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Everything posted by Dagon

  1. Guess this isn't really part of the game but I don't like some of the DLC that brings certain characters back.
  2. I think people will learn with time that censorship matters because of the type of audience. Censorship can also be to hide something a country does not want other countries to see. It's not just in the form of censorship, A movie called To Live is banned in China because it demonstrates the faults of the lifestyles people had during Mao's era.
  3. Actually I think what you're experiencing is not being used to going through the day without caffeine. It's probably better to put away the habit and eat something healthy because you are becoming dependent on caffeine. It's like someone who has perfectly okay eyesight and then they start wearing glasses.
  4. It's worth adding to your computer because you press the spacebar you get kanji for the hiragana characters you type in. Don't abuse it though.
  5. Languages have to have a universal grammar or it'd be a lot harder to learn other languages in the first place. Japanese isn't latin based so it's not really something you can categorize with english other than it being a language.
  6. Same, I was told it was the dictionary form when I was learning. Never new they called it this way.
  7. I'd be okay with it but I don't want to pay $40 or full 3ds price.
  8. Another thing to think about is that one gender will more than likely make more money than the other. There is a lot of factors contributing to wage. I'd argue that those stats will always show that one gender has a high her wage. These are stats so they would take show the whole story. They might show a one percent difference later on even if gender equity is reached.
  9. I do think the gender gap is exaggerated in America. Yes women could get more equality but as it is the gap is closing. In other countries that's a whole different story. Oh and another thing about different genders doing the same task: depends on where you're getting those stats and if they actually have the same job rather than a job in the same field. In some cases men might even have an advantage with jobs that have physical labor (for obvious reasons). And men are born with the advantage, it's not something written in the law. Biologically speaking that's just how it is. Doesn't mean a women can't make a living out of physical labor, it just means they won't be as good as a man in a job (that isn't always the case but for the most part it is) that requires strength/endurance and they will be paid less because of it. Unfair? Maybe. But you can't just give people extra money for a skill they lack in, that's why people look for other jobs.
  10. That was my bad for not explaining that. _____________________________________________________________________ に is more specific then で iirc. Also で can denote mode of transportation as well when you start learning more Japanese in the future Quester. I think the usage of で is appropriate since he's just talking about his house. Kind of broad but the point of the sentence is that he eats food at his house rather than where the house is. I think there's cases where they're interchangeable though. _____________________________________________________________________ http://www.tofugu.com/2011/08/15/japanese-conjugation/ - This should help you a bit with conjugation. Oh and by the way you want to alternate between informal and formal. You can tell when someone is a foreigner based on how they switch it up. If you don't switch between the two it can be glaringly obvious you're not an experienced speaker. This is more for you to fit in rather than being correct. You could speak informal but people would consider you too polite in some cases. Doesn't mean you should just go informal all the time. Native speakers often tell me that a foreigner might not have an accent but the conversations get awkward because they only speak formally rather than informal. Don't really worry too much about formal or informal but know that you can switch it up.
  11. I know some people might see this as bad but it is irritating when people beat around the bush then respond to what you said with "I never said that" even though they heavily implied it in their argument. In some cases I think people use that to their advantage to get a point across so no one can refute it.
  12. You should setup your computer with IME and put the Japanese keyboard on there to switch between the two. I can tell you how to do it if you don't know how to. Also for days of the week and month you need to be careful. 1日 ついたち 2日 ふつか 3日 みっか 4日 よっか 5日 いつか 6日 むいか 7日 なのか 8日 ようか 9日 ここのか 10日 とおか When I was learning I always made the mistake of counting them as いちにち(一日)。Which is not correct at all. You just need to memorize them.
  13. Well price doesn't always determine the rarity of the game I think. For instance if you look at the price of FF VII for the black strip originals it can go into the $300s. Now it's probably cheaper though. Wow looking at ebay they have them pretty cheap. About 5 years ago I could only find $80+ copies that were mint condition. Very expensive despite people having copies of it. It depends on the form you get it in (digital & physical). I have a greatest hits version of FF VII which is significantly cheaper than the black original one. Still expensive but not quite as expensive as the original. And if it is wrapped it becomes even more expensive. Goldensun I would argue is mildly hard to find. Back when they sold used GBA games you could occasionally find it. The persona/smt games used to be hard to find but when it started gaining popularity they became very easy. Suikoden has been hard to find since they've taken out. Romancing Saga is also decently hard to find.
  14. I think in the cinematic scenes it'd be okay since it fits in well but not the actual battle cutscenes.
  15. I mainly cook these three things: beef stew with rice, pho, and eggplant parmesan. I went out of my way to learn how to cook these things because I like eating them. EDIT: those are the more complex dishes that require some special stuff. I can do eggs/ham and all the basic stuff if I feel like it.
  16. Dagon

    I am me

    oh my steam is Persona360 (currently named Shinso). And I'm already having a good time. It seems like you guys have a long history with debates after looking at the FAQ and communism.
  17. That's impossible for me to do with Dota. If I did that I'm pretty sure I'd accidentally die even under tower. I've only been able to multitask like that with the shift tab and razer comms lay over for Dota because I can still see what's going on without alt tabbing out of the game.
  18. Dagon

    I am me

    Yes. Very much. 5ever much.
  19. Knives are pretty dangerous. Even if you're the one with the knife. No person is going to just let you get close. If you run at someone with a knife you could trip and stab yourself. You might even put yourself In a position where you accidentally put the knife in the oppositions hand. Like attacking someone who specializes In a martial arts that disarms weapons would be really bad on your part. I think an amateur with a knife would hurt themselves more. General rule for any weapon though. People don't realize that the weapon is just as dangerous to themselves. Also why in prison the people watching the prisoners don't bring deadly projectile weapons in that the prisoners can use against them.
  20. Well i wasn't wrong someone would come in and disagree with the usage of logical fallacies. It's kind of like the word irony, you want to use it sparingly.
  21. Actually the disc count comparison is kind of misguided since discs on consoles nowadays can hold more.
  22. I live in Redmond, Washington. Yeah boring I know, being America and all. But hey! Valve and Nintendo are close by so that's one thing going for me.
  23. Woah. That yojimbo image is pretty good. Do make your own paint brushes in the program you use to make these images or just the default ones?
  24. I think times have changed and things with short campaigns can be accomplished easy (if you think about it). People don't pay $60 for a short complex platforming game anymore. That type of game is reserved for indies nowadays. Looking back on mario and sonic on the genesis/snes makes you realize those types of games would probably only be $10-$15 if it had the same type of gameplay today.
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