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Posts posted by Knusperkeks

  1. Enemy data: http://serenesforest.net/wiki/index.php/Awakening_LM_Enemy_Data:_Chapter_1

    Your strategy assumes Frederick pair-up on top of a fort.

    My strategy was to kite enemies in a circle, using the leapfrogging trick to gain distance. I had Avatar paired with Chrom, which builds support and gives +3 speed. We need 13 speed to double the fighters in ch. 1. That means we need 10 total speed to double them. That's +2 over the base for +speed.

    We can use Frederick independently, pair him up with Sully or Virion for example, they can tank shots if necessary, thanks to Frederick. Boss having Luna+ doesn't hurt as much if you have multiple characters taking hits every other turn.

    This is not a fully developed strategy with all moves scripted, since the enemies move differently depending on your avatar's stats. It could be that they will suddenly jump on a different unit just because your avatar has 1 def more than the other unit.

  2. Fine, fair, not really something I care to argue/discuss. However, the whole point of this tangent (of a tangent) was that, if assuming an arbitrary pace (wherein we might do things like baby Sumia to Galeforce or train Donnel), we can get absurd conclusions like Sumia ~= Donnel, being "pretty even all things considered" in your words, which few people would agree with in general (I think).

    I know it's ridiculous, I'm probably still affected by a "discussion" from yesterday I had with a donnel fanboy over at gfaqs.

    I agree with Armsthrift being a useful skill. Currently on chapter 16 in L+ and my Avatar has 46 base luck. She used a total of 3 Goddess Icons to get there.

    All hail +5% luck growth from speed asset.

    Edit: She went 20 Tactician -> 17 Mercenary -> 11 Bow Knight. I could have even higher luck by going 20 Mercenary, would have lost me at least one level in Bow Knight though, which I didn't want because Bow Breakers are coming in Valm, which I need to be prepared for.

  3. Offense, defense, melee, range, it doesn't matter. Can't we just agree that speed is vital and try to work out a strategy from there? It has to start somewhere.

    Even if you do not get good growths in speed, with an asset in it you won't get screwed over in speed. That has to be worth something, right?

    I don't want to utilize a strategy which works perfectly under the right circumstances if I have to reset and do everything all over again when the circumstances are not favorable. That's like saying "it works always, 60% of the time".

    Interceptor made his "reliable clear" strategy and chose his stat requirements under the assumption that all enemies have every single L+ skill in the game.

    Obviously there are times when you get killed by a gamble crit, but that's unavoidable without a luck asset. If you go for a luck asset, even more things can go wrong. As I already said, it's about taking calculated risks. All we can do is find the path to reduce risks, or shift the risk factor to a point not long after the beginning of the chapter, so the strategy is viable in classic L+.

    The worst that can happen is that you sit half an hour at paralogue x and suddenly your child character dies because that mother******* reinforcement came in with Aegis+, Counter and Zeal and crit you with his 1%, which you normally would have survived even with taking counter damage (surviving counter is easier when the enemy has pavise+/aegis+). I was furious lol.

    Again, if taking lethal risks is unavoidable, shift the riskiest maneuvers to the beginning of a chapter so that it can be reset without losing too much time or progress.

    A wise man once said that the best way to win is to prevent all outcomes which could lead to yourself losing, but L+ doesn't let you do that, at least not in the early chapters. Something's gotta give.

  4. The original topic didn't die. Since people generally agree that building a tier list for lunatic or higher isn't worthwile, this is essentially a reverse tier list. We started finding the worst and worked ourselves up from there. That's why I started mentioning characters like Gaius, even though Gaius has - without a doubt - strong points and could never be considered worse than donnel, objectively speaking.

  5. For me, efficiency is the ability to compound a little advantage into a big one, the concept of snowballing if you will.

    That means giving Nowi a Seraph's robe is efficient, since she has low HP and high defense and res, increasing her effective hp remarkably.

    It also means giving Chrom Talismans to not only increase his own, but his children's resistance as well.

    It means giving Goddess Icons to characters with Armsthrfit, especially if the character passes down armsthrift to it's children.

    The list goes on. You should call it RT-efficiency when looking to minimize time spent playing the game, or turn-efficiency when trying to reduce turn counts.

  6. Sumia doesn't need a second seal to do this. Those are a big deal in earlygame.

    Edit: I'm going to spam edits too now, so we're on even ground.

    With 8 movement and flight, you can evade that which is strong (wind/bows) and attack that which is weak. You can also occupy territory of importance much more easily (like forts)

  7. Spd and Def are only strong points for Robin if you take assets in them, otherwise they're just average, and one of them really needs to be a strength. There's a big difference between improving the RNG odds of something you're already capable of doing (like KOing that Barb on the mountain) and allowing yourself to be able to do completely new things: no amount of extra Skl will push you over any solid KO/survival thresholds.

    I know that. That's why I mentioned doing it in regular lunatic. I'm just trying to fill the role of the person who just blurts out something random in hopes of getting some serendipity out of it, since everyone else is wracking their brains over this topic for quite some time know.

    It's like when you work on your thesis and can't come up with anything, but as soon as you leave the room and do something unrelated, a spark of inspiration suddenly ignites in your mind and you have a trace to follow since you changed perspective, either figuratively or literally.

  8. Looking pretty good. You've already answered three of the biggest questions that I had going into the run, which were 1) can Chrom be made useful? (YUP), 2) can you train multiple staffers at once (YEP!), and 3) can you gt Laurent through nine levels of Merc in his joining chapter with E Swords (yep, thanks to Rescue!).

    I'm looking forward to seeing what LAURENT! can do once he gets going. Since yours has Tomefaire and Sol over mine, he's going to be a world-destroying badass for sure.

    It was a bit of a pain, but it can be done. I really should have just forged that bronze sword.

    At one point he literally dealt 1 (2 displayed, pavise+) damage to a pegasus knight Falcon Knight.

    The PK FK had 53 HP. I used Miriel to hit the PK FK for 2x26., as can be seen here:


    Back to ch.15: With a Lucina support and Rally Magic, he can 2HKO the Dark Knights. They have 61 HP and 18 Res. Without tonics.

    I'm almost done with the chapter.

    [spoiler=here is a screenshot of the person in question]Ab5aJv2.png

    I'm seriously considering to use the arms scroll in this chapter to help Maribelle to get from D lances to C, for Pseudo-Tomefaire via Shock Stick and Lancefaire... She is only halfway through E though. It's a struggle for sure.

  9. [spoiler=wall of text]

    A bit of "reading backwards" and "not pretending to be a mod" would do you well. I'll illustrate the former.

    I am not pretending to be someone I am not.

    After some "reading backwards", the situation became clear.

    When I asked to stop discussing Nowi, I had a reason for that. You can read about it in the spoiler.

    [spoiler=wall of text]

    After retracing my train of thought to it's origin, I came to realize that I made an error which lead to a biased opinion about Nowi on my part.

    This is the premise with which I went on to reading the posts about Nowi:

    Whenever I use Nowi in any of my runs, she always gets the Seraph's Robe.

    This was also pointed out in the discussion. I disregarded that because that's just what I do if I want to use Nowi.

    I thought she is a good unit at base, when in reality, the base is not what I thought it would be.

    The two lines directly above are the crux of the matter.

    This is what I thought:

    Comparing bad units is fine. (Ricken, Donnel)

    Comparing bad units under different conditions with performance enhancing resources is fine too.(Ricken+Speedwing+Frederick, Donnel+...)

    I was thinking of Nowi as a good unit at base(invalidating her place in this thread) which she isn't. She needs resources to be useful, which justifies her being brought up as a topic of discussion.

    one: Nowi(a good, potentially great unit)

    two: Ricken (a below average, potentially decent unit)

    three: Donnel (a junk unit with great potential)

    Comparing one to two and three doesn't seem fair, that is why I requested to not discuss Nowi here.

    If you exchange one with this statement (which is the truth): Nowi is a below average unit which yields decent results with minimum investment (Seraph's Robe), she has a place here.

    I'm not arguing that Ricken is worse than Donnel. This is my original post:

    Personally I think Ricken is pretty bad. Of course Donnel is the ultimate failure, but that's the whole point of his existence.

    I state that Donnel is the worst unit and proceed to argue that Ricken is the second worst, drawing a comparison to Miriel to whom Ricken holds a direct rivalry.

    All of this was to determine whether or not Ricken was that bad - yes, it'll take a single, highly-contested resource (this is where the resource allocation thing cropped up) and a pair-up that should be used elsewhere, but he can get himself out of OHKO range at base. I don't think Donnel can say the same thing - his only saving grace, IMO, is that shut-in archer in the treasure room, which can give him a good amount of experience before keeling over and leaving Donnel just slightly worse than he was before.

    The intention of the joke I made - which you quoted, was to put Ricken+Speed Wing+Frederick pair-up vs. Donnel+Tear+Forged Lance+100% DS etc, on a scale and argue that any unit, even Donnel, can be useful under the right conditions.

    I ended up putting much more on Donnel's side to make them even, which essentially means that Donnel is worse than Ricken, as I stated in my opening post.

    I purposefully exaggerated the support Donnel needs to do something right, which apparently went unnoticed. I believed my sarcasm to be obvious, with the heart at the end of the post and all.

    I didn't mean to step on anyone's toes. In fact I appreciate this forum, that's why I tried to keep the thread on topic, out of respect, nothing else. I hope my explanation is satisfactory.

    Does anyone use Gaius on higher difficulties?

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