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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. That depends if you plan on DLC-grinding, I guess. I'd suggest a Frederick/Lissa pair, since she boosts his resistance and he boosts her defence (and Owain is just too awesome to leave out)
  2. I always make room for a Swordmaster unit in all of my FE playthroughs I always use female swordmasters over male ones. I always make my female Avatar in FE12 and FE13 a Myrmidon/Swordmaster I hate 75% of Sacred Stones' characters, which includes Ephraim I love Awakening's storyline I like FE12's Avatar I like Robin's character I like Severa FE9 was my first FE game My favourite GBA FE is FE7 I don't think Micaiah is a terrible unit I think Sanaki is the best mage in Radiant Dawn I like the idea of fighting alongside your children I love the marriage system I wish Ike had a romantic ending with Mia in FE10 (I ship these two so hard) I always purposely kill off Ricken, Donnel and Kjelle in Awakening I never used Seth in FE8 I actually hate using Cavalier-related units (that includes Paladins, Great Knights, Bow Knights and Dark Knights, but excludes flying mounts like Pegasus Knight and Wyvern Rider)
  3. For me, Mia takes the cake, followed by Say'ri. ... And depending on how exactly she'll perform, Hana from Fates also seems like a very good one.
  4. Well, since I only played I believe FE6 (The one with Roy) and up, I can't say THAT much about the earlier lords or if they are any good. Here are my thoughts on the Lords from the FE games I've played: Roy: Bad. Just bad. He can't kill anything in the entire game and his promotion comes so late that you'd think twice about using him in the first place... though every unit in FE6 seems to be pretty mediocre (aside from Rutger/Rutoga, Fa(e) and Sophia and maybe Lilina), so there's that... Eliwood: He's about as bad as his son. But his supports give him some good options and due to arena abuse, you can level him to level 20 early so that he doesn't get in the way later. This is less of a problem in Hector's path, though and his stats are pretty solid. For me, though, he's the worst out of the three FE7 lords. I also quite like his personality, being all nice and stuff (SPOILER (?): and the (implied, depending on how you manage supports) love story with Ninian is pretty sweet and leads to a genuinely tear-jerking ending, which, to me, makes him the most memorable lord). Hector: Ugh, speaking of which. Yes, Hector CAN tank physical hits, but that's about it. Magic and faster enemies just kill the poor guy. Still, he's a pretty cool guy that can go toe to toe with Generals and the like and not get damaged. His strong personal weapon and later access to swords help, too. Lyn: Lyn fits my favourite FE-archetype. She's fast and a dodging machine and she uses swords (yes, I love Swordmaster related units... so sue me). Her low defenses can be pretty awful, especially if you don't get any good growths and lance users are just awful to fight (which is why Hector exists). But she gets bows upon promotion so that's pretty cool. Also, I really like her personality. That's how you do a strong female character! Eirika: Perhaps a second Lyn, stat-wise and probably (spoiler for the rest of this list) my favourite female lord (well, haven't played Fates yet, so maybe that will change when Female Kamui rolls around). I know that there are claims that she is a pretty bad unit, but for me, she was always one of my, if not the single best unit in all of my FE8 runs. I also quite like the way her character is developed. It is a really realistic depiction of someone experiencing war for the first time. Sad thing about her (but that's not her fault) is that it seems like every male character wants her... uh, yeah... you know. This is so bad that even Awakening joked about it (see the first DLC map, where you get Prince Marth for reference). (side note: A storm just went off outside... holy hell!) Ephraim: I'm honestly conflicted about him. With lances being just a straight up bad weapon type (in my opinion, anyway) and his speed getting little to no growths in my playthroughs, I can still safely say that he is an amazing unit gameplay wise, because similar to Hector, he gets a ridiculous amount of strength and defense. But then there's the problem with his personality. He is a war-loving, one dimensional scumbag... there, I said it. There's not much else to him, but I can get that some people may like him. I don't. Sorry. Ike: Both in Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn, Ike is just amazing. He is easily (one of) the strongest unit(s) in both games (although he has fiercer competition in Radiant Dawn with the Laguz Royals and especially Mia). Personality-wise, there's not much to say about him other than: he is a badass. And that's enough for me. GO IKE! (If you can't tell, Ike is my favourite FE-Lord character). Micaiah: Also known as 'Failcaiah' to some, I don't think she's quite as bad as people make her out to be. Sure, she supports a nation of racist assholes, but these people were the first she could ever talk to, so I guess I can understand her point of view throughout the story of Radiant Dawn (that doesn't mean I agree with her, though). Unit-wise, she is kind of a mixed bag. Sure, she can't solo maps on her own and her promotion to tier 3 comes in quite late (Paragon and bonus EXP remedy that a little, though), but I think she is a very strong contender for the best mage unit in the game, due to her personal tome and generally strong stats (although speed might be lacking a little, if you get unlucky, I guess). Marth: Yikes, he is the most hyped up lord in all of Fire Emblem (read: Awakening), yet he just might be the worst of the bunch. Bad stat growths, low durability and a really weak personal weapon (remember: you only get the Falchion toward the end of both DS-remakes) and you have a contender for worst unit in Shadow Dragon and Heroes of Light and Shadow (though he IS a bit better in the second game). His Fire Emblem makes him an excellent replacement/additional thief, though, so that's cool. Chrom: If you take power creep out of consideration, you end up with a comparatively mediocre lord, to be honest. In his own game, he is far from being the best unit, although he is really strong, don't get me wrong (hah! That rhymed!). Chrom is one of my favourite lords, but compared to some of the others (namely Ike) he falls short of some attributes the others have. Character-wise, he is up there with Eirika as one of the most realistic lord characters out there, having flaws to his character that he fully aknowledges and coping with these throughout the story. Lucina: She can easily be one of the most broken characters of Awakening (being a child character and all) and although she might not exactly be the strongest of all children (excluding an Avatar-mothered Lucina), she still is a very, very strong unit. But her performance really depends on who is the mother, because with the wrong one (aka the Maiden), she's basically a second Chrom: comparatively mediocre in all of her attributes. But players know better, right? Right? Character-wise, I can see where she's coming from with all of the 'destroyed future' stuff and I feel sorry for the girl for having gone through all those messes (as my childhood wasn't exactly the best, either, I can relate to Lucina's struggles).
  5. I have another question as well. Which do you guys think is the best Morgan if I want to go for skill, speed and GaleForce? I thought about giving him/her these skills for Apo: Limit Breaker Luna/Ignis Astra Galeforce Lancebreaker (so that he/she might be able to take on Anna) (alternatively Rightful King and/or Aether, depending on your suggestions) Haven't decided on Avatar's asset and flaw yet and also haven't decided on male or female Avatar (+spd/skl is probably a given). I thought about a few options and wanted to have a second opinion. For female Morgan: Sumia Say'ri Gregor/Lon'qu!Severa (for 3rd Gen) For male Morgan: Lon'qu maybe Chrom Gregor/Lon'qu!Inigo/Owain (for 3rd Gen) Thoughts?
  6. Yeah, both sides have genuinely enjoyable characters. Although, now that I think about it... Nohr's characters might be a bit more hilarious (Camilla, Odin, Luna and Velour), while Hoshido's are more on the serious side of things (Ryoma, Sakura, Kazahana)
  7. *slowly raises hand* B-but I like Hoshido's characters more... *is shot* X_X Edit: *rises from the grave* it's not that I hate Nohr's characters. In fact, I like them a whole bunch as well. Just... not as much as Hoshido's... *is shot again* XX_XX
  8. I felt the same way as you, but... ... she is absolutely right. I'll be waiting for the Special Edition to come out here in Europe (or I'm just buying both versions, that depends on my patience). Edit: Couldn't they just release it worldwide on the same day like they did with Pokémon X/Y and ORAS?
  9. To the one who posted the link to all the translated supports: In a bad Virion impression: Many thanks! M!Kamui and Kazahana's supports are the best so far... the best supports of all time, to be honest (in my opinion, of course). Fire Emblem: if is proving itself to be better than Awakening already... (although the S-supports with Elise and Sakura are... well, kinda creepy, actually...)
  10. [spoiler=]People have been saying that she gets ripped to shreds by the faceless... If that's true, then someone in the writing staff REALLY hates lolis.
  11. I always pair the two most fitting characters together (based on support conversations/my own impressions) (bonus points for favourites with my own character, of course *coughcoughSumiaandHanacoughcough*)
  12. [spoiler=]I think it will be something like a true samurai's death or something. Probably goes like this: "I have failed my country and my people. I have disgraced myself" *commits samurai-style suicide* ... so, yeah.
  13. Uh, let's see... Male character: Hoshido: Hana or Felicia (leaning more towards the first...) Nohr: Luna/Severa, Felicia or Elise Third Path: Aqua or Felicia ... Felicia is kinda cute :3 Female character: Hoshido: Nishiki or Ryoma Nohr: Odin. It has to be Odin. Because reasons Third path: ... not sure yet.
  14. I'm actually thinking about getting a japanese 3DS and import the game (even though I can't read kanji...) Also, where do people find all the translated stuff? Been looking all over for it and didn't find anything (the My Room quotes from a few pages ago, to be exact)
  15. Meh, you can't stop the hype train. If you try, you'll get run over... That's a sad truth... I hope the game will live up to the hype... because Pokémon sure as hell didn't.
  16. Oh god, please don't tell me this will be Binding Blade all over again D:
  17. Is anyone else wondering who the villain for each route is going to be? I'm guessing Garon for all routes, but there were some hints that he will be playable later on, so I don't know. I just hope the main villain and final boss won't come right the heck outta nowhere (like an RKO). And I also hope that the game will live up to its hype... I have had some really bad experiences with that in the past... Pokémon, I'm looking right at you!
  18. Nah, that's Felicia with blue hair. But seriously, I think she really is.
  19. A villain, perhaps. He looks kinda evil to me... perhaps one of Garon's pawns that pretends to be good but then stabs you in the back.
  20. But it's hilarious XD .... Nah, you're right. Your idea is cooler... On topic: I wonder if anyone has shown a complete support list yet.
  21. We'll have to see if Samurais go back to being dodging machines like myrmidons/swordmasters were in Radiant Dawn. You could also name your avatar Engels and pair up with Marx for the final boss... then you'll be the guys that invented communism. XD
  22. So that pretty much confirms that Kazahana's skill will indeed be as OP as everyone feared it to be, too... holy crap...
  23. Phew... I mean... fighting without armor is fine, but without CLOTHES? I mean... won't they all get colds? :P Edit: btw, I think its better that way. Else, all Let's Plays of this game would be using this... *shuddertwitch* Don't get too excited yet! There was a Banana Fan in Naruto... and it was very powerful.
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