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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. The Draggy Guild triumphs once again! --- Also, Ruben and Armagon, you two are basically fighting over whose idea of "high difficulty" was more bullcrap, ergo basically shooting yourselves in the foot. xD
  2. I'm with twilit on that one. That is very true! ^^
  3. I've played enough SMT to know that both paths are probably bad decisions and that the right way is the middle one. As in, join the Draggy Guild instead! XD Though I guess I could be persuaded to join one side by one method and one method only. But that shall remain a secret, hehehe
  4. Ah, I see now. What the heck, Shrimpy? xD Quoth S-Sha: "This is pure chaos."
  5. That is an excellent point. --- Also, why does this thread go bonkers whenever I'm not here?
  6. Gah, pulling an all-nighter to get that essay done was a mistake... but at least I did it. Goddamnit, I think I'm actually about to drop dead, though... Anyway, what did I miss while I was killing my last living braincells trying to find the differences in the depiction of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table in Medieval Literature (the German texts inspired/translated from the ones Chretien des Troyes wrote, at any rate) and their portrayals in pop culture from all over the world, because that was a good idea that didn't involve looking through way too many texts... ugh... Now I just need to proof-read it. And then I can hand it in. And then my professor will be surprised that I hand it in a whole six days before the deadline. Yaaaay... Why do I do this to myself?
  7. Ah, that reminds me! I haven't caught up on that yet. But I'm also supposed to write an essay on Medieval Literature this week... Goddamnit!
  8. Huh, I never noticed this at all! Neat! ... Yeah, let's go with that. xD Another pattern is that three out of four games feature female protagonists, come to think of it. I see! Shrimpy's S is showing. xD Agreed.
  9. Weeeeellll... So far, there's four games in there. Nights of Azure Blue Reflection Megadimension Neptunia VII and Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker As in these (spoilers for size reasons): Y'know. And if you think Devil Survivor 2 (that last one) is the outlier, well... look up Io Nitta (who also happens to be my favorite character in that game for how relatable she is to me). I like to pretend it isn't THAT (and it honestly isn't), buuuuut... I doubt anyone would believe me after recognizing it. xD I see! I know some of your favorites, but I don't think you've ever shown a definitive list yet! At least... I don't remember, heh.
  10. *looks at my own "Masterpiece Club"* Uuuh... :concern: XD
  11. Ah, so it was just this site then. Good! For a second, I thought my browser was having trouble with it, or something. Thanks! ^^
  12. Banned because it does when you reward yourself with French onion soup after winning something. Also shoutout to the best episode of Spongebob.
  13. Yup. Those things were horrendous, frankly. Especially Penance. Took me about an hour to beat that thing, and it was tedious and boring, because I just had to do the same thing over and over and over again, same with the Dark Aeons, honestly. Thus, I feel absolutely no remorse over just offing some of them with Zanmato. In hindsight, I should've probably beat Penance that way, too, because doing it the legitimate way did not feel rewarding whatsoever. Music was pretty good, though. Final Fantasy X is a fun game. The superbosses? Not so much. Oh, I see! Thanks for explaining! ^^ My Spanish is a bit rusty, heh --- Good morning, everyone! ^^ Is SF pretty slow for anyone else or is it just me?
  14. Actually, FFXII has an MMO-type system that feels VERY similar to Xenoblade 2's combat. Minus the button prompts for combos. Instead, you "program" your allies' actions via things called "Gambits" (basically stuff like "if ally HP > 50%, use x item/spell"). It's interesting stuff, actually! Though detractors might say that the game basically incentivizes you not to play it, which... is kiiiind of understandable. I don't really agree, but I do understand where people who say this are coming from. Oh boy. Every boss is the (aptly named) Hell Wyrm! Yay! xD
  15. I heard! I did defeat a boss in Final Fantasy XII that had no less than 25 million HP. It was an optional boss, granted, buuuut... I know a thing or two about bosses that just won't die. XD That same game has a boss with 50 million HP... that I never managed to beat. That one is on my list, definitely! Yunica was that good of a protag for me. Hehe, just teasin' a little! ^^ Then I will start with Ys 8! XD Joking aside, I will see what games are available for me to play on the consoles I own first, most likely. Though depending on how long 8 takes me, I might even play 9 after.
  16. I went with Normal to start with! Well, someone's in love! xD On a related note: The implication that that scene was Adol's dream is interesting, for sure.
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