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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. Don't get me wrong, I also like talking to people with different opinions. That's what forums/comment sections are for. But when someone insults you personally because of your opinion, that is where I draw the line. But you're right. All their complaining doesn't do much.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLBTIUzPpEQ
  3. Hey, you guys! Recently, my friends started talking about a game named Fairy Fencer f for the Playstation 3 and I wondered: has anyone of you looked into that game? Is it any good? If so, please tell me and if not, please tell me also. I'm a fan of well-made JRPGs (the Tales series, which I find to be the best in that regard, among others (Final Fantasy, Bravely Default). So... for an RPG fan who likes good stories, and good character development... is that game any good?
  4. ^THIS! SO MUCH THIS! ... also, hilarious profile pic XD
  5. Sure, you're right and I agree wholehartedly (is that how you write it?). It is the world we live in. But I still think it is kinda saddening how people can get so aggressive against others just because they like different things. It's not like I couldn't sleep for three weeks straight after that comment chain (no sarcasm intended), I was just baffled by how unwilling people can be to accept other's opinions. Everything has flaws. The real trick is to look past these to appreciate what you have. I can totally agree with you there. I see I'm dealing with lots of mature people on this site. :D
  6. You, sir, make me restore my faith in humanity a little. Your statement is so true that I am at a loss of words. I also love FE7 and 8 (even though I prefer 7, tbh). Those games are amazing.
  7. Hey, you guys. Sorry, if I should have put this topic up in another part of the forum, but I'm fairly new here, so I apologize in advance, if this is the wrong place for something like this. I have recently browsed through a lot of forums regarding Fire Emblem and some other video games and I have come across a very, very disturbing thing. Opinions aren't acceptable anymore. Is it just me, or did anyone else see something like this: Post: Oh, boy. FE:A is my favourite Fire Emblem! Reply: Go away. FE:A is stupid crap *more people join in and bash on Guy A* I mean, wow, right? Of course, not everyone is like this (and I don't, I repeat I DON'T want to offend anyone personally, so please hear me out on this one). The above is just an example. It could also be replaced with anything. Pokémon's first generation for example. If you see someone innocently state that Gen 1 is their favourite, you can expect a chain of comments bashing this person for stating his/her opinion. I know, it sounds like I'm whining, but something like this can be very personal to some. I myself said something and the very next day I had a chain of comments below my original post that bashed me for having this very opinion (that opinion being Charizard being my personal favourite Pokémon). It seems to be a common thing across the internet nowadays. Certain opinions are not acceptable anymore. It says something that I myself am scared to admit that Charizard is my favourite Pokémon or that my favourite game is Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World (after Fire Emblem Awakening of course). Did you ever feel that way with something you liked that the rest of the fanbase didn't? Did you ever get bashed for stating your opinion? I guess I just want to know if I'm alone on this one or if anyone out there agrees with me that this is truly frightening. And again, I apologize if this is the wrong section.
  8. I would also say Sumia, because she looses her weaknesses to Wind-magic and Bows as Falconknight/Darkflier and gains Bows to use in return. Also, she gets Lancefaire (Cordelia gets this, too, but I think Sumia makes the better healer) and +2 Strength compared to Flaconknight. With boots, her movement loss is also augmented so... yeah, I'd go with Sumia.
  9. Is this still about worst characters in FE:A or ralliers? If it's still about worst chars (I'm probably getting hate for this, but eh... I'm used to it) these would be my picks: (note: I'm talking about units, not personalities. That would be a WHOLE other list) Gaius. Yes, Gaius. I apologize to any of you who have Gaius as their favourite character. Reason why: His stat growths. For me, he only ever increased Skill and Speed and occasionally Strength, which is all well and good, but still having around 17 or so Defense AFTER skill grinding as an Assassin does not cut it, in my opinion. Here are Gaius' average stats I get per playthrough. Class is usually Assassin: HP: 76, Str: 40, Mag. 20, Skl.48, Spd. 46, Lck. 22, Def. 15-18, Res. 8-11 When all other units are usually maxed out after Skill grinding. This is a real shame since I like Gaius as a character and his critical hit quotes and voice are badass in both japanese and english. Ricken & Miriel. In a similar vein to Gaius, those two always get stat screwed for some reason. I don't know if I do something wrong, but Lissa, Brady or Laurent (ironic, isn't it) are usually better Sages in the end. Good thing I can't stand Ricken, but with Miriel it's a shame since some of her supports are downright hilarious. Donnel: As mentioned by others, his base stats are total crap and it's a nightmare to increase them, even when using DLC. At least they increase quickly, but for me, even with Aptitude, he never maxed out Res as a Hero. And on harder difficulties, you have to go out of your way to even get the guy to join you. Just... urgh... I made Gaius' section longer in order to appease his fans. I could continue going into detail, but all my complaints are about stats, so... yeah. Some other characters that usually turn out inferior to others and prove to be a liability instead of an asset include: Vaike, Panne, Libra, Anna and Cherche. That's about it, I think. Note that those last five did occasionally turn out good for me, hence why I listed them off like this. Sorry if the post is too long... :-)
  10. I'd promote Robin at around the same time, because there is a two year time skip and maybe he got 'promoted' to Grandmaster by Chrom out of respect and gratefulness (no pun intended).
  11. Alright guys! I took your advice into consideration and I finally beat it! (the normal path at least!) Thank you so much for helping me out on this one and sorry if some of my questions were stupid! I think I'm going to attempt the secret path in another file, because the pairings (especially the marriages) were suboptimal, to say the least. I reclassed Morgan and Nah to Grandmasters and Nowi to Wyvern Lord to use Brave Weapons with them, but that turned out pretty meh. So I think the secret path will have to wait until I make a file with more optimal pairings and skillsets. But still! Thank you all so much for replying to this topic and giving me so much helpful advice!
  12. Okay, I almost thought so. My Avatar ended up being pretty mediocre with +HP/-Luck. I married Nowi in my first file by accident (had no idea that you could marry anyone and just paired up with her to preserve her Dragonstone and then just before chapter 13, they ended up getting married). Never married her again, but I recently looked back at my first file (which I still have for some reason) and I thought "Hey, maybe this pairing can do better" but eh... I don't really want to be accused of pedophilia so... in hindsight, I probably won't do that again (no means no, right?). Thinking about marrying Sumia in my next file to get a strong Dark Flier mage Cynthia. Is +Magic/-Strength a good approach for this if I want to mainly use magic as a Grandmaster and get Cynthia and Morgan to have good stats with Sumia as a mother?
  13. XD And yeah, I know, it's broken. But so is that Dual weapon thingy. I just wrote the first thing that came to my mind. I mean, Luna+ and Hawkeye combo is broken as hell, too, right? P.S. shadowofchaos: I saw your Fire Emblem videos on Youtube and I must say: you, sir, are a comedy genius. I still laugh my butt off at Chrom's Engrish. And I also want to thank you for translating the Japanese crit lines of all the parent and child characters in that other video. I always wondered what they said and now I know (I don't have a Youtube account, so I thought I'd give my two cents here. Sorry)
  14. All-Breaker: Hit and Avoid +50 against all weapon types. Bravery/Berserk Rush (whichever name fits better): Halves your Defense and Resistance but doubles your Strength and Speed when in critical HP Change Astra's activation rate to User's Speed stat% Dual Weapon: You attack with two weapons, doubling the amount of times you attack but you also use up both weapons (i.e. you use two Killing Edges together and both weapon's durability will decrease (Swordmaster only skill, because they have two swords on their map sprites, also Say'ri's support with male Avatar) Critical+ skills from Radiant Dawn should return for obvious reasons.
  15. Priam/Walhart: Veggies vs Meat Nowi/Panne: Building off of their Summer Scramble convo Gangrel/Emmeryn: Obvious Say'ri/Yen'fay: They're freaking siblings! Say'ri/Lon'qu: Wouldn't it be cool if Say'ri knew Lon'qu from somewhere? Lucina/Female Morgan: huehuehue. Troll vs. stoic that doesn't get jokes. Kjelle/Priam: Ike's descendant finally puts that annoying b***** to her place.
  16. Alright, thanks a lot :-) I think I will add more attack skills like Astra or Luna to pile more damage. Four possible Astra triggers with two possible Dual Attacks for each should do the trick with the units who can use it (i.e. Gwendolin/Severa). And Luna halving enemy defense/resistance is also a boon, I think. Here's hoping that few of them have Counter, because that would screw up the Astra-strategy. One last thing: How should I use Vantage/Vengeance, if at all? It's something that can save you in a pinch, but the task is not to get into a pinch in the first place, so should I leave it out? What should I put on my Rally bots instead (Lissa and BURU)? I thought that Rally Def. and Rally Res. could be handy in a pinch. Rally Luck and Rally Skill help with activating attack skills. At least that's what I thought. But I can think of something else, like giving the two Limit Breaker also, just in case. Alright, I think I got it now. I have to train up my other units and give them Limit Breaker also (like Laurent, Brady etc.). And I think I could replace Maribelle and maybe Olivia, because using her in Apotheosis sounds like a risk, especially if I don't pair her up with someone else. (You know, because she should just dance).
  17. Maybe even a game where that assholeish dad is one of the antagonists. Like with Radiant Dawn, you get to control two armies, one constisting of Plegian characters (maybe even introducing Robin's mother, maybe?) and the other consisting of Ylissean characters, which serve that guy but notice that he's up to no good and in the end they'd have to team up and fight him or something. Or they could explain what made him so assholeish in the first place. I see a lot of potential there.
  18. I got the point 2 to an extent, but what about their retaliation attacks when I attack them. Isn't it fairly useful to halve that damage you receive when you attack them? (i.e. the Generals at the beginning all have Spears as far as I've heard) And I covered the Hawkeye issue in my post above. That's what I thought Iote's Shield would be useful for. In case there would be Snipers/Bow Knights with Hit+ skills. Hit+20 is screwy enough sometimes... and if it is a skill that lets you hit with 100%, there's nothing much you can do, except killing them first. I just hope that there aren't that many enemies so that this tactic works. About the Rally units: Would you recommend more than two? Or are two Rally units that combined pack all Rally skills enough?
  19. Hawkeye. A.k.a. that stupid Lunatic+ skill that screws you over in conjunction with Luna+? I am doomed.
  20. When I pair myself with Nowi to make Nah a second Morgan (you know: double the badassery means... double the badassery), what asset/flaw should I choose to optimize the two children? I always went with HP as an asset and Luck as Flaw to get the mods on defense and resistance for them, but it kinda leaves my Avatar in the dust. What asset/flaw would you recommend if I want to have two Ignis Manaketes?
  21. Ah, I see. I abuse the Pair Up system whenever possible, anyways, so that's not going to be an issue. But I think my team lacks a bit in the healers department. I may reclass Sumia to Falcon Knight and train her in staves to counterbalance that a bit. Then, I just have to switch Tomefaire with Lancefaire (in case she absolutely must fight) and give her a Brave Lance (forged Brave Weapons are a must-have in most of the harder DLC-chapters, I noticed (lookin' at you Five-Anna-Firefight... grr...) When you say that I don't need Iote's Shield, is it safe to assume that there will be few (if any) bow units? In that case, I can think of benching Bowbreaker as well. Btw, how useful are these breaker skills exactly. I, for one, like using them, but I see few players who actually put them on their units. Can they even make a difference in Apotheosis?
  22. I was planning on pairing Priam up with Gwendolin (because of Dual Support+). I'm not meaning to hate on you, but could you please explain which character choices are 'questionable', as you said or was this just directed at Priam? I put the Manaketes there because they were a godsent in Rogues and Redeemers 3, I just kinda hoped they'd work wonders in Apotheosis, too. But if you say they aren't that useful, I'll think about something different. Thanks for your advice! P.S.: LOL at that Team Name XD and wow at beating Lunatic+ on Classic. I couldn't even beat Lunatic/Casual yet... *hides in the corner out of shame*
  23. I'd go with Mia simply because she's kinda my waifu... (I'm kidding, I'm not really into that whole 'waifu business', but Mia is my favourite Fire Emblem character of all time and I would love to see her in a Smash Game, though unlikely it may be) Eirika or Lyn would be nice, too. Or Sigurd. Would be interesting to see a mounted character. They did it with Bowser Jr, so why not?
  24. Hello, fellow Fire Emblem fans. I registered just now an I wanted to know if any of you can help me with my setup for the DLC chapter Apotheosis. I'm not really sure if what I did works out the way I planned it, so I'd like to have a second opinion about it. Thing is, I only just got around to buy all the DLC chapters so far and I haven't completed all of them (I'm missing the three just before Apotheosis and that one itself). I'm playing on Normal/Casual (because that one is my very first file and I didn't delete it until now. The only reason I used this file was because I wasn't quite sure what to expect from the DLC). So, anyway, I'd be glad, if you could judge my setup and maybe give a few suggestions as to what I can do better. Also, I apologize if I word certain things wrong/weird, because English isn't my native tongue *blush*. Okay, here goes. I know that I can use 20 units in Apotheosis, so I selected these: Dominik (My male Avatar): Asset: HP, Flaw: Luck. Class: Grandmaster; Skills: Limit Breaker, Aggressor, Ignis, Bowbreaker, Armshift Chrom: Great Lord; Skills: Limit Breaker, Dual Strike+, Dual Gurad+, Aggressor, Rightful King Sumia: Dark Flier; Skills: Limit Breaker, Tomefare, Luna, Galeforce, Iote's Shield Nowi: Manakete; Skills: Limit Breaker, Wyrmsbane, Lifetaker, Swordbreaker, Lancebreaker Lucina: Great Lord; Skills: same as Chrom, except Galeforce in place of Aggressor (obvious) (mother is Sumia) Cynthia: Falcon Knight; Skills: Same as Sumia, except Lancefare (or is it faire?) and Aether in place of Luna (father is Chrom) Morgan/Linfan: Manakete; Skills: Limit Breaker, Wyrmsbane, Ignis, Galeforce, Armshift (mother is Nowi) Nah: Manakete; Skills: Same as Morgan (father is Dominik (a.k.a. me)) Lissa: Sage; Skills: Rally Speed, Rally, Luck, Rally Resistance, Rally Movement, Rally Heart Owain: Assassin; Skills: Limit Breaker, Galeforce, Luna, Swordbreaker, Lancebreaker (father is Frederick) Severa: Hero; Skills: Limit Breaker, Armshift, Vengeance, Vantage, Bowbreaker (father is Lon'zu (Lon'qu for all North Americans) BURU (don't ask) (my best friend's Avatar): Asset: Magic, Flaw: Luck. Class: Dark Knight: Skills: Rally Strength, Rally Magic, Rally Skill, Rally Defense, Rally Spectrum Gwendolin (my female Avatar from my Hard/Classic run): Asset: Speed, Flaw: Defense. Class: Swordmaster; Skills: Limit Breaker, Dual Support+, Luna, Sol, Galeforce Priam: Hero; Skills: Limit Breaker, Luna, Sol, Swordbreaker, Lancebreaker Gerome: Wyvern Lord; Skills: Limit Breaker, Sol, Renewal, Swordbreaker, Iote's Shield (father is The Vaike) Noire: Sorcerer; Skills: Limit Breaker, Vengeance, Tomefaire, Pavise, Lifetaker (father is Libra) Say'ri: Swordmaster; Skills: Limit Breaker, Swordfaire, Astra, Galeforce, Lancebreaker Tiki: Manakete; Skills: Limit Breaker, Wyrmsbane, Slow Burn, Quick Burn, Swordbreaker Olivia: Dancer; Skills: Limit Breaker, Swordfaire, Astra, Special Dance, Galeforce Maribelle: Valkyrie; Skills: (not really relevant, because all she has to do is use Rescue staves) Alternate Rescue-bot: DLC-Eirika (Class: Bride) What do you think? How hard will the enemy curbstomp me? I heard a thing or two about Apotheosis, like that there is a harder Secret Path. Would you recommend I attempt that first or would you say stay away from it entirely? I'll be glad if someone out there would be kind enough to help me. Thanks in advance and sorry about wall of text.
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