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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. Who knows? Because Serenes Forest is drunk sometimes. XD
  2. It is, in all likelihood, part of why you think Animal Kingdom is the worst Disney theme park. Though I am no psychologist, so take this with a grain of salt.
  3. Which is sort of fitting from your perspective, because, in Japanese "Ma" means demon. And "Mao(u)" means "Demon King". Though "Mao" is a legitimate Japanese girls' name, with no connection to demons at all.
  4. Oh wow, yeah that is definitely an understandable root of a phobia.
  5. Banned because do you want to replay it?
  6. XD I'm very allergic to their poison, so I have a phobia of the things, so... I'd be right there with you, probably. XD Thank you. ^^ I mean, he's the Emperor of Shrimps. In what world is he NOT an alien? xD Joking, of course! Now I see it, too! Oh boy. XD
  7. Admit it, you love it. Fallen Edelgard made me type the above line.
  8. Then that is probably the line where they started to rush it.
  9. Banned because you're very welcome. ^^ Keep up the good work!
  10. Hmm... if the horse is nice enough, I'd consider it. Maybe.
  11. Banned because I really liked the stories you posted earlier.
  12. Armagon be like: You have my sympathies for that. I can live with heat. Humidity that makes me think I'm in a greenhouse? Not so much. Also, I apologize for that nonsense I spouted yesterday. I... don't know why I said that.
  13. Banned because this thread told me to.
  14. It's not hot, exactly (around 26 degrees Celsius, I think). For me, it's more the humidity that absolutely murders me. You can do it. I believe in you.
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