaining taguel that we know of breeding with a human, where the heck else would he have come from?

    That's just it, KNOWN survivor. There could be more hiding somewhere...

  2. Virion and Libra support. Virion has wrestles his mind for the C and B supports if Libra is a woman or a man and if Libra is the hotness or not (unfortunately for some, that ship never sailed). By A it all gets fixed, but that support was pretty damn hilarious IMO. My vote goes to the cravat archer.

    Well I havent seen that support. *runs off to read it*

  3. Dragoncat is basically saying that by manakete standards, Nowi doesn't look like she's started puberty yet, meaning she doesn't yet have periods, meaning she can't get pregnant yet. x{


    As for her not being interested yet, maybe she's like those little girls that like playing with baby dolls? Maybe she would just want a baby because she has that mindset. I think a lot of little girls that like dolls, if they could have kids, they would want to. Of course they're too young to know how everything works and too young to be responsible enough though...

  4. So Nowi is 1000 some years old, yet she has the appearance of a child. So she must be a child manakete, right? Then how can Nah even exist? Nowi looks like she hasn't hit puberty yet...

    I suppose it can work if it's like my headcanon that says Panne and Gaius adopt Yarne instead of having him biologically. Because if we look at the Tellius games, the hybrid love child of a beorc and a laguz can't shapeshift. Same concept here. It would almost HAVE to be that way with Nowi and Nah. Whoever she marries isn't going to be around in who knows how many years, when she's old enough to reproduce, and the kid wouldn't be full manakete either.

    What do you think? Video game logic or what...

  5. Wait what? Saul? A priest? Lol! *insert pregnant nun joke here*

    Even though the priests and clerics in FE aren't usually sworn to chastity...but I think Serra mentions something about that in her support with Oswin? That's the only example I can think of though, so they probably aren't typically. But still, funny joke is funny, who cares.

    Although Gatrie was the first womanizer character I encountered due to PoR being my first game, Sain is my favorite! He is just so gosh darn lovable. <3

    But I love Inigo too! In fact, I like all of them and seem to have a thing for womanizers. XD

    I'd like to see a laguz/shape-shifting womanizer though! I created a dragon laguz one myself, so yeah. lol

    Yeah Sain is awesome. I remember one time I spit all over my friend's GBA laughing because of him. And your Kenth sounds just as awesome from what you've told me.

  6. You know what I mean. The guys who think their theme song should be I'm Sexy And I Know It. They hit on every girl in sight, including guys who look feminine in some cases. Are they perverts? Possibly...but we love them anyway.

    Sain for me. He was the first of this type I encountered, so...I guess I have a soft spot for him, he's the original unfortunate ladies' man in FE as far as I know. As in, I have no idea if there were others like him before Blazing Sword. Plus I think he's the only one who mistakes a dude for a chick with hilarious results(Lucius). Yes I know Chrom thinks Libra is female when he first sees him, but he's the lord, not the unfortunate ladies' man, so that doesn't count.

    Runner up is Gatrie, just because of Shinon's reaction when he's attracted to Lyre: "I swear you'd hit on a tree if I dressed it in a skirt. Tell me I'm wrong!" Lol.

  7. Got it!

    And yeah, every fandom does have stupid fanart. I was more talking about the pony porn though...every fandom has rule 34 too. I honestly can't see the MLP creator approving of that. I mean, what if a little girl sees it? Would not be good.

  8. The archiest of archers and Awakening's resident pervy "ladies' man" added. Ruffles are hard to draw with a mouse...and he's shirtless xD Before anyone asks, the original lineart was drawn on paper and scanned in...

    Should we now call him an unfortunate ladies' TOM? Lol.

  9. Yeah, Freddy being there is definitely nice. lol

    This reminds me of when I started pony-fying FE characters, btw. But other people already did this with Awakening characters, so I haven't done it in awhile. Haha. But I should at least make a Pony Kelli!

    Yeah I saw some of those. Never really got into MLP...the fact that it's a show for little girls with a fanbase full of 20 something men is a bit creepy. I know its creator is happy that it has a wider audience than she intended, but...if she saw some of the fanart...yeah. I don't think she'd be happy.

    I will still make a dragoncat Kelli unless you really don't want me to. Dark flyer, teal hair/fur, right? Any specific color for the dark flyer armor?

    Well lookit that. Dragoncat made dragon cats.

    Yep! Like I said...the dragoncat is my internet mascot of sorts.

    Found out I had the wrong eye color for Frederick. Fixed ^_^

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