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Everything posted by Sweet_Basil

  1. I miss traditional lords and if I could have my way I'd have an axe-wielding female lord that gives a run for their money to lords like Sigurd/Hector/Ike. I don't mind the avatar lords and I understand why they're more convenient. Chapter variety and weapon weight. I do love the new classes they always introduce but get nostalgic over older classes,perhaps some more laguz types. Shops and arenas as someone previously mentioned.
  2. This looks like so much fun! I'm going to try it right now.
  3. Meg is my favorite character in Radiant Dawn I find chubby characters like Brom and Meg adorable but not Gheb or Oliver. Between all the playable siblings (that I remember) my favorites are: - Palla - Shanna - Lugh - Fiora - Raven - Eirika - Vanessa - Tana - Tethys - Rafiel - Boyd - Mist - Lyre - Marcia - Lissa - Cynthia or whoever Lucina's brother sister is.
  4. I haven't done anything new other than repurpose my current stuff. The female cavalier is now a red cavalier instead to keep the Christmas tradition going. The blonde girl was changed into a Pegasus knight. The female wyvern has Franz' eyes now. The archer is now a mercenary instead. MY older Ice castle map is now a bern castle garden thing instead. Tell me if my revamped stuff looks better or worse. Edit for NEW stuff 2-days later!!! Yay! This one was going to be in the Tear-Ring Map contest entry but my computer screen died that month. So I decided to share it whenever I would finish it, and I remembered! This one is actually new-from this month (started yesterday) it's chapter 12 from Fire Emblem shadow dragon/FE1. I have to ask should I keep the floor tiled like this or change them to all the same style? The grass part is going to be one tough time for me though.
  5. Try staff spamming the staff users so you can focus cexp on the rest of them. There's a chapter where you can buy the ward staff it gives the user a lot of experience.
  6. Most definitely Ike. I feel like his presence was very tacked on or forced just to be "cool" and he came across as boring and irritating. I think that the story-arc for part 3 would have been more appropriate had Skrimir been the main focus instead of Ike, after all it was the laguz that started part 3 but they just fade away because of Ike. I also believe all of the newer characters suffered, especially Micaiah, because Ike and the Greil mercenaries received too much spotlight and their story arc extended much longer than part 1 or 2; part 4 is another issue. I believe that if they had focused on the new cast instead of shoving Ike in for the heck of it that the fanbase would appreciate them much more than they do. Other than Ike there's: Makalov, I think him and Astrid could have had a great tremendous growth had he changed his habits but they didn't even try. Volke but that's because I feel he has no depth other than he's mysterious. Black Knight because his story confuses me. Why did he help Micaiah twice? He ended fighting her team.
  7. Sorry I couldn't participate, my computer won't turn on or charge so I'm using this inferior substitute now. (I think it's the cmos battery)
  8. Does anyone know where I can find full pictures of TRS chapter maps? :v
  9. Sweet_Basil


    I like her and props for the flower on her shoulder.
  10. These are gorgeous, Sona is my favorite I love pigtails.
  11. I felt like giving an outdoor map another shot because my very first one was a total failure lol. It's Animal Crossing-err Emblem edition, truth be told i'm not comfortable with grass and water tiles I don't know if I put them right. Also a Corrupt man's Mansion/House, where he pits his hostages in the arena section of the map.
  12. Here's my entry She's a venerable Earth Sage.
  13. I've decided to try some splicing. The first girl: Myrrh, Black haired civilian girl, Miledy's boyfriend, Lyn, Ursula. The second girl: Npc Pegasus FE8, black haired civilian girl, Vanessa, Syrene, Franz. The boy: Franz, Saleh, Chapter 6 boss FE8, Raven, and one of the bandits from FE7.
  14. I actually saw this last light and I worked on it, and I am almost done with my entry. I love doing indoor maps.
  15. I like the sheep herder class, make it like a cavalier maybe a little stronger but with less move . The male troubadour is pretty, would like to see that in a hack actually. What would the male equivalent of Valkyrie be called? I see you made the villager, are you going to make gba equivalent of bride?
  16. I took the advice and fixed up the village map. It has less houses but they're more scattered, here's how it looks now: is that better now? Also have new maps to show: These last two are from FE9(Mia's recruitment chapter) and FE10(Laura's recruitment chapter) respectively.
  17. Niime is really good damn. Are you going to replace Shanna with Juno or is every flier going to stay in your team? I'm curious why you sold the energy ring instead of using it. I confused the energy ring with the talisman lol.
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