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Everything posted by Sweet_Basil

  1. Aww :( Can't blame you feeling burnt out though, have a good break.
  2. I think the DB would benefit with an extra chapter or 2 in Part 3 just to give them more experience; especially for units like Fiona. I kind of like that even the least of them can contribute a little bit compared to GM where some of them are never even used as soon as they join. Had Tormod's group (or Ilyana) stayed they would have helped make their chapters easier too. Yet I don't consider them sucky because some of them have a lot of potential, even one of the royals comes from the DB team.
  3. Check out my first custom mug:
  4. Poor Meg, her role is to shove others or trade items for others. If she engages combat she'll probably die.
  5. Yay a video!!! O.o! You did it!!! That was bloody amazing! Haha I thought it was cute how Laura tinks the soldier and the fighter, like tap-tap you're misbehaving... Great strategy, I'm glad you got it to work. You even managed to get Edward, Micaiah, and Nolan some kills.
  6. I wonder why people are hating on Effie she seems like a good character to me, i'm just happy to finally have a good female knight (as much as I love Meg hehe). If i'm honest i'm not too familiar with the characters yet, but i've never liked Gaius so i'm going to say his incarnation here whatever his name is. Also not really fond of Leo or Takumi.
  7. Is Lacey supposed to be an alien? That cloak does not look good on Chris. Stan (the drawing) kinda looks like DK
  8. Sanaki is like the staff-less version of Micaiah but with all magic types (except dark). She's frail but deals quite some damage, too bad they didn't give Cymbeline bonus against enemies.
  9. Casuals definitely overrate him, I hardly see them mention Titania being better than him (which she is). Hector is more overrated
  10. The battle sprites look good to me, Luna is my favorite. About your mugs I think his neck has a weird angle and I don't feel like it connects well with his head. I think she suffers from a big neck too or maybe it's just me lol. These two are my favorite ones of your recent posts, I like them.
  11. Idk what Terraria is but your images look very good and clean to me. Also I love how FE8 palace maps look much fancier than FE6/FE7. That's a small and pretty map too although a bit strange that chests are lying around unlocked rooms. I bet they're traps.
  12. I love this new map though it's like the bigger and better version of the map you had in page 1.
  13. I like your swordmaster he looks cool! His body looks good on him. Chapter 2 could use more variety on the lower section of the map, and Chapter 5 looks good although you should remember to add stairs when the walls get broken.
  14. 1-E 4 turns???? Whattt? My guess its Vika+Jill+Nailah+Burger King?
  15. I really like: Wendy, Sophia, Sue, Dieck. Serra, Karla, Rebecca, Dart. Tethys, Vanessa, Eirika, Tana. Top favorite is either Vanessa or Eirika.
  16. I do love that title screen though, very pretty! I think this will be an interesting project, i'll keep my eye on it.
  17. Yeah she can take Nealuchi's because I don't think he'll really use it.
  18. I was curious why you leveled her up as well lol now I know. I think that mend was a good purchase because it gives her better exp and she heals better too. Also very interesting that you want to raise her I definitely can't wait to see how that works out. I recommend buying her recover in 1-E because she gains even better exp with that. As for this chapter I love the way you handled it! It's one of my favorite maps and your strategy was fun to watch. You had everyone co-operate, even Meg hehe. I had no idea Ilyana' s potential.
  19. who's jayfeather?

    1. Clarinets


      Jayfeather is a character from the Warriors series by Erin Hunter.

  20. Sweet_Basil


    shirtless fighter looks sexy
  21. IF only you would have gotten that +1 for str lol, since that improves his existent chipping. I say go for it, why not?
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