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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. F Thank goodness I have the weather as a cushion, but right now, it's just lightly raining. Nothing to deter people from engaging in car horn concerts. Ugh. I swear, either England wins this or SOMEONE dies tonight... by which I mean many someones in a Musou I will be playing to vent my unyielding rage at yet another sleepless night.
  2. Banned because what is this game and what consoles is it on?
  3. Goddamnit England. Just shoot a goal, you morons!
  4. The thing is, during summer, where these tournaments usually take place, I want/need to have my windows open, to let in the little amount of wind that is there when it gets really hot. It is rather cool outside today, but it's still not enough to warrant closing my windows, meaning I have the choice between near-asphyxiation by stagnant air or being forced into sleepless night by (most likely) drunk lunatics. Either results in me getting no sleep, so I'm in a lose-lose situation... unless Germany does not win. Which is why I hope that Germany does not win. I literally don't care about football in any capacity beyond that little detail. xD Nature itself heard my prayers. xD
  5. Nope, but in a city with incredibly weird acoustics, and enough morons who think honking and yelling like lunatics at 2 in the morning whenever Germany wins anything in football is a good idea (hence the 'spite' part of my earlier post). So far, it's been dead silent, though. A good sign. Well, except for that thunderstorm that's rolling in right now, judging by the rumbling outside. The weather report did warn about this this morning, come to think of it. Severe thunderstorms, with wind and rain and hail and shit. Supposed to last until, like 8 tomorrow morning, as well. Well then! That should put a nice damper on any attempt at celebration. Keh-heh-heh-heh-heh.
  6. That's my biggest fear right there. You underestimate how... party- and noise-happy people around the area I live in are. But I hope it won't come to that.
  7. Fallen Edelgard doesn't brush her teeth after a meal.
  8. Oh yeah, that football game's today, isn't it? Well... for the sake of my sleep (and admittedly also out of pure spite), I'll hold out hope that England defeats the German limp noodle troop. Though I won't watch it.
  9. You're not alone on that, I confess. Nights of Azure here. And Blue Reflection. And Atelier Sophie (this one specifically) And Fate/Extra (this one specifically) Also Mary Skelter Yep, what lightcosmo says checks out, I'd say!
  10. I kinda doubt it, but it would be absolutely hilarious. xD
  11. An advantage is definitely that you don't see a name like Hummel in an otherwise Japanese/English game, and immediately think of the adorable fuzzy little insects that make a lot of noise when they fly by. Which then doesn't cause you to be almost unable to take this seemingly edgy double of a certain someone seriously anymore, especially if he really turns out to be as edgy as his first impression makes him out to be. If there is an option to put that guy in a bumblebee costume, I will take that option, is what I'm saying. xD
  12. Fair! --- I swear, if she's hiding cat ears under that habit, I'm out. Joking, obviously, because the game is a blast, but just earlier, I made a Xenoblade joke... and now this happens. XD
  13. Yep. Imagine this, like, demonic overlord and he's just named "Mr. Cuddles" in Spanish, or something. That's this, basically. XD Is it possible to learn this power? xD
  14. Sorry, but that was my first thought when I saw him. XD
  15. An example of "we take a random German word, and that's now a name in JRPGs gone wrong". This possibly edgy person is literally called "Bumblebee." As in ... yeah. XD He also looks like a certain someone who shall not be named in the presence of the ruler of the Shrimpire. Haha, nice one! Also, I kinda agree. xD
  16. Ayy, Koishi! ^^ But yeah, Sahad is... a bit crude, shall we say? xD
  17. *cough* Sahad, pls Oh, I did run! XD Like hell! I tried fighting it just to see and I managed to get away unscathed, too! Also, when I retreated back to the area you see in the screenshot, I think I glitched him out a bit. xD Floating dinosaurs! Well, he jumped, but... still. XD
  18. On a different note: Holy HELL, this looks amazing!
  19. Awesome! And more than a little scary, as well. Yeesh. --- Speaking of Yeesh! I played a bit more of Ys 8 earlier. And I think I reached the part where I gave up the first time, with those weird plant things that throw their seeds around and ram you for incredibly high damage... ... for some reason, however, I had little trouble defeating them this time around. I was just bad. One of the most relatable things anyone has ever said. I think I like this g--- Alright, nevermind. Fart jokes, Falcom? Really? Also, also We Xenoblade now, boys!
  20. *annoying ad announcer voice* Problem with villains out to destroy the world? Well, that is the past! With Lilysse's Cupcakes, you can get rid of your worst enemies within seconds! Lilysse's Cupcakes! For when you really want to kill someone! XD
  21. Indeed! Well, I guess that's a fair point? xD The context is twofold: For one, the person who made that cupcake, Lilysse, is... not the best in the kitchen, to put it mildly. And second, well... her cupcakes actually HAVE killed stuff. Not the whole scene, but this is the gist of it. They can also... explode... somehow. XD
  22. Still works! ^^ Now, let us enjoy a cupcake in vic-- ... Actually, scratch the cupcakes. XD
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