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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. Banned because I consider that Shrimpy person my friend. Dangit, how am I supposed to play at being a villain when no one buys it? XD
  2. Yes! Nep! Remember! It's Draggy! D-R-A-G-G-Y! The guy you and Armagon got into and partway through the Neptunia Re;Birth games! Close, but in terms of Fate, you are the Senpai! But we did establish me as Draggy-Senpai recently! I don't have a Kouhai, though! Remember! Wait, it's blocked? It works fine for me. Makes me wonder if I have an alter ego slumbering within me, too... Oh no...
  3. I mean, it is part of art history, so it makes sense to show it, I think.
  4. Banned because I am an agent of chaos myself. He has been lost to something entirely different.
  5. Shrimpy, you are Shrimpy! Fellow Nep-ling! And my name is Draggy! He has fallen... Come back to us!
  6. Banned because said something is what prompted me to state the above.
  7. Maybe? xD Hold on, wha---? Age has nothing to do with it, friend. If I can look at the Massacre State designs of the characters in Mary Skelter, for example, and not bat an eye, then there is no embracing the degeneracy for me. xD And this, too. I can understand your mindset, definitely. Shrimpy got isekai'd? Oh no!
  8. Well, you asked! xD Death in Fire Emblem happens. Blunders, too. I think it is much too late for me to do so.
  9. Fallen Edelgard will die for that. Fallen Edelgard posted lewds.
  10. Will know that anyone who tries to change who I am is my sworn enemy.
  11. Rean post? Well then! We don't want the age rating to go up! XD
  12. Banned because people be people, and everyone can have their own thoughts on the subject, but in my eyes, people raise way too much stink over something as natural as reproduction or human skin. I mean... blood, gore, and other kinds of violence are readily shown on TV, and people don't care if it shows up in games, but the second a character/person shows too much skin, everybody loses their collective shit. I'll probably never understand why that is. But I won't judge anyone for feeling that way, either. This has been real talk with Draggy. Now back to memes.
  13. Let's see... which of the games I've played would piss off the people in this thread the most? XD
  14. Then I will post Arnice art. ... Though I have a feeling I might run out before you do. XP No silhouettes! Just this: XD
  15. My reaction to lewdness in a nutshell: I just post things like "Oh my", and the "Oh my how lewd" thing, because it's more fun that way. But honestly, it really doesn't faze me one way or the other. Never has. Never will. Also, this is true. No sex = no babies = no people
  16. The former. You have done nothing wrong. I'm actually surprised by how unfazed I am. ... I think I'm learning things about myself I would've rather never found out...
  17. Something that involves dancing, obviously! Because... 🎶 You should be dancing, yeah! Dancing, yeah! 🎶 Oooh, nice! Gotta get to it sometime soon! Thanks for the heads-up! ^^ I wasn't, tbh. Found it kinda meh. smh, no Arnice or other NoA stuff. THIS MEME DENIES MY EXISTENCE! xD Well... grab your virtual popcorn and enjoy the show. That's what I do. XD --- *sees lewd posts* Hmm. I see.
  18. Heh, thanks. I've never been one to sit and watch things. I'd rather be doing something myself. Playthroughs of games I'm interested in are a slightly different story, but even then, I always need something to do on the side, liking grinding in a different game, or something. XD Who said I'd post more than that? I'm just saying I have more of those, because I always take screenshots of lines I like in a game. ^^ I like this theme! Might be something with the network card inside the PC. Whatever the case may be, that really sucks. I can only echo what Ruben said: Hope you can fix this issue quickly and cost-efficiently!
  19. Also, music post for today: Draggy feels like shilling his favorite game again.
  20. That does sound pretty awesome, all things considered. I'd give that a watch, for sure! Because I gotta come clean here: I do play a lot of anime-styled games, but the number of anime I've actually watched is... rather miniscule. Well, it's not a 0/10, so I can live with that! XD Got more where that came from.
  21. Wait, swimsuits are bonk-worthy? ... I now imagine you guys at a public swimming pool, standing in the middle of a crowd with a stick in your hand, sweating and thinking. "So... much... to... bonk!" XD --- Has not been here in a while.
  22. "I won't disappear", she says. "Really", she says. Damnit, Mayoi. ... I'm not crying, you are! *sniff* At the Family Mart, of course! Though expect it to be a bit more expensive, though I hear they're doing a sale right now, so the price has been reduced from 350 yen to 349 yen. Teehee Romance arc? You have caused it to make me say this A lot more than I usually do around here. xD Glad I could help! ^^ Things I've said about basically every game I've ever played. Though considering my relationship with Conquest, it's actually kind of insulting to the game I say it about. xD Ayy, congrats! ^^ Iris Heart is his spirit animal. XD We'll miss you, but I understand. If this site does that to your PC, then better to be safe than sorry. --- And, though late, here is my contribution to the posting of lewds: Savage, Neptune. XD And with that, I wish everyone a good morning.
  23. Oh my! Fair point, actually. xD Nah, that's Love. XD Haha~, nice!
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