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Everything posted by Sweet_Basil

  1. :O Please teach me! I'll give it a shot.
  2. Hello creature <3 welcome aboard. What was your first FE game?
  3. I feel like 430 -10.

  4. Her eyes and eyebrows don't match the shape of her face. I also think the neck is a little too long.
  5. I was thinking of that but instead I decided to spam Poison Axe on the enemies and give my healer a restore staff :3
  6. Aw I guess that means I need to save it for a bigger map. That's going to hurt my healer's exp gain :(.
  7. I want to know if this is normal for the torch staff to display that much despite his Mag stat being 1. He's just a guinea pig so those aren't his final stats but it caught me off guard. I also switched him around for other units like Serra, Renault but they all display the same amount. I even changed his classes around to cleric but still. It's a small-ish map so the torch staff reveals too much, the torch on the other hand is fine.
  8. Thanks <3 I cleaned these two up... ..and I gave him long hair too. Does he look ok or better with short hair?
  9. I'm working on a small project and here's the cast so far I changed some of my older mugs to different classes because I reduced the cast. I also have 3 new guys (Paladin, Priest, and Wyvern) although I haven't cleaned them up yet. My absent older mugs I'm fixing them to different classes or ditching them.
  10. I need an outdoor seize map so I grabbed one of the free ones and edited to look like this but I would like to hear feedback: Does it pass or fail? Goals: Seize map Ambushed by pirates halfway Ballistae near the castle
  11. FE1/11: Caeda FE6:Miledy FE7:Serra FE8:Vanessa FE9: Titania FE10: Fiona or Meg FE13: Anna FE14: Charlotte
  12. FE6 - Wendy FE7 - Nino FE8 - Ewan FE9 - Rolf FE10 - Oliver FE11/12- Not sure FE13 - Henry FE14- Odin/Owain You can spam rescue staff and it's incredibly common to buy. It gives her a lot of experience too.
  13. 1. I find the unpopular lords way more likable than their popular counterparts (Eliwood > Hector, Eirika > Ephraim, Micaiah > Ike). 2. The Dawn Brigade is unappreciated and should have had more spotlight than the Greil Mercs. In-fact I believe that FE10 would have been a better game and better written if the focus was entirely on the new cast (DB) rather than the Greil Mercs. 3. I don't see anything wrong with fan service if it matches the character, but ridiculous if it doesn't. 4. Fates/Awakening are great games. 5. My Castle is a fun addition to the series but the capture system has flaws because the capturable enemies don't bring much to the table, unless you want to sacrifice them. I believe the capture system should allow the player to steal items and that some recruitable characters could enhance the system. 6. I don't mind keeping children, they could even add characterization for a future MyCastle. However I would rather have them be reduced to NPCs and actually be children rather than adults. 7. I'd like both griffin rider and the bride class to return. 8. FE4 is not that good. 9. FE8 in general is underrated and a much better game than FE6/7. 10. If they kept capture as is I'd like capturable enemies to not be mute in battle, I don't know why they're not allowed to have a voice when they're on your side :( 11. I hate that shield thing in the character map sprite for capturable enemies when they're on your side. It ruins my illusion that they're part of my army.
  14. That's a nice map. There's something weird about the first guy, his bandana doesn't look aligned with his head. The other two look good to me, especially the sage/mage.
  15. I don't like Xander because he's been very rude to Charlotte in their supports so far. Other than him Leo and Takumi, I especially hate Takumi but I'm willing to give him a chance when I play Birthright.
  16. I love Niles and Charlotte the most.
  17. I know I think it's weird she doesn't have them :/
  18. I really want to use her but she came with 0 skills when I captured her. She also seems to be leveling up really slowly which sucks. She can't use any seals either but I want to know if she can use any of the dlc seals. I really like her design.
  19. Is he better than Niles? I only have Conquest and Niles is incredible and he's fast too. Mozu is also really good if you reclass her.
  20. hope you have wonderful holidays ^_^

  21. Your new prologue map is great! I really like your new stuff too :)
  22. Corrin looks very fun but i'm only saddened by massive hate-wagon Fire Emblem has now from other Nintendo fans. I think it could have been partially avoided by not splitting Marth and Lucina into separate characters and probably picking another veteran instead of Roy.
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