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Everything posted by ErrantDShepherd

  1. I think this article by the Washington Post articulates the issues with online polls. https://www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/news/the-fix/wp/2016/09/27/no-matter-how-garbage-the-poll-if-it-shows-that-donald-trump-won-the-debate-hell-endorse-it Basically, these online polls have no checks in place to stop people from flooding polls, and can not be TRUSTED as representative. An open internet poll does not hold the same value as a closed poll done utilizing actual polling samples. CNN was a small sample size, but they stated their sample and the bias they knew of. That is why it holds more weight as a poll. The article even directly addresses that handwritten tweet you pointed to at the end. Honestly, imo most polls are pretty irrelevant, as there are always going to serious questions about the samples they took. So why exactly are we supposed to trust the polls? Especially THESE polls? --- I would be far more interested in any reasons people had for declaring #TrumpWon that debate... because I am curious what exactly they were watching, or looking for if they believe that? If winning the debate meant actually engaging in a debate, Trump Lost. If winning the debate meant appearing Presidential, Trump Lost. If winning the debate meant hammering Hillary, Trump Lost. If winning the debate meant being incoherent and ignoring the actual debate though... well then, #TRUMPWON! :D ...this just seems a little desperate of a maneuver, and hearkens to words at the end of the debate by the NBC panel, that whoever was angrier/more on the attack after the debate would be the one who felt they lost. #TrumpWon using these internet polls is damage control. Pure and simple.
  2. Question: Has Trump in your opinion had any moderators that have not been confrontational towards him? As for the ones you suggest... Those all seem rather loaded questions tbh, and mostly rehash topics that have already been discussed or have little to do with policies as far as I am aware? So I am not sure what they would have added to the debate?
  3. About Benghazi and Libya... are we talking from the Moderator, or Trump? Because Trump went wildly off topic at least twice to go on rants that touched on those subjects. The moderator was no more confrontational than any debate moderator would be in my estimation. Trump was called on interrupting and other improper debate procedure, he also appeared to take direct issue with the moderator at several points. Clinton didn't do any of that behaviour, hence she didn't have any confrontation with the moderator. :\ ...or did I miss something? :|
  4. First time watching Trump and Hillary live. Trump acted pretty much as expected. Hillary was far more relatable than expected, smiles, jokes, and hit back on a variety of points. ...as an outside observer, I don't see Trump having done any favors for himself tonight. Came off as amateur hour with all the ad hominems and the way he consistently interrupted and ranted off topic. Clinton in contrast just looked rational, and prepared. I would give Clinton the debate as she demonstrated far more self control than Mr. Trump. Also hilarious the way Trump kept denying statements he made previously. ...why am I supposed to take Trump seriously again? So very confused about that still. Why is this very unqualified individual being considered for a job requiring some of the highest qualifications on the planet?
  5. Once again its time for... the BIWEEKLY BATTLE SPRITE SHOWDOWN! [spoiler=Last round:] Our winner was Toa! With Durban and Armads. ---- THEME/TOPIC: The Unconventionals: -Sprite a character that uses a weapon other than the standard FE weapons (Lance, axe, sword, bow, tomes) [spoiler=Rules]RULES: 1) Only 1 entry per contestant. 2) No voting for your own entry! 3) Entries should be limited to 16 colors.(15 colors+ 1 background color) This is more of a guideline, but good to follow for style and challenge reasons. Colors may be custom or using GBA sprite palletes. 4) No posting previous/old works! This means no edits/recolors of something previously made as well. -allowing previous/old works would give an unfair advantage to certain entries, two weeks is a good amount of time to work on an entry... how fair would it be to have to go up against something someone spent months or even a year on? -creating brand new works, encourages creativity and artistic growth and development, kinda what the whole art forums are about... isn't it? [spoiler=Voting and Winners]VOTING: Voting will be split into two categories. -Best in Theme -Best Overall Battle Sprite >Voting will run for 3 days If there are a large amount of entries, Best in Theme will be divided into smaller categories based on whether an entry is custom, splice, or animation. WINNERS: (Open to new ideas for this) Winning placement will be decided by total number of votes across categories. >The winner gets to choose two potential themes either from a list or of their own imagination. >The winner and runner ups will vote upon the themes to select one. >The winner gets two votes in addition to theme selection. >Second place gets two votes. >Third place gets one vote. >Whatever theme wins the winner's votes will be used for the next competition. Note, votes can be split, if you have two votes they do NOT need to go to the same theme. --- Any further questions or concerns can be PMed to the current host! (Errant) or posted either in the feedback thread or within this thread itself. DEADLINE: Monday, October 10th at 11:59pm PST. Hope you all enjoy and have some fun! Lets get spriting! :D --- PS: new to these? Check out the BBSS tag to see some cool sprites. :D PPS: ...wanting to sprite but don't know where to start, or just want some advice on how to improve? Check out the Spriters Resource thread and/or check some of these out. [spoiler=Helpful Tutorials]Here's a good tutorial on use of colors in pixel art and spriting... and some others that may be a bit more advanced... but good reads anyways... Thinking in Color -Excellent easy to understand tutorial on how colors effect your pixel art/sprite. Definitely worth the read! Derek-Make Games: 10 step custom sprite tutorial -great quick, easy tutorial on custom pixel art/sprites. So you Wanna be a Pixel Artist? 11 part series. -A bit wordy, but very well done in-depth look at the world of pixel art in general, from map tiles to sprites to animations. BwdYeti's tutorials are very recommended reads as well. Please share if you know of any other excellent tutorials! :D ...so here are the links to BwdYeti's custom battle sprite tutorials... Shared with his permission. I found his second tutorial, along with the Thinking in Color very fascinating on palletes... Hoping to apply those to my next couple sprites now that I understand it a bit better. BwdYeti's Custom Battle Sprite Tutorial #1 -kinda old, from before 2009... But a great look at the process of creating custom battle sprites from the Best Battle Spriter around... Then and now. Yeti's custom tutorial #2 -his second tutorial, even better than the first! Great tips on creating a custom pallete that fits with GBA battle sprite colors. A must read for anyone doing battle sprites! --- Anyways, hope these help! Good luck, and good spriting! ;)
  6. I must ask the Ever present Impressions questions... 6) impressions, do you do any, like Kermit the frog voices etc? 7) what is your opinion on the impressionist movement? 8) how important is a good first impression? And who should one try to impress in your opinion? 9) impressions of depression? 10) ...and oh yeah, first and current impressions of me? ...I guess?
  7. The secrets out Chen! You won't hack me! @.@ ...honestly I probably need a better one, not happy with my current version.
  8. Yeah, I would rather be a good person's Dream myself... especially if that good person was my wife. :) Although being Batman by being a Badguy's worst nightmare always appeals... but in the end, rather do something/be something positive. --- Current Question(inspired by my Games Night last night): Q60. Would you rather, play Smash Bros or Mario Kart?
  9. I remain completely uninformed as to what this is... and too lazy to Google it. :0
  10. Our winner... With 7 votes for best in Theme, and 16 votes total is... Toa! With Durban and Armads. --- 2nd place goes to both Eliwan and Blaze King, with an identical 13 votes. Honorable mention goes to Saifors with a very close 12 votes. --- Congrats to the winners, and great entries everyone! Hope you all enjoyed... See you next... BIWEEKLY BATTLE SPRITE SHOWDOWN! :D
  11. So true. Or an irl mute button. Just ready and waiting for when stupid people start talking. :0
  12. Am I the only one who feels like they lose IQ points whenever they read the political "discussions" around the American Election? So very glad I am Canadian. :0
  13. It's really hard to choose one or the other tbh... I feel like I would appreciate Samurai culture a bit more than the Viking pillaging... but hey, both had some interesting and ugly sides. Samurai Shep for me... though I would likely be more of a Ronin. Current Question: Q59. Would you rather be a good person's Dream or a bad guy's worst Nightmare?
  14. Cause I don't feel like new questions at the moment... 1) Who/what are you? 2) What is your quest!? 3) What is your favorite color!? 4) What is the best Monty Python movie? 5) What do you expect to get out of this?
  15. Meds are meant to be taken regularly as prescribed by your doctor. :\ Please do so.
  16. Sorry for your loss. At least it went out in a blaze of glory?
  17. THEME/TOPIC: Weapons Redrawn: Legendary weapons -Sprite a character with a legendary weapon, of your own creation or a preexisting one from any universe.(Not restricted to Fire Emblem) [spoiler=Rules]RULES: 1) Only 1 entry per contestant. 2) No voting for your own entry! 3) Entries should be limited to 16 colors.(15 colors+ 1 background color) This is more of a guideline, but good to follow for style and challenge reasons. Colors may be custom or using GBA sprite palletes. 4) No posting previous/old works! This means no edits/recolors of something previously made as well. -allowing previous/old works would give an unfair advantage to certain entries, two weeks is a good amount of time to work on an entry... how fair would it be to have to go up against something someone spent months or even a year on? -creating brand new works, encourages creativity and artistic growth and development, kinda what the whole art forums are about... isn't it? [spoiler=Voting and Winners]VOTING: Voting will be split into two categories. -Best in Theme -Best Overall Battle Sprite >Voting will run for 3 days If there are a large amount of entries, Best in Theme will be divided into smaller categories based on whether an entry is custom, splice, or animation. WINNERS: (Open to new ideas for this) Winning placement will be decided by total number of votes across categories. >The winner gets to choose two potential themes either from a list or of their own imagination. >The winner and runner ups will vote upon the themes to select one. >The winner gets two votes in addition to theme selection. >Second place gets two votes. >Third place gets one vote. >Whatever theme wins the winner's votes will be used for the next competition. Note, votes can be split, if you have two votes they do NOT need to go to the same theme. --- VOTING TILL: Thursday, September 22nd at 11:59pm PST. Hope you all enjoy the awesome entries! Good luck to all! :D
  18. Good the Bad and the Ugly is the best imo... it's two compatriots with Eastwood and Leone are right up there too... but after the Leone trilogy it gets a lot more wide open. Terrence Hill's stuff and the original Django actor's stuff was usually pretty decent. For instance Keoma was weird as hell... but Trinity is Still my Name was awesome. Now I wanna watch some more spaghetti Westerns... :o
  19. Leave it in. Till ready to switch, because then I can start up a game right away.
  20. Yeah, finally added up all the questions from the three threads. We have not hit three digits yet, but hey we are halfway there!
  21. Just a heads up. 1 day left! Let me know if you have an entry but need a bit more time. If we have enough we can do a slight extension. Otherwise we will go with the great stuff we already have.
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