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Everything posted by ErrantDShepherd

  1. Gonna add my two cents. If you are this unsure of the idea, it's likely a bad idea at the moment. Not just for reasons that have been outlined regarding statutpry laws, but just for the sake of both of your emotional well beings, I would advise you very strongly to hold off. If you really are interested in this girl seriously relationally, then you need to look out for both of your best interests. It is not in the best interests of a teenager to be dating an adult, due to different life stages, maturity levels, and just personal and outside expectations. Let them figure them self out in this stage of their life, without you... if it's meant to be some meaningful relationship, you can wait. It is also not in your own best interest to be dating a teenager when you are newly an adult. You are no longer a teenager, but needing to figure out this adult thing... you cannot do that if you are spending your time with people younger than you... you need to start figuring out this life stage, bud. This would not help. It is a bad idea, Christianguy. If it's meant to be, maybe it can work out when she too is an adult... but this has bad idea written all over it. As you likely know by now.
  2. Oh believe me, it's being worked on. Ghast works on this almost every night... dude has some awesome work ethic. You will enjoy what he's cooked up. I can tell you that much from being in the beta. ;)
  3. Ghast and Arch since both are cool people in the fangames scene who would be interesting to ask stuff. :)
  4. By becoming a wumbologist. Why cannot a man hold his breath forever?
  5. Gym gyminy gym gyminny... gym gym geRieeee.
  6. I am up for anything if it doesn't seem like a bad idea. :) Is French supposed to be difficult for Canadians? XD Truly I will.
  7. Gimme a shout on discord. @ErrantDShepherd#8839

  8. I apparently started it. So figured eh... why not, seems fun? Plus rotten, cracked egg jokes are easier than sheep ones. ;) #LoveandPeace Alternatively, what has got you so cracked that you wanted to be an egg? Do you like sunny side up, or over easy?
  9. 1) I already had an interview and liked it! So if this is more of that, cool? (This actually was kinda a bonus round for velvet)2) Avoid all paper! 3) Pancakes at all times of day. No exceptions. ;) 4) If it starts an actual conversation and dialogue... then, sure why not? I HAVE NOT! does it hurt? :0 1) you would know better than I would. I am gonna say... no! Even though I have never played MH, I assume people know what they like! So why question that?
  10. I have no issue with my personal definition being in the minority. I am very used to thinking outside the box, having an uncommon definition tends to be my norm. I am a history major working towards my teaching degree, so this is fascinating for me. :) I read the Wikipedia article as well, and while it may be cognitive bias, I do believe what I said still is accurate. The German quote established that the fascists and nazis utilized Populist sentiments. They portrayed themselves as populist, even as socialist, but an examination of their historical practices would show them to be in fact an extremist minority. That is why I typify them as Elitist. Trump as well, likes to utilize populist ideologies, or phrasing. But his background, and his political ideology of isolationism represent elitism. Not populism in my opinion. His America First ideology is placing America as the new elites within the world. His approach actually reminds me a lot of Russian politics and the cronyism that was present in the post USSR environment... Putin is a product of that so it is no surprise he was a big fan of his. I will point to this as to why I believe my definition of populism is still valid. I can see why people believe Trump to be a Populist. He uses the terms, and portrays himself as one. The issue though, is Trump is an ELITE. He is a billionaire businessman. Used to bullying his way. Used to pitting people against others so that he comes out on top. He uses the language. But his economic proposals are in complete opposition to his populist persona.That is why Trump, is not an actual populist. He is the Elite. Proposing more of the same isolationist BS, "free market" BS that sent the country into a spiral eight years ago. Blaming not just the "elite" who are really his buddies... but blaming convenient minorities. This is what separates him from that definition. That is why he is not actually a populist imo, but scarily much more in common with those fascists. But yeah... I am willing to be proven wrong. I just feel strongly I have a valid definition here. I am liking this dialogue... but I dunno, maybe it should be moved to serious discussion?
  11. 1) aside from the limit. No. I just may be less talkative about certain topics, or straight up say I dunwanna get into it. ;)2) any type of question. 3) finally a SERIOUS question! ...well, no I did not. Until now!? God damn it Power Rangers! In all seriousness though, that sucks! But lbr, all good things come to an end Eventually. A renewed Tick series would be awesome though! Or even just reruns...
  12. 1) first, girl who likes KPOP... talkative. Current, cool person, still likes KPOP, fun. 2) eclectic. I like Rock, Jazz, Pop, Hip Hop... anything that sounds good to me basically. I tend to be a lyrics over melody guy though. Messages mean a lot. 3) Yeah, I would. I was sad we could not ally in the last one. 4) Sometime... maybe. Just not for a while... and not so seriously. XD 5) Vintage, Timeless styles are more my thing. I do like artsy type stuff and irony, but I am a smart casual type of dresser... over some hipster stuff. My tendency is jeans and a fun t-shirt, combined with one of my plaid button up shirts. So pretty standard, pretty casual, but works in a lot of settings. Been wearing my sandals and shorts a lot lately due to the summer. 6) 5'11" 7) Spriting is an extension of my love for art, and love for games. I loved playing sprite based games so started trying to make my own sprites... and now I custom them pretty well. At least once I learn a style. Also, set up a random thread... cause I am silly like that.
  13. Got some burning questions you need answered? Have things you wanna know but nobody seems ready to talk about it!? Do you like shitposters!?!?! Well then you probably will hate this thread. Go away. Or wait, ask a question, any question and I will answer it. But lbr, sometimes the answer is gonna be... I do not know, or can you tell me more about that? Sometimes a question will be your answer! Only limit is, I will not answer more than 5-10qs at a time from the same poster. But once I answer those I will answer another set. Ready? Let's go!
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