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Everything posted by Sweet_Basil

  1. What's the purple haired girl's name? I like the idea of giving them names Her and Doran are my favorites from your gallery.
  2. She looks great! I also really like Doran, he looks good to me.
  3. What about moving her to the chokepoint you moved Kurth to on Turn 3?
  4. I was wondering how you were going to handle the first two archers because they always give me trouble lol. Ilyana is the answer, of course! You even got Aran too which is nice, I'm sure he'll come in handy (I think).
  5. Happy Birthday Lenh

    1. Lenh


      Thanks for the b-day wishes, Rosemary :3

    2. Sweet_Basil


      you're welcome :)

  6. That was quite impressive. I noticed you skipped Thani, do you think that will affect you or not really?
  7. That is Tate's body, but I just realized that's not regular Tate. I'll go ahead and switch her body to regular Tate. Fix'd
  8. That's a really nice map :), you've really mastered that tileset too.
  9. I think that the second girl could use a different mouth-piece because it looks too straight for the way her face is pointing. I do really like the way you set her up though, the combination of Franz + Yuno's hair looks good.
  10. I've got some new splices The first two haven't been cleaned up yet...By order their classes are Myrmidon, Soldier, Mage, and Pegasus Knight. I've also updated/fixed (I think) these two maps. please give me feedback i'm trying to clean up/fill up some things for a demo.
  11. I like it especially the gba one, it's pretty.
  12. I think the CRK's main issue is that they aren't enough chapters for them to grow, the GMs have similar or better bases and are available way longer.
  13. I like Ilya and Farrah (and her twin) the best, but I can't tell whats going on with Ilya's eye. Briar, Callisto, Uther Ritcher, and Wolfram's heads look a little small. Especially Wolfram, it looks like he's missing part of the head.
  14. The lilac haired girl and the boy in the lower mid-section (as well as the girl next to him) of the second spoiler are the best looking of your roster. They look good to me, the rest of them have eye issues or their heads look too small.
  15. I love it whenever you post, your maps are always so beautiful <3.
  16. I replaced my Chapter 2 Map with this: I think i'm much happier with it, but I need help with the grass paths .
  17. Nice overworld sprites I love the maps too especially the second one, I <3 FoW maps.
  18. That's a cool map! ^I recommend replacing that tile in the red box, because I think your units won't be able to access that area.
  19. I'm updating some of the mugs...here's my current roster.. I had more but I misplaced them :v ...They're all supposed to be allies except the very last dude.. Anyways the ones on the bottom row are my adopted (from free resources) while the first row are made by me...I changed some of the girls' hair, especially the pegasus girl whom I had issues with. I haven't given them names yet except the pegasus girl I'm going to name her Tracy or Trixie. .....and FINALLY made the perfect Purple map I've been seeking It's an Escort/Liberate mission...I think it fits well, tell me what you think . Ooh and the first girl below is going to be the Red Cavalier to form the x-mas cavies...I just need to make her taller cause she kinda looks like a midget next to that dude.
  20. I totally see what you mean about the Sacae map, the waterfalls would add more charm. I think it's a cute map, I think you were trying to make it into either a seize map or kill boss but I think it would make for a cool defend map just by adding a few breakable walls here and there. I think that one is my favorite out of your current maps. Also the newest map looks very regal I think it there are a few shading issues, like on the lower right grass area; the one below the window wall.
  21. Thank you! :) I had the mouse over the chest when I took the screenshot lol since I didn't know how to save the map files into pictures I used to screenshot them instead. Also good idea! I should recolor him to Ephraim's colors instead :D.
  22. The main character in my current project uses Eliwood (Actually he uses Hector but with Eliwood's class) as a base but I recolored his map sprite to change his red hair. Do you think this passes or fails? Standing: Moving: Promoted Standing: Promoted-Moving: I also wanted to change Lyn's hair to red but that ones going to be harder, so I'm probably just doing to use another lord :).
  23. Best: Franz > Eph!Cormag > Eir!Saleh Worst: Marisa < L'Arachel < Rennac I think Tethys is equally good in either route but Eir!Saleh > Eir!Cormag yet Eph!Cormag > Eph!Saleh and idk about Tana, but she's pretty good.
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