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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. I know, but for some reason, I tend to sit there going "wait, how do I do this?" XD And then I died to a random plant thing spitting coconuts (?) everywhere. xD Thanks! ^^ I found it, saved it, and... forgot where exactly I got it from. xD My bad! This weather is making my brain melt.
  2. Oh wow, it's getting dark already? I just woke up! .... Also, what are these mountains doing here?
  3. This is true! Though in the case of Ys 8, it's not that I dislike it, it's more that I have difficulty really understanding what I'm doing in combat. XD I prolly will do this if/when I get to it! Sure! ^^ Yep! ^^ F Ah, well. So long as the third character isn't the boring edgelord he looks to be from his design (though I only caught a glimpse of it on the select screen, cuz the person playing selected Yunica too fast. xD), it'll be a-okay! Tutturu to you, too! ^^ Good lord! Yeah, that's a pass from me, then. Also partly because I don't play on PC beyond emulators. XD Welcome to my world! XD Good luck! ^^
  4. Soooo... in preparation for the fact that I still have not finished Ys 8, but having plans to rectify this (I still can't get used to the way the game plays, sadly), I watched a playthrough of Yunica's story of Ys Origin yesterday. First of all: I can already say she's best protag, out of the three that exist in this game. Second of all: I looked up art, and... Yeah... about that, fanartist... XD Honestly, a reason I wouldn't be interested in this game is less the map design looking like a nightmarish mix between FE4 and Awakening's worst, but more that the game looks like poop. I'm not usually one to harp on graphics, but man, this looks dull. ---- Also, good morning, everyone! ^^
  5. I see Shrimpy is going through what I have to deal with every time I touch any FE game. Stay strong, Shrimpy! This was straight up sadistic, though... XD
  6. Dude, you're late for the stampede! You missed all the good stuff!
  7. Banned for having joined higher ranks.
  8. Watch him become your best unit just out of spite. XD
  9. So... you know the meme associated with that character in my profile picture? Well... turns out there exists an official remix of her theme that sounds very disco-like. XD They knew what they were doing. This is a legit great remix of her theme, though!
  10. Ah, yeah! That might explain it. Arlen is an ungrateful person, it seems! XD
  11. I see! Thanks! ^^ Tamamo... well, she goes above and beyond mere innuendo in some of the things she says, let's just put it that way... XD For example.
  12. That is always great. Though that could be explained away by the heatwave we currently have. Though, granted, I don't know if Spain is affected by it, too. XD lmao What anime is this from? XD Also true. XD
  13. #TeamNoSleep XD Scary! That... actually sounds like an interesting game, ngl. XD Hello, Ruben! Is your ethernet cable refusing to work, or is it something on your laptop itself?
  14. The Four Heroes of Insomnia! I like the sound of that. XD ^^
  15. Nice! XD F Member count: at least 3 XD Hello, everyone! ^^
  16. XD I mean, I'm pretty sure, one on one, and speaking realistically, over half the cast would be able to curb-stomp the poor guy just by virtue of being something more than human... and one hell of a lot smarter than he is. XD Yeah, I found it pretty funny, too! XD
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