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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. I linked the comment chain. I had shared it, it wasn't Claude and Reigan, but three others, and the first guy was civil, the next guy just came in and said it sucked and I downvoted him. Your point about EA reminds me of my point about fankids. Sailor Moon, from what I heard, handles a second gen in the absolute worst possible way. Maybe I should actually watch it before saying I do it better but that's what I feel.
  2. I like to think I can, but sometimes in the heat of the moment it gets difficult.
  3. Have them do all the cleaning in my apartment. You forgot Saphira and Smaug. And Flayn! WWYDI a mime was following you around?
  4. It would probably land on the roof of the building I'm in. WWYDI you found a baby dragon?
  5. Yeah, I realize this, and feel bad about it. Thing is some people will just say it's bad and nothing else. Like this guy didn't say why it was bad. He just said he didn't like it. For reference, I took what he said on the second thing, that I was bragging, and edited the bragging out, so yeah.
  6. I'll just copy paste what I said on Discord here to begin with. Where do you draw the line between somebody being happy with what they have created and wanting discussion and feedback and annoying troll fic writer? Not considering the content of said creation because that's another can of worms. For context, it was a discussion about what if the 10 Elites had dialogue with their scions in the final battle of Golden Deer route. I wrote some, and I would share it if it wasn't for this issue I'm having. Somebody provided Claude's dialogue with Reigan and from that, the Elites appear to not be able to speak. I said "too bad, because my exchanges are gold". Some guy said "they're not but I glad you like them". To which I accused him of being a fanfic/creativity hater, to which he said "if you have to brag about the quality of it I have doubts about how good it is". I really love the creative side of fandoms. I love it. A lot. I thrive on it. To the point where I have said I don't get the people who only want to talk about gameplay mechanics, and have said "if they only care about the gameplay in FE, they should play chess instead". I have never seen myself as an obnoxious rabid trollfic writer. I've always tried to keep the characters in character, even if I've exaggerated their character traits for jokes once in awhile. Those are just jokes. And when I create fankids, I use proper genetics (no pink hair + brown hair = blue hair) and don't let them get OP/wonderbaby. Some canon things get away with both those, have you SEEN the likes of Sailor Moon? I read and recommend Springhole.net, which has insight on how to do things in fanfic properly and skillfully. Am I a cringe trollfic writer for making joke scenes and fankids, even if I personally think they're done well? Cutting this rant here, not much else to say except if I have annoyed you in the past, this is my apology. Yeah. Help me out here. EDIT - Here is the comment chain if anyone needs it.
  7. Ever heard of the "shredded cheese at 3 am" meme? Tell him to please stop I bought that milk with my own money and I don't have throw away income. And see if he wants to go bowling or something. WWYDI Edelgard told you she was going to bomb a church in your town?
  8. My hobby. WYR read Sonic erotica written by a 13 year old or 50 Shades of Gray?
  9. Be reincarnated into someone famous. WYR live in a bright hot pink house or drive a bright hot pink car?
  10. Probably burn to death. WWYDI Dimitri was in your house at 3am eating your cheese?
  11. Frank Lee Bo Ring. WYR see Gene Simmons teach Garreg Mach choir practice or see Gordon Ramsay critique the Garreg Mach dining hall food?
  12. Because KFC didn't pay for a nomination. How does Jeritza get ice cream in a medieval setting? How do they make ice cream in Fodlan?
  13. Because our parents did. Why is water wet?
  14. Because Sigurd deserved better. How can Hubert teleport if he can't cast Warp?
  15. It's called fog, yes. If you pee in fog and then the fog lifts, would the pee be added to the rain that falls later?
  16. Somebody. What is a dictionary?
  17. He has more lines than any other stage hazard/enemy. Go big or go home, that's him in a nutshell. You want more? Picture Mumkhar and Ridley's interactions. They'd be sky terrors together and beat each other senseless. Now picture a boombox constantly being switched from playing Obstacle in our Path to Ridley Battle ala Goofy Movie radio. With interjections such as "Useless scaly reptile!" and "Stupid clawed hairless ape!" Also K Rool sticks a watermelon in Metal Face's exhaust pipe and that's a riot and a half. It's GOLD.
  18. So does Mumkhar count as one of those "Grr, I'm evil" types? He's an arrogant ass like you described, Otts. But he has reasonings that I expanded on. Oh and he's also Metal Face btw, look no farther than Smash to see how he acts. It's covered pretty well there. Mumkhar/Metal Face > Grima imo. Grima never says amazing shit like: "We don't need her. Look at me, look at me, goody two shoes!" "I'm getting the hell outta here! But don't worry, I'll organize your funerals!" "I think a fly bit me."
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