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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. Allergic to other humans I guess. Ninjad! Cats. WYR have a shirt that says "you suck" or a hat that says "I rule"?
  2. I've heard of them! Seems like not being big self promoters is a good sign. Money is used to advertise. So it means that their donations go where they say they go.
  3. This makes sense. It's the experience a trans woman who got services from Salvation Army got, and what she saw happening, in the Portland shelter. An attempted silence was made on her and somebody edited her original tweets to make them sound like an attack on Salvation Army, which are not in that article because she cannot find them. Now maybe it's just Portland and the big cities, but what happened here is wrong and sad. You can read the article when you can.
  4. Hug him and pet him and give him treats. WWYDI a wasp was following you all day?
  5. You know all those vine/tiktok collections on youtube? Well I made a similar one, I doubt any of these four clips were ever used in the other ones. Quality over quantity! Just wanted to share and make you guys laugh and get some comments.
  6. Why not. WWYDI your child was born with green hair?
  7. Yes! I'm smiling! Why is farting considered ruder than sneezing?
  8. Already happens. Whatever. WWYDI you grew toenails on your nose?
  9. Dozla and L'Arachel. WYR be a stripper or a sanitation worker?
  10. Go back to bed, clearly I'm dreaming. WWYDI a cow started speaking German at you?
  11. I've heard the Salvation Army is kind of terrible. https://archive.attn.com/stories/17044/why-woman-says-you-shouldnt-donate-salvation-army This is just one experience but it makes me wary. Also, don't give to the ASPCA or the HSUS, they spend more on advertising than they do on helping animals. Give to local animal shelters instead. Donate food and time if you can. Many big charities don't actually help what they claim to, it seems. If you want to help the needy in your community, donate directly to smaller local charities. I am not sure how many is "many", not trying to make a blanket statement here. I guess the best bet is to research the charity. And use sources that aren't affiliated with it. Ask the groups they say they help.
  12. Sit there with your thumb up your butt. What do fish in the river do when it floods?
  13. Took my virginity: Mario Paint First love: Spyro the Dragon
  14. I thought she was gonna mention Lil Bub, who died yesterday. RIP Bub, Grumpy will reluctantly show you your room in kitty heaven. And yeah! Use the broken mug to hold pencils!
  15. Have Ana tell you about how she got some bad trollfic writer impersonating her and nearly ruining her reputation on FF.net.
  16. Dimitri and Dedue. This was a hard choice, but it seems like they've suffered a bit more? Idk. (ninjad) Pee in a vegetable patch. WYR have a pet giant bird/wolf demonic beast or turn Seteth, Flayn, and Rhea into their dragon forms and keep them as pets?
  17. Okay, fair enough. He may be putting on a brave face because he's Exalt though.
  18. Just dropping into say maybe Chrom has gone through some character development? He's gone through a lot, he's changed, he's learned to be strong. He's mourning inwardly where as with Emmeryn he mourned outwardly. I did read the fic btw, I gave Ana feedback on Discord. @AnonymousSpeed Points for Tellius! Volke is great but yeah, where's the death or support ending?
  19. "How annoying. I have to finish these by four. It will take me most of the afternoon. Father, bring me in some lunch. I'll take some steak strips, a baked potato, and water. Might need a shot of vodka too. Actually yes. A shot of vodka. Dammit."
  20. How does one even make vegan ice cream wtf? That's my question.
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