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Posts posted by Quintessence

  1. 4 hours ago, Rezzy said:

    One aggravating thing I've seen with Legendary Azura is that she will not attack if you have a unit in range, but will instead Dance another unit, which makes predicting the movement quite chaotic.

    A bit weird to me since I recently fought an Azura and she attacked me instead of dancing an ally. Granted, she was the only enemy that could attack me.

    Btw, my free summon was +atk -hp Deirdre yaay!

  2. 1 hour ago, Othin said:

    Her weapon's base effect is Wrath 3, and refining it adds Darting Blow 3.

    All major sites should have this sort of info now.

    Thanks for the update! I couldn't find info for Tome of Thoron on Gamepress though.

    Anyhow, I definitely will promote her and give her the unique refinement, I just need a proper A skill for her because Darting Blow/Wrath and Desperation are a bomb :awesome:

  3. 1 hour ago, NegativeExponents- said:

    To the whales who like to stroke their own egos over having the newest stuff available while most others don’t, yeah I guess that might be fun to them.

    The problem is you don’t really “work towards” anything in this game really. You either have it or you don’t. There’s very little sense of progression going on in Heroes and I feel like most of it could be fixed if it stopped heavily time gating resources like coins, refine stones, and grails, added a skill shop and skill refinement to the game, and added a way to receive merges outside of the gacha. Only then will players feel like they are progressing and truly working for something.

    This. There is a huge need of skills and units to improve in a more natural way than fishing 5☆s and exclusive skills. They should update older unit's skills, like expanding spur skills on older units to drive skills. I mean, looking for a way to refresh them, and maybe adjust their BST because newer units just eat them.

    @Vaximillian aww too bad you're quitting, hope the best for you!

    So far I've +7'd Linus, still a few to making him my first +10, and my next target will most likely be Naesala because yes!

  4. 8 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

    Fates has a lot of songs associated with Hoshido… and they reuse an FE12 song because reasons.

    Intsys why.

    This, I don't even know why the heck they mixed NM with Fates.

    Also, Fir ate his mother, decided to sacrifice +res -atk Karla to give her Wrath and wreck stuff with her blade. I'm 45 dew short of giving her her unique refinement. Additionally I want to expand my FE6 units considering March comes with new Sword of Seals heroes. My next project is training Bartre with some stance or blow setup and his Axe of Virility.

    It's also nice to know Linus's GHB revival is coming next week, whoo!

  5. Eir is fucking beautiful. This new book looks awesome to me, I hope the Askr siblings get more development, as well as Loki's, Veronica's and (provably) Bruno's involvement in it.

    What are the new refinement effects? I can confirm Spectrum Tactics on Robin (M) which grants +4 to all stats with the deployment restriction. His Tactical Bolt is Blarraven with +3 mt. Robin (F)'s Gale has the same raven effect so I assume she gets Spectrum Tactics.

    Someone, Whitewings and Ogma?

  6. 57 minutes ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

    Honestly SS4 is just one of the most insane skill in the game. i kinda want another Surtr copy to feed him to Michalis but PRIORITIES man


    @Quintessence I now believe you are a scum since i ended up pulling for another Surtr that will be sacked for Michalis when i get Silas for the A skill fodder :lol:

    Bwahaha I also have a Silas for delicious Bonfire/SS4 inheritance.

  7. 2 hours ago, mcsilas said:


    Saber is so fun to use right now. I have him supported with Dorcas so with Infantry Pulse and Quickened Pulse he has Miracle charged turn 1.

    Add a healer to heal him back up (using Bride Lyn's Rehabilitate right now) and he'll have his DC up for a long time.

    Really love the in-combat Fury without HP recoil. Such a great refine.

    Yeah, it's totally awesome! I have him supported with Celica because YES, and also gave him Fury 3 and Spd/Def seal because more stats more stats more stats. I wanted to keep Vantage on him to abuse DC but nope, the special proc messes up.

  8. 4 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:


    Post-stream rating on Niconico. 1 is "Great", and 5 is "Not good at all".

    Tbh I felt the stream was pretty boring because I expected new banner, news about weapon refinery, some hint at RD and Binding Blade units, etc., but in the end I said "screw it", let's +10 limited units.

  9. I'm really happy GHB and TT units are more accessible now, now I can +10 Linus much faster! I do wonder if we'll keep seeing GHB reruns?

    Aether raids look kinda fun but are arena 3.0, still nice to get more stuff.

    Also, Book III oh God that was pretty shocking seeing Sharena in that way. I wonder if something will happen to her, to Alfonse or the Summoner?

  10. 10 minutes ago, JSND Alter Dragon Boner said:

    PoR and RD iirc was when Axe is considered OP actually. Or at least i usually saw Titania spam playthroughs running Axes


    Axe being underpowered for most of the series is probably why Wyverns/Dracos become an Axe wielder later in the series which is notable since Wyvern Riders are deliberately designed to be broken

    Also Haar, Jill and the fact that Edward can't dodge tank axes in RD HM.

  11. 54 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    I agree I like the effort they've been making to diversify stat spreads, thinking on this actually made me realize this fault more, something which I'm happy Awakening and Fates sought to fix, and hope continues to try to be remedied. How wasn't it attempted sooner?

    I think they've always striven to do so, and each iteration has it, to a lesser extent. If we check same class units that per game like Barst/Bord/Cord, Wade/Lott, Geese/Gonzales, Dorcas/Bartre/Dart, Boyd/Nolan, one can easily find the character that fits better the class standard (high HP/Str/Con unit) vs the one that is either all around or excels at specific stats. As such, I think that what helped these variations be more present was the ability the company to listen to the public through internet, and the implementation of the Reclass system.

    Rinkah's case reminds me of Nolan, with the difference that Nolan has kind of high Res for a fighter. Nolan is basically a myrmidon with an axe with the caps of a Reaver.

    Now regarding the game, Idk why but is Forging Bonds trolling me? I get a focus unit but all the points go for the others. Really? I got Libra and all the points went to Sumia, I got Vero and Hector and all the point went to Celica, now I have Nina and all the points go to Flora, the heck!

  12. 12 minutes ago, Othin said:

    Ugh, the new Grounds has that one really obnoxious level with NY Azura and Camilla. As the second map, too.

    I cleared it with my bunch of fliers pretty easily. I lured Azura with LnD 3 Innes, the Brave Lance peg moved left of her and Camilla right on the back, and the mage moved near. By next turn, Innes one shotted the mage (Moonbow triggered), Ryoma killed Azura and Shigure (Fortified, water blessing and def refinement) swap tanked Camilla and the peg. Ryoma was swapped by Shigure and Repositioned by Elincia.

  13. 2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    To be fair, this is an issue with mainline FE historically speaking.

    Sword Infantry classes have virtually always emphasized Speed. Even a "slowpoke", like Dieck, finds their Speed issues to be not so bad owing to a good base stat.

    Similarly, Def had long been deemphasized for all units in FE. From 1-8, a Def growth breaking 30 was considered high. For Speed in those same games however, that would be at best average, more likely slow. It isn't until PoR (the Jugdral babygame was a prior exception) that Def growths exceeding 30 become more commonplace.

    Low Resistance too was common in all those games, since Mages were in a sense, an "abnormal" unit type. Physical was the "normal" and much more common. Being able to target a much lower alternative durability stat- it was through this privilege that the "abnormal" Mages were not junk, but instead "special with a good purpose". Awakening and Fates have since "normalized" Magic users by drastically improving Res stats on most player and enemy units, and making magic classes more prolific and present in the enemy ranks.

    Physically durable Mages in FE have been uncommon, they've always been oriented towards being some of the supposed few able to tank magic, and the only ones most the time able to do magical attacks.


    Long story short, a history of statistical conservatism in mainline FE has held back unit variety in FEH to an extent.

    This too can be found in unit types, Magic and Armor have barring those Jugdrali Barons, never occurred in mainline FE for an extreme example.

    @Kaden Can one throw Ikes into that pool? I feel they fit that criteria perfectly.

    To be fair I appreciate the efforts the developpers have made to diversify classes, stat bases and growths. They've constructed stereotypes on classes (or perhaps weapons, themeselves) but with the latest entries they've added units that deviate from this standard:

    Swords: Gerrik, Gregor, Dieck, Laslow, Meg.

    Lances (they're mostly all around, though): Syrene, Farina, Sigrun, Gatrie, Fiona

    Axes: Nolan, Rinkah (?), Barst, Titania, Jill.

    Tomes/Staves: Moulder, Pent, Renault, Tormod (RD), Bastian, Pelleas (to some extent), Odin.

    Other classes like Thief and Archer have been kind of consistent all along, and mostly show variations depending on the unit's gender.

    I really have high expectations on FE Three Houses regarding class variations and stat distribution, I want to see bits of everything: slow bulky sword users, bulky mages/priests, fast axe users, etc.

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