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Everything posted by DragonFlames

  1. I was waiting for it. I was waiting for exactly this. And here we are. XD
  2. Oh, the very next line she has, she says she's kidding. But it looks like Purple Heart being a tease is officially a thing now. xD Yup, yup! XD
  3. Speaking of weeb stuff... I have questions. XD
  4. Hopefully! xD Congrats! ... Me in Digimon Cyber Sleuth the other day like ShineGreymon Burst Mode is seriously OP in that game. XD Not to mention, ShineGreymon and its Burst Mode are my favorites of the Greymon family. Sorry WarGreymon. XD I also don't know how to feel about the fact that I can sing the song playing in the background during the actual battle by heart. XD
  5. I think it's more the latter thing, as far as I know.
  6. True. And RNG-fest, besides. Maybe. I know I'll have to deal with Otsuu again, so... I am very reluctant. Apparently they also relegated Alice to being a side character instead of a main one, which I am not a fan of, either.
  7. This is where Conquest goes too far, for me. You have so much stuff to pay attention to, it just gets tedious, and if you miss out on one tiny little detail or the RNG decides to fuck you over, you can lose an hour worth of progress on an already overly long map, just like that. Not for me. Then again... I'd like to play Conquest with a better story and a MUCH better cast of characters, maybe I'd feel differently about it, since a cast of characters I hate is one of the biggest demotivators for me to play a game (see my refusal to play Mary Skelter 2 because of the shitty MC). Part of the fun of FE for me is the story and characters. If those weren't there, I might as well be playing chess. Thus, I find myself unable to separate them from the gameplay, which I suspect might be the main reason why Conquest was and is so damn frustrating to me. But I've talked about this ad nauseum, and you guys must be sick hearing it, so I'll shut up now.
  8. Nice! XD Basically that. In addition to the fact that, outside of team-based contests (which do exist), the individual athlete is much more important in winter sports, and I just find it kind of unfair - and just plain bad commentary - to only focus on the German athletes on commentary... especially when ZDF does it leagues better than ARD, giving every athlete some semblance of attention, as well as analyzing what they do, no matter the nationality. Especially when it comes to stuff like ski jumping, which is VERY much an individual thing (they even show each and every athlete's jump), I want to know how each athlete did, what their mistakes were, what they did right - ZDF does this for everyone, ARD does it... only for the Germans. And we have some VERY good athletes in winter sports. Really cool people, too. I'm happy for each and every one of them when they have a good day or pick up a win. But man if it isn't hard to see them win, because I cannot stand this insufferable smugness of German commentators and media whenever they do. Then again, nationality was never a particular priority for me when it comes to rooting for someone in a particular sport. As in, I never really gave a crap about what country someone was born in. I'm far from an expert on this myself, because Conquest Hard was the most miserable gaming experience I ever had in my life. I think me just plain despising the story and 80% of the cast didn't help, but still. The game just wasn't fun. At all. And like I said, I have never played any FE on any difficulty higher than Normal or Hard (depending on the game) before or since, so... yeah. XD Oooh, nice!
  9. It's that they take their patriotism just a little too far in a rather uncomfortable direction. In addition to the typical bias (TM). Maybe! I don't even play FE on higher/the highest difficulties, honestly. I kinda think the entire series completely fails at making difficulties above Hard anything even remotely approaching fun (and in Conquest's case, the entire thing is just miserable, no matter the difficulty. To me, at least). I'm T-posing as we speak! Mwahaha! Uh... darn!
  10. I also despise Conquest with all my being, so... there's another reason I'd be a villain. XD XD I'm sorry!
  11. Yep, agreed. XD Even then, ARD and ZDF news don't differ much from what you would see on, like, RTL or something nowadays. xD And don't even get me started on ARD's... interesting approach to any winter sports competition involving German athletes... ZDF is better about it, but still. *shudder*
  12. XD I did watch and read Naruto, never saw anything of Bleach, only heard of it. I don't remember ever seeing Bleach on TV, either.
  13. Oh, very nice! They took the "Akihabara = weeb central" stereotype and ran with it. XD "Aaaah! Save me, desu! I don't know a Keikaku for this situation! Bankai! Dattebayo! Kamehameha!" Bankai is... Bleach, I think, and Dattebayo is Naruto's catchphrase
  14. Yep, no worries! ^^ Though I admittedly still need to catch up on that one, haha!
  15. If it is any consolation, my favorite Fate stuff does not match Shrimpy's exactly. And I'm into Fate for a different reason, I believe. I got into the series, because as someone interested in mythology, seeing these different interpretations of historical and mythological figures is interesting to me. There's also that teeny tiny fact that the entire Fate fanbase would hate me for saying that I actually liked a certain anime adaptation of the original visual novel. Yeah, agreed! It's great! Purple Heart's design in this game in particular is one of my favorites of her.
  16. Fun fact: Yoh Gamer has Homura's voice actress. She truly is excellent. xD I see! And it's true. I played Trails of Cold Steel 1 because I thought the cover looked neat. Yup, same. xD XD Indeedle-dee! :alterasip:
  17. So it would seem. Apparently, Draggy doesn't exist. Though hater is too strong a word in my case, perhaps. Cold indifference, leaning towards being critical/negative would fit my feelings on the series right now. Anyways Madoka memes!
  18. Our main baddie, ladies and gents. Allegedly, anyway.
  19. Happy birthday, @Benice! Hope it'll be a good one for you!
  20. Thank you! I almost forgot it was coming out today myself, haha! Nice! xD
  21. The mainline Neptunia games are turn-based RPGs, this one a really fast-paced hack and slash, basically!
  22. XD Good question! This is so far the only thing I've seen of her!
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