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Everything posted by ErrantDShepherd

  1. Yeah, Pikachu for whatever reason has always been cooler in my mind. Despite some of the annoying mascot tendencies, Pikachu is still just kinda the epitome of Pokemon to me. Current Question: Q58. Would you rather be a Viking or a Samurai?
  2. Random questions 11) When did you first pick up spriting? 12) What skill do you wish you could develop? 13) Who is your favorite Superhero? 14) Why do you stick around us crazy people? 15) First and current impressions of me?
  3. My name is Melissa, fiteme @(>.<@) /sarcasm Protip: There is only one ErrantShepherd. (Never ever seen another)
  4. All aboard the... #hypetrain! Due to computer issues was not able to squeak out a teaser for my project in time... but very much looking forward to seeing the entries this year. Hope it's gonna be even better than last! Gratz to all who submitted in time... looking forward to the coolness! ;) :D #positivevibes
  5. The Great Train Robbery has a nice ring to it... but hey, why not roboshep a stationary bank and hit multiples in a row? Easier to do that then multiple trains... Pretty sure all bank or train robberies in my head involve either cowboys or 1930s gangsters. :D Ima go bank... then ride my getaway horse/car into the sunset. Q15. Would you rather train a Charizard or a Pikachu?
  6. Since you seem game for more... Video Game questions: 6) Favorite type of game? 7) Favorite RPG? 8) Favorite class/archetype (like white mage/healer) 9) Do you prefer more linear or open ended gameplay? 10) What level of character customization do you prefer?
  7. You just summed up like... 90% of the posts in FFtF, Parr. :0
  8. Aaaaaawww yeah! Another bud makes the interview list. :D Well Heya Ghast! 1) how's it going buddy? 2) do you think we would be friends if we had met first irl? 3) do you think life is more destinations or journeys? 4) have I scared you off of having kids yourself? :p 5) how do you view failure? (I struggle with it myself)
  9. Everything is looking good so far... just a reminder that there are 6 days left! So get those entries in! :D
  10. I prefer defense as I think a good defense wins you the game in any game... and tanking is active defense, that also allows me to protect my squishy friends. My favorite class actually was Paladin in WoW because it let me tank, and heal... and also do DPS from time to time if I wanted. So Tanks for me. Q14. Would you rather, rob a bank or a train?
  11. Literally people. I like people in general and like dealing with and understanding them. Also Art. Also Family.
  12. Since you seem game for more... Video Game questions: 16) Favorite type of game? 17) Favorite RPG? 18) Favorite class/archetype (like white mage/healer) 19) Do you prefer more linear or open ended gameplay? 20) What level of character customization do you prefer?
  13. I like axes more for the visceral in your face action of an axe as opposed to the distance of a spear. Q13. Would you rather be the tank or the dps?
  14. Monster Mafia seemed like a legit interesting concept. Would have possibility for taglines like... "No Saints, only monsters..." "...what kind of Monster are you." Thematic games like that seem fun, imo. >.> #2cents
  15. Hah, glad to see you enjoyed the theme. I guess we must go deeper. :o *inception theme* 11) Do you remember dreams? 12) Would you consider yourself a dreamer? 13) What would your totem or special memory be? 14) Am I dreaming right now, Boone? 15) How does one make their dream a reality?
  16. Your beauty comes effie-lessly. Any evening with you would be a good knight. Wanna be my wife in shining armor? Too much! XD
  17. So Zak, I do have some more questions for you... starting with of course... the impressions questions! 6) impressions, do you do any, like Kermit the frog voices etc? 7) what is your opinion on the impressionist movement? 8) how important is a good first impression? 9) who should one try to impress in your opinion? 10) ...and oh yeah, first and current impressions of me? ...I guess?
  18. Probably one of my OCs. Like its slightly narcissistic maybe, or perhaps me just using the easiest model available... but I often draw myself in a highly stylized cartoon form. The Errant Shepherd is essentially an idealized version of myself in Fire Emblem trappings. What would you do for a Klondike bar?
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