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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. Because it tastes better baked. Is Indech Chonky Turters Boy?
  2. Feed them peanuts. WWYDI somebody offered you a thousand dollars to wear nothing but a bikini in a tiger enclosure for 30 minutes?
  3. The islands, I can have a kangaroo army. WYR be on Survivor or Big Brother?
  4. Marth's Dad, go home, you're drunk. What kind of vegetables do Robin and Byleth like? Corrin likes corn.
  5. This sounds like sexism more than anything. In the auto industry, women are looked down on all the time.
  6. Help a cat. WYR spill hot tea on yourself or spill sticky ice cream on yourself?
  7. Cheese cubes. WYR live in a Disney movie or a Dreamworks movie?
  8. Probably, unless said baby was born in a cabbage patch. If storks bring baby people, what brings baby storks?
  9. Think it's funny. WWYDI I changed my avatar to goatse?
  10. 10 robot servants, they'd work for free. WYR play a video game about a mouse on a motorcycle or a poisonous centipede?
  11. A flerken! WYR be a Percy Jackson demigod or a Harry Potter wizard?
  12. Wyvern rider! WYR muck stalls at Lon Lon Ranch or help Ruto feed Jabu Jabu?
  13. All Star! Best 90s song! WYR let the dogs out or herd the cats in?
  14. Because somebody decided they are. Why can I not eat dirt?
  15. Get rid of it ASAP. WWYDI a hobo decided your bathtub was his house?
  16. @Espurrhoodie Your parents are neanderthals and I find that hilarious.
  17. Take a dump on TV. WYR ride on a roller coaster after drinking a gallon of milk or ride directly under someone who drank a gallon of milk?
  18. Basically this. I was about to come in here and say "dragon" myself but that's boring so I'm gonna add jackalope. A rabbit with antlers, and it's local (Wyoming) folklore.
  19. Because they are domesticated. Why do dogs poop?
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