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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. Me trying to get the village events needed for Xiao Pai's marriage event. XD
  2. Oh, that sounds pretty neat! Makes you wonder why they didn't do something similar to this for the P3P female MC. Yeah, you're right, haha! ^^
  3. Give that guy with red hair in the middle blue hair, and he'd be a candidate for an FE lord. XD
  4. Oooh! Nice! Definitely looking forward to that! And Persona 3 Portable! ... Which was rendered non-canon until PQ2.
  5. Zhao Yun managed in one conversation what took Arnice an entire game's worth of time. XD dat artstyle clash, tho
  6. Yeah, true! ^^ Stuff like this is (also) what makes her one of my favorite characters!
  7. Haha! Thank you! ^^ XD I see! ^^ This applies right now, haha! --- Also Banger!
  8. evilfalchion incoming? xD Jokes aside, thanks! ^^ You guys are too damn nice, seriously, haha! *sniff*
  9. Then our definitions of toxic differ slightly, haha! ^^ Thank you! --- Alright, I'm currently venting frustration at poor innocent furry creatures in Warriors All-Stars, and stumbled upon this little talk: Never played Toukiden, but I do enjoy the massive amounts of lampshade hanging they do here. XD Also, Arnice is a treasure... but that's nothing new, coming from me. XD
  10. I do consider some of what I said 'toxic', but... thank you! ^^ Thanks! FFFFFFFFF FF FFFFFFF FF FF FF
  11. Come on, I'm trying to wallow in misery thinking I've made y'all hate me! But no, you had to go and be too damn understanding! XP Seriously, though... thanks, guys! ^^ I genuinely love this community, haha! --- This is a cute emote! ^^ I have! And honestly, even as someone who genuinely likes what Three Houses is, I can understand most of the points you've leveled against it (heck, even I think it has its issues). And you always manage to word your tirades in such a way that makes them entertaining to read, too! Heh, sorry about that! ^^ I deliberately picked a Touhou character (a rather accurate to the source material depiction of her, too), so as to not spook you too much!
  12. Those are at the very least understandable, even if I don't necessarily agree with them. My Conquest rants are just pathetic drivel from someone who is just too stupid to play the damn game, and complaining about it. XP (Most of the time, anyway)
  13. I should've kept most of the vitriol to myself, though, I think. Especially since it resulted in me just spouting straight up nonsense based on personal feelings.
  14. *sigh* Sorry for earlier, everyone. I once again let my emotions get the better of me. In any case, congratulations on beating Chapter 10 without casualties, @Saint Rubenio! As a peace offering, have my (so far) favorite picture of my favorite Touhou character:
  15. Niles is friggin' useless. Guy can't hit the broad side of a barn and when he does, it only does pitiful amounts of damage. If he wasn't the only unit with capture on the Conquest side (GAME DESIGN! (tm)) (and he's not even good at it due to aforementioned circumstances, and Capture only making his hitting problems even worse than they already are), and the only one with Locktouch for a while until you get Kaze (who is just about equally useless, because none of the good hidden weapons are available on Conquest outside of My Castle rewards (again, GAME DESIGN! (tm)), he'd be instant bench fodder. Then again, only a handful of the units in Conquest are anything even remotely approaching usable. The game railroads you pretty hard into using specific ones... which is another aspect I greatly dislike about it. --- Anyway Have some music from my personal favorite SRPG instead.
  16. I'd go for it! If you have the opportunity to do so! XD Are you Plutia/Iris Heart now? XD
  17. Thank you! I support your decision as well, in this regard. If you're really not enjoying a game, and you have a physical copy, why keep it? Rather, try to make some money off of it and buy something else you enjoy with that money, instead. Agreed. Heh! ^^ No torture you could administer would match the agony that is Ninja Hell. XD
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