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Everything posted by ErrantDShepherd

  1. Neither appeal on any level tbh. I would go for management and I dunno that I would like dealing with either company's BS. If I really had to choose... I guess Walmart for the employee discount like Elie said... but Walmart tends to treat it's employees like crap, whereas McDs is at least a starter job? ...I guess I would go Walmart and be naive enough to believe I could make things better for people.
  2. Everything like people mention goes in cycles. There have been times when spriting and fangames were very quiet, and while I would not say they are super insanely busy like the fates section was... we brainstormed ways to improve our activity, and did stuff and it's been good imo. Idk if the activity we have had has translated to the forums as much as would be visible from outside those communities... but hey, the community has kept a very old game and art style alive and active for over 10 years now... that is a pretty damn impressive achievement. Basically, if something seems off... take a look at why, and if you feel you can... do something about it. Do not just talk about it if you have an issue with how things are... actively work to change things, starting with yourself. /rantover
  3. I gotta go with Solo. I wish I could be Luke... or good Luke, but honestly, I have always been more the Lancer. Q7. Would you rather, fight a bear or a bull?
  4. Showing skin is one thing... as people are going to show skin in various ways. It's the sexualized and objectifying aspect that bothers some people.You can create a design with skin showing without sexualizing it, or objectifying the character, case in point Mowgli from Disney's the Jungle Book. Only wears a loincloth, is only little boy, is not objectifind or sexualized whatsoever.(as that would be hugely innappropriate, due to age and story reasons) There is no need for a sexualized identity for this character as it does not fit their story.(well, till the end... but anyways) Compare that however to Nowi. She is designed to look like a sexualized little girl, for fetish purposes. Now the kicker is... she isn't REALLY a young aged girl... she's old as balls. She just looks that way cause blah blah blah... and plot wise there is some interesting tragic back story stuff going on. If they delved into that it would be fascinating... I may be ignorant if they do though as I have not finished Awakening yet. But she remains in the sexualized outfit she comes to your party in. The question is... if this outfit was something she was forced to wear, is something that objectifies her, why does she keep wearing it? Does it make sense to the story? If it can be explained and seems relevant then it is not just purely pandering fanservice. If it is never mentioned again, and completely irrelevant to the character and their arc... or not consistent to them... it's almost pure pandering fanservice. Objectificaton, fetoshization for the sake of trying to sucks someone in. I have a problem with that, as I find it to be a manipulative and disrespectful form of marketing/advertising. Especially when applied to actual human beings, because if we are constantly objectifying women, or men, then we are not treating them as fellow human beings. It's a little silly in a sense to treat computer/video game characters as human, as they clearly are not... but I dunno, it's kinda practice in a sense for avoiding falling into that dehumanizing trap in the real world? Hope that makes sense. That's my two cents at least.
  5. Do you use the hackbox? That helps. Some of my customs did not fit initially when not using the box borders, but they basically need to fit within the box to be usable for insertion into fangames, and to fit the style better. Anyways, keep at it! You are definitely improving!
  6. Round Three to finish this up! Man, I wish I had more to answer... ah well, that was fun!
  7. Gotta keep the hopes and dreams alive no matter what. :) I would love to do voice acting. I have been told I have an excellent radio voice... and I do voices and impersonations pretty well in general.
  8. Life... finds a way. You do armor as well as general colors and shading quite well. The proportions still do need a bit of work. But this one at least is pretty good and consistent within your style? Have you tried much splicing? Entering in a couple of the splice comps may be good practice. Anyways, nice Leif. Keep it up.
  9. ...POKEMON! #PokemonNO #PokeYES http://imgur.com/a/aHAeW ...I am not the only one who finds naming stuff ridiculously enjoyable am I? Being a huge dork and coming up with "clever" names? Anyone have, or seen any good ones?
  10. It's probably more that people are off on vacation and breaks or restarting classes at the moment Dinar. Not a criticism of your work at all from what I see. Every thing and thread go through lulls. Just push through them, and do what you need to do to keep challenging yourself. :)
  11. Spider-Man is an excellent choice. Marvel for me. I like DC... for their iconic characters... but overall Marvel tends to take more risks that pay off. DC is usually playing catch up. Also, Marvel in general tend to be more human/relatable characters over the godlike DC heroes. --- Which Avenger would you be?
  12. Yes. Cartoon all the way. Live Action completely missed the point of the Tick, and his brand of humor.A reboot would be best in Cartoon form, as it was originally a Comic book... an absurdist one. That requires something cartoonish to translate properly. --- Favorite Super Hero?
  13. "No... ...I do not work out... ...hunny? ...these fools are bugging me again..."
  14. Been a while but yeah I used to. :DWhich Final Fantasy hero is your favorite?
  15. Ganon is clearly just misunderstood. :( Buncha racist Hylians mistreating those poor Gerudos. Q6. Would you rather be, Luke Skywalker or Han Solo?
  16. If you had questions you were wanting to ask me but missed the chance to... feel free to pm them to me?I would like to keep taking questions TBH, until next person is chosen. But IDK if that is allowed. Thanks for all the awesome questions, guys. :) (Still working to reply to remaining ones.)
  17. Well here goes round two… *gets intense* Ankle sprain that took me out over the summer. I have had bad knee sprains and strains too… luckily I never broke anything, but as a teen I played damn hard. First: Hey… it's… oh, not Glac. Seems OK. Current: Hey… it's FireFrostMage! I still don't know them well… seem like a cool sort though? 3) Fencing… even fought I have no training, fencing just seems fun! Alternatively, hockey! 4) Settlers of Catan 5) oh geeez… too hard! Ummm… The Tick! Sogud. I will answer all questions so... yeah I will catch up if need be. Feel free to ask away. Hattu will be answered later. ;)
  18. Trolls have fabulous hair... I wish my hair was as nice. Gnomes have silly caps, and decorate random lawns... of the two,nO prefer the troll life style. Although, my WoW character ages ago was a Gnome Warrior called Dethfrumbelo! XD Q5. Would you rather, be Zelda or Ganon?
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