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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. Banned because it looked like a fun game to me, when I watched that one playthrough of it yesterday!
  2. Alright, I see! XD Can relate. In my very first playthrough (on Normal, mind you), everyone except Robin, Chrom, and their respective spouses plus kids (kid, in Chrom's case... poor Cynthia who decided to become dragon food in her Paralogue and I didn't notice) bit the dust. Actually, I think Sumia might've died at some point, too... So I figured "hey, killing off people in this game is easy!" Well... not in that playthrough it wasn't. xD
  3. Reminds me of that one time I tried to kill everyone off except the characters who have story importance (i.e. appear more times than in like one or two chapters, then never again) in Awakening to challenge myself to only use those units (that being Chrom, Frederick, Lissa, Robin, Say'ri, Lucina, Flavia, and Basilio). And the people I've tried to kill just wouldn't die, no matter what I sent them against. XD Point is, RNG is whack, yo.
  4. Aww, dangit! I missed my chance to stealthily swoop in and take the last count!
  5. @Shrimperor @Saint Rubenio I love how your linked Ironman seems to be slowly turning into a competition on who can get the other's units killed off faster. xD
  6. Banned because your motivation is that if you postpone it, you'll have to do it later, and if you leave it unfinished, it will haunt you, not letting you focus on anything else, because in the back of your mind, it will always be nagging at you. "Crap, I still have work to do", you will think. ... As dark and spooky as it sounds... this is how I taught myself not to procrastinate. XP
  7. That is... an excellent question. XD Isn't that boss theme amazing? ^^ And that is an excellent point! I see! I wish you good luck on your next attempt!
  8. Yup! Definitely giving me some Touhou vibes! Also, holy hell! XD
  9. Levin Sword Wrys, let's go! Let the old man show the younglings how it's done! Good day to you, too! ^^ Yeah, someone at Falcom loved their Touhou, I could tell. XD Or other bullet hell game. Touhou's just one of the only ones I know by name. xD
  10. Not to mention humid as hell! Hopefully, those thunderstorms arrive quickly, because it legitimately feels like a greenhouse! x.x Thanks! ^^ Pretty sure I will, because I did like what I've seen!
  11. Ah, that's the thing I was getting caught up on, then! Makes sense, though! I'll see if the weather conditions get less "fry Draggy's brain"-ish, then I will get to it! ^^ Will prolly restart my playthrough, as well, since it's been, er, a while. XD Thank you so much, Shrimpy! ^^
  12. Nice! Thank you! ^^ I think this'll help a great deal! It's Playstation buttons, too, which is doubly good! You have my gratitude! ^^ Heh, yeah... Some of 'em just absolutely slaughtered me for some reason. Like, for example, there are those plant-like enemies that throw coconuts everywhere, and if I remember correctly, they appear alongside some flying insects, too. I died to those more times than I'd like to admit. xD Oooh, that's useful! I should've probably known about this a little sooner, haha! Thanks! ^^
  13. Banned because hypothetically, my person.
  14. Banned because assuredly, yours truly!
  15. This sounds a lot like Nights of Azure. Huh. Now I feel even more ashamed. XD Though funnily enough, the few bosses that I did fight (I think one of them was dinosaur-like thing, and one was a chameleion-looking creature, and the first was a crab, I believe... oh, and the tutorial fight against the octopus on the boat), I did actually do pretty well on (except the what I think was a crab. That one destroyed me a few times before I beat it).. My main issue was against the regular enemies. xD Gotcha, gotcha! Thanks for the tips! ^^ Nice, nice!
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