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Everything posted by Aitherion

  1. To be fair, I'm intentionally shitting this thread up. Conceded, but it's also not like you're the first one to make a FFtF-style post.
  2. I love that General is more or less just a slightly more restrained FFtF anymore.
  3. I'm sorry ;_; We kind of already covered what could kill us by 2012 though. Mostly nukes and crazy people. I ran out of ideas too fast. Oh! How about what could kill us by 2011? You're reaching a bit there, bucko.
  4. I haven't played the game enough to remember the name, but I know for a fact there's some kind of sword that hits the opponent with lightning at range and stabs up close.
  5. Yeah, with A LOT of hairgel. See the new live-action Dragonball movie for an example. That friggin movie finally came out? :o It came out a while ago. It's on DVD now. Same with Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun Li. Which actually manages to fit into the cannon... Only just barely. It's a rather large pile of steaming shit, even for a large cannon. And either way, it's useless to cram it in there unless we have somewhere to fire it. I suggest the sun. You must have it confused with the Jean Claude Van Damme Street Fighter. LoCL was actually fairly good, if it wasn't for the overexaggerated sound effects... *dramatic slap to the face with a dueling glove* The Jean Claude Van Damme Street Fighter was amazing because it was incredibly campy, you fool! LoCL tried to take itself seriously and only ended up showing us just how little movie producers actually know about how big Chun-Li's thighs are supposed to be, which is very little.
  6. So I'm not the only one who thinks this whole business is incomprehensibly idiotic, am I?
  7. Yeah, with A LOT of hairgel. See the new live-action Dragonball movie for an example. That friggin movie finally came out? :o It came out a while ago. It's on DVD now. Same with Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun Li. Which actually manages to fit into the cannon... Only just barely. It's a rather large pile of steaming shit, even for a large cannon. And either way, it's useless to cram it in there unless we have somewhere to fire it. I suggest the sun.
  8. In general, most schools have at least a few teachers that stay for a few hours after school's end, be it for detention or grading or whatever. The elementary school near me stays functional as far as utilities go until about midnight. So no, no really.
  9. OP: Spoken like a true 16-year-old girl.
  10. Xing is a country, dude. Not a "he".
  11. Aitherion


    There is no Creator. Only Zool. It's Zuul, buttface.
  12. How can a series go from one of the best games of all time to complete mess so quickly? Raiden.
  13. Dunsparce used to be a swarm too, didn't it? Hiker Anthony at the Azalea exit of Union Cave used to call you about it.
  14. Finally bothered hatching my Togepi egg (Just beat Morty). It's Modest with Serene Grace. Fffffff.
  15. I'm hoping you're being sarcastic.
  16. probably knew about Osama Don't most people know about Osama?
  17. Maybe if you're crazy. Average player evolves starter around the Slowpoke Well.
  18. Fly over the water and grab the flower with a rope, or pull it out with a fishing rod from afar. Then kill the piranha with a toaster.
  19. Feraligatr is too slow to get Dragon Dance off in any useful capacity in the first place in competitive play, and it's overkill in-game.
  20. really? As long as you don't get yourself, the Starite, or any people you have to protect caught up in it, it works pretty well for a lot of problems.
  21. Wings are my personal favorite. Wings and a lasso will solve most problems. And for the few it won't (The level with the tornado comes to mind), a goat will.
  22. No, because Yellow wasn't Japan only. Either way, since HGSS have all of Crystal's improvements to GS anyway there'd be no point.
  23. You have to use the Groudon from SoulSilver. You can't just use a random Groudon. Yes because Nintendo is not retarded.
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