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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. People who don't know much about chemistry (like me) will never appreciate it! Pizza is good!
  2. To get to the other side. Why did I order pizza?
  3. Shouldn't he have a Duma crest if Celica has a Mila one? Shulk Starting class: Commoner/Myrmidon Best class: Mortal Savant Strengths: Sword, Authority Budding Talent: Reason Weaknesses: Brawling, Axe Personal skill: Vision - increases dexterity by 10 when at half health or less and grants adjacent allies with their health at half or less dexterity + 10 Crest: Crest of Zanza - occasionally nullifies enemy counterattack, occasionally doubles might of a sword attack. (activation = luck + dexterity %) Notable Weapons/Spells: Monado(hero's relic, grants combat art Buster), Restore, Fortify, Thunder Combat Art: Buster - inflicts armor break on monsters, deals double damage to armored units. Close Allies: Ashe, Ingrid, Ignatz, Bernadetta Reyn Starting class: Commoner/Fighter Best class: War Master Strengths: Brawling, Heavy Armor Budding Talent: Axe Weaknesses: Reason, Faith Personal skill: Muscle Wall - grants defense + 5 and strength + 2 when no action except wait is chosen Crest: none Notable Weapons/Spells: Silver Gauntlets, Silver Axe, Brave Axe, Short Axe Close Allies: Sylvain, Caspar, Raphael, Leonie Fiora Starting class: Commoner/Soldier Best class: Assassin Strengths: Faith, Sword Budding Talent: Flying Weaknesses: Axe, Heavy Armor Personal skill: Swift Thorns - grants strength and speed + 5 when adjacent to an ally with a support level Crest: Crest of Meyneth - occasionally allows an extra attack (activation = speed + luck %) Notable Weapons/Spells: Killing Edge, Levin Sword, Brave Sword, Heal, Restore Close Allies: Ingrid, Petra, Claude, Ashe Dunban Starting class: Swordmaster (prepromote) Best class: Swordmaster Strengths: Sword, Brawling Budding Talent: Authority Weaknesses: Bow, Lance Personal skill: Blossom Dance - attacks four times at half damage. (activation = dexterity + luck %) Crest: none Notable Weapons/Spells: Levin Sword, Killing Edge, Wao Dao, Silver Sword, Armorslayer Close allies: Dimitri, Felix, Ferdinand, Petra Riki Starting class: Commoner/Monk Best class: Dark Mage Strengths: Reason, Charm Budding Talent: Axe Weaknesses: Brawling, Bow Personal skill: Yoink - steals an item from a defeated enemy. Crest: none Notable Weapons/Spells: Heal, Physic, Fire, Thunder, Blizzard, Nosferatu, Hammer Close allies: Linhardt, Annette, Lysithea, Mercedes Sharla Starting class: Commoner/Archer Best class: Bow Knight Strengths: Bow, Faith Budding Talent: Authority Weaknesses: Reason, Axe Personal skill: Field Medic - adjacent allies heal 10 hp and cure status conditions Crest: none Notable Weapons/Spells: Blessed Bow, Silver Bow, Heal, Restore, Fortify Close allies: Leonie, Linhardt, Dimitri, Petra Melia Starting class: Noble/Mage Best class: Gremory Strengths: Reason, Faith Budding Talent: Lance Weaknesses: Brawling, Sword Personal skill: Swan Song - use rally to grant ally magic and resistance + 10 Crest: Crest of Bionis - occasionally doubles might of magic attack (activation = magic + luck %) Notable Weapons/Spells: Bolganone, Cutting Gale, Bolting, Physic, Dark Spikes, Luna, Nosferatu Close allies: Lorenz, Edelgard, Ferdinand, Petra
  4. Well I guess male crest implant VICTIMS, as in the ones that get it done the dangerous way.
  5. People aren't gonna take much of what I say seriously since my Sylvain crest brand joke headcanon that I regret posting now. But eh. So, the only two crest implant victims we've seen are female. I started thinking what if the DLC story shows a male one. And then I thought more, and they might not even have to make a new character. There's already a minor antagonist who would work perfectly if his arc was tweaked. I am of course talking about mister "Beast Mode" or "McFucked Up", Miklan Gautier. It's said he died in Sylvain's paralogue, but this can be retconned easily. Beaten and battered, aching, head pounding, and basically "Well I won't do THAT again", he's still salty even after all that. He's brought to the Ones who Slither in the Dark, maybe he goes there by his own accord, or maybe one of them recruits him. What he always wanted is given to him at the cost of his hair and health. I figure male crest implant victims are even frailer than the females. Female immune system is stronger in general, it's why "man flu" is a thing. Miklan lasts long enough to be a boss for a DLC map. He wouldn't last much longer anyway. Idk. Maybe this is a stupid idea, but I do think it'd be interesting to see someone actually volunteer to get a crest implant knowing the side effects. Otherwise...if anyone has any other ideas to explore like how to cover a male crest implant victim go ahead and share them.
  6. So many! Good luck to everyone and I can't romhack but I have some characters in OC Emblem.
  7. A person. Where did the duck go?
  8. A vehicle. What can you buy?
  9. Because Jeralt possessed you. Who'd be more likely to say "Hi Hungry I'm Dad", Jeralt or Hector?
  10. There will be lines! And mayhem! Indoor plumbing exists!
  11. Gelatin. What does grass do?
  12. With something that warms food. What is a refrigerator?
  13. You have to say something bad about the topic. For example: Convenience stores get robbed! Some people don't like him and that's unfair to said people. The internet exists!
  14. You ever just throw your head up and yell "what is WRONG with the world???" In this game we're looking to find what's right with the world...or not. Example: Person A: We can buy amiibos online! Person B: But amiibo sellers scalp them from stores so little kids can't get them! We have convenience stores! Let's start with that! We have convenience stores! (Basically say something bad about whatever the last person said, then add your own)
  15. Because IS likes reusing names. Why is the Grinch green and furry?
  16. Is this about the "wizards used to poop on the floor and magic it away" thing? That was a tweet, not in the actual books. I never read the books or watched the movies, mainly because when they came out, my friend from a Christian family thought they were witchcraft and I disagreed with her but didn't want to push the issue.
  17. Yeah @AnonymousSpeed that wasn't an entry! I'd love any comments on it though.
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