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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. Nice! XD If I can, and depending on what impression Ys 8 leaves on me once I finish it, I might look into getting more games in the series! ^^ Though spoiler alert: current impression: VERY positive! Also bewildered by past me for not grasping combat... XD Hype.png Oh, also, if you were curious as to where I'm at: I just got done getting Alison to join the village! Took a break for now, but I'm definitely excited to see more... especially about this: Intrigued_Draggy.jpg
  2. Indeed. lmao Thanks, hehe~ Yeah, I fully agree with this! Sorry to bring it up again, but Nights of Azure does both, quite excellently at that! (The first two are the area themes, the last one is the first boss theme) Can't say that rings a bell at the moment! --- I love funny dialogue options. XD Also AvaloDraggyl! XD Fun boss fight, too! Very enjoyable~
  3. Spot best Ys girl you mean! So far, anyway. xD She's, uh, somewhere in there. XD Yeah, she definitely was, that's true! Nice! Really interested in what she'll be like! ^^ Banger! Yep! That's a mechanic I'd like to see return in another game! While watching the playthrough, I actually made up names for some of the demons the person playing didn't talk to, so on occasion, I went like "Mitch, NO!" xD
  4. Congrats! ^^ From what I remember of that one Nightmare Boss Rush I watched... that boss is a gigantic pain in the neck! xD Nope! XD "Now I am Touhou!" - Adol, probably xD Haha! Nice! To be fair, the guy did save her life like three times. xD She was pretty attached to him, yeah, but I didn't feel like it was to the point of obsession. Dana? Yup, yup! Enemy deaths are a whole lot less gory in this game, too.
  5. Killing stuff on the beach to practice switching and general combat while jamming to this.
  6. Yup, yup! Got interested after finishing Origin(s)! ^^ It was funny to see "Bumper Cars - The Game". XD Liked the story and music, too! Good stuff! ^^ I watched the 2009 remake, btw! I like 'em both, but I think, for me, Lilia wins by a slight margin. Though Feena's appearance in Origin(s) makes that gap VERY close. And you, Shrimpy?
  7. Ayy, it's Mist from Fire Emblem! xD Kidding, I know her! She's a sweetheart! On that note: another F for Adol. That's good! I like to think Adol woke up at that beach like: "*sigh* Here we go again". XD
  8. First person Adol meets after getting shipwrecked slaps him. F for Adol. xD
  9. Relatable. So very relatable. This kinda thing really sucks. I have faith you'll pull through, though! --- On the topic of Ruben and anime/lewd posts... I wonder if posting enough of those is gonna summon Reuben again.
  10. XD I think I know what you were gonna say, though! I think!
  11. I know! xD Though in Ys 2, he fell out of the sky instead. xD Alright, thanks! ^^ So it appears. xD
  12. Alright! Will do! ^^ Just need to finish watching the scene where Adol gets shipwrecked for the umpteenth time. xD Edit: Okay, so the version history for 1.02 has listed: - Updated English Text - Updated French Text - Updated voices. - Updated credits. - Bug fixes.
  13. Alright, will do! ^^ Honestly... I feel embarrassed at not grasping the gameplay the first time I tried. xD I know I've just done the tutorial boss, but... it feels a lot more natural to me now. Maybe playing NoA and NoA2 more in the meantime helped, because those games do play similar to this one.
  14. I wanna watch that video... but I also kinda wanna go into the game blind. XD Also, @Shrimperor, anything I should watch out for early on?
  15. ^^ Thanks. I felt like I was being a bit too aggressive about it, is all, haha Thanks! ^^ I think so! It's version 1.02 on the PS4, and so far, I haven't seen anything particularly wonky, translation-wise! Though this line was kinda funny. xD
  16. Alright, alright, I get it. XD --- Also Tutorial boss time! On my first attempt, I lost to this thing, like, three times. xD Also, the game plays almost exactly like Nights of Azure. Sure, some differences here and there, but... holy crap, why was I so bad at this? XD Beat it first try this time. As back then, on Normal difficulty.
  17. Thanks! ^^ Nah, I think I was being unfair, so I do want to apologize for at least that. Also, least negative is a teensy bit of a stretch, don't you think? xD Thanks, though! ^^
  18. Okay. Enough negative nancy. I said I wouldn't post anymore today, but... @Shrimperor Sorry about yesterday, with the Trails stuff. And also... I'm doing stuff! Draggy goes Ys 8!
  19. So.... the first two Ys games had a certain person as their composer, A certain fellow I consider to be an utter legend. The same certain fellow who would go on to make these: No wonder I kind of felt like the Ys 1 and 2 music Shrimpy posted before felt so familiar, somehow. And that should be it from me for today. Too much exposure to me causes stress in all the worst ways.
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