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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. Fun fact: that is Sophie's special in Warriors All-Stars. And it's one of the best special attacks in the entire game, too. xD This character got me into Atelier. Also, the enemies she's fighting here never appear in Warriors All-Stars at all. I dunno why. xD Also, also, the attack looks a lot less impressive here, but in the game itself, it just annihilates everything, comes out ridiculously fast, and has ridiculously long range. In other words, Sophie OP. Oh wow! My boy grew up! *sniff* I'm so proud! xD Makes sense to me! Yeah, definitely! ^^ :DraggyAnticipation: ^^; Thanks. Luckily, they are few and far between, but yeah. XD
  2. *extremely happy Draggy noises* Also, thank you for the Giasburn pics, but my hype levels tell me to stick with Hinako for now. xD Will use him as my pfp sometime, though! This is why Ouroboros sucks ass and is a blight on the story of Trails... along with practically everything else about them. I want this to happen to every single one of them. --- Anyway, don't wanna make more enemies by ranting on an aspect of Trails that I didn't like again. Instead, let's focus on something I DID like in Ys 8 when I continued that for a bit yesterday: The game really DID go all Walking With Dinosaurs on me. xD Also, Laxia finally identified a sauropod correctly! Makes me wonder why they called that short-necked fossil one, but I digress. Also, also, sauropod Spinosaurus. Because why not? Thankfully, they don't attack you unless you attack them first. This area gave me Final Fantasy XII flashbacks. xD This particular creature is level 80... I am skirting around the level 38 range, so... I do NOT want to mess with that! xD Also, why would I attack completely docile creatures? That is not the Draggy way. And then there was a scene where the group talked about family, and my ice cold heart felt a tinge of warmth. Also, Hummel is actually not an edgelord. He's just a bit quiet. Like me irl. But actually a nice guy. Unlike me. I hereby regret calling him Not-Rean. That black-hole-bastard cannot even HOPE to compare to him. Sahad, you make fart jokes. That alone is enough. xD
  3. He and his entire family are honestly a bit of sour spot on the game for me. It makes sense when taking the rest of the series into account (particularly Ys 1), but they're still a little too much of a black hole for my liking. Yeah!
  4. Yeah, Hugo sucks. Badly. But he's the baby mode for the game, basically. As in, you can cheese pretty hard using him. Generic anime girl, by the way, is basically Estelle lite.
  5. That is exactly the guy I was talking about. XD
  6. Well, kinda, but it's more like he's edgy (of the asshole variety) to the point where you have to ask yourself "how the fuck has nobody kicked his ass yet?". And there's another edgy guy (of the brooding edgy kind) who does get less edgy, but he starts edgy. What I'm saying is, Yunica best protag. Hooray! Enjoy lunch, Shrimpy! ^^ Kings exist to be dethroned.
  7. Origin was awesome, from what I saw of it! Though I can see Ruben really not liking one or two characters in particular... xD Also, in Ys VIII, I did a quest that really made me laugh... and it also made me feel bad at the same time. To wit: you have to find a Pikkard that hides in Castaway Village, and it runs away from you the first few times you find it. Now... in Ys 2, there is a village on the inside of a volcano that is the only place where you can find Pikkards in the game... and I made a joke/headcanon about how the villagers chuck the poor things into the lava to cook them. In Ys VIII, while running away from you, the Pikkard actually jumps into the camp's bonfire, basically canonizing my joke from the Ys 2 playthrough. xD
  8. Well, now THIS is amazing! Definitely up there with these two, as far as dragon boss themes go: Though I am MASSIVELY biased towards the second one. XD
  9. Be safe, please! --- Alright, I made a good amount of progress in Ys VIII, and got some new things to tell that I shall tell! Impressions, progress, all that good stuff! What follows is a small rant, and if you don't care about that kind of stuff, I shall put it in spoilers so that you can skip it. A TL;DR: Falcom got their dinosaur terminology wrong and I'm possibly too bothered by that. And then, it happened. The very second I had the weapons that can kill Primordials, Honrary Draggy the Second attacked again, and, well, the game took its course and Falcom's best character out of the equation. F in the chat for my boy. You will always be remembered for your heroic deeds in epically murdering the very, VERY annoying "I must retreat" shtick. *salutes* Also, I knew the game was gonna kill him off eventually, but... I was hoping it wouldn't. This is a definite negative for me. xD I checked the "secret" Shrimpy told me about after this... and it's Falcom's Jack Frost! Give him food and he'll give you stuff, which is nice! And now... the moment Shrimpy has likely been waiting for. xD I reached the top of Mt. Gendarme! And I faced the boss. Oh my god, that boss! I beat it yesterday, and was too tired to report on it, but even just typing about it now still makes me hyped about it! Because that boss was the best one in the game so far! A really tense, and really, really tough fight. But also incredibly fun! Definitely up there with some of my favorites! And then, there is of course the design of the thing. Just... look at it: Dragon/Wvyern bird! I was so hyped to see it that I forgot to take a screenshot until the last second. xD The Ancient Conqueror of the Heavens sounds absolutely badass, as well. Fitting for such an awesome creature. I actually felt bad killing it, haha! Really, the only thing that was missing from the battle was an amazing boss theme. The game's boss theme is good, yes, but I find it a little lacking for something as epic as fighting a dragon/wyvern bird thing at the top of a large mountain. Now, if, say, this theme played during that boss fight, that would be a VERY different story! Beating it rewarded me with progress to the next chapter, and... I've never watched a Jurassic Park movie (and I don't want to, either), but... methinks whoever owns that series is gonna sue someone. xD And the last thing I did before me being tired got the best of me was... Get a new skill for Ricotta by beating this guy with her! So... yeah! Except for the little faux pas I outlined above and the fact that I think the boss theme for Giasburn could have been better, the game is still going very strong! And I WANT to make Giasburn my profile picture... I just need a picture that is better suited for doing so than the one I have. xD
  10. Yay, Milla! ^^ Goddamnit, now I'm crying again, haha And at the same time, I'm getting hyped by one of the single best endings to any Tales game. That also made me cry.
  11. Oh! Dangit! This is why I only scored 3 points on my final math exam. XD
  12. ^^ I will when the game comes out! xD But I am very much enjoying Ys 8! Also, you enjoy Ys IX! There's only, like 4 minutes left if I math'd correctly! I see! Then there is a good amount of game left to go! Yay! I can relate somewhat, as I tend to ask myself that same question a lot (for personal reasons no one here is to blame for). But like Ruben, I don't want you gone, either!
  13. Also, in light of recent events, I THINK I should adjust my sig a bit. Hmmm...
  14. Banned because I just hope the hype will pay off in the end.
  15. Will know that Hinako did in fact not kill any person, since you do not fight people in Blue Reflection.
  16. Pfp shows someone who may or may not have done that, as well.
  17. Banned for something you almost accidentally did but didn't do.
  18. I see! If that was your impression from a story perspective, then the halfway point of the plot may as well be reached there! Oh, that's good! Having a bit of leeway here will definitely help in not making me panic too much, haha! Still I want to shoot for as high as a completion % on this playthrough as I can, so... we shall see where I end up! Wellll... it's a bit more complex than that, haha! Spoilers in case anyone's interested in the first game which I doubt, but better safe than sorry
  19. It is very wholesome. And very, very sad. Draggy hype!
  20. Gonna celebrate! Goddamnit, that thumbnail. x.x
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