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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. Yesz, Oscar's in *fist-pumps* Time to hit on another female character :D I'm kinda miffed that Z's holding this whole thing up, as well. I kinda like his character, but, if he's not gonna be around to post, then... Well, maybe he should stop :< I mean, he said 1-2 posts a day from him, and he hasn't been online all day long.
  2. Ken, I saw this picture you have drawn on stream, and couldn't do anything else but laugh for around 5 minutes xD Good job, sir. You have made my day.
  3. So little activity today D: I mean, I guess we need Z to post, but, still. Maybe we should just drag him along and then get him to post once he gets back...?
  4. Lol, glasses smiley in the middle xD
  5. Xiltas, you have me on Skype, and I stream a lot D: Just ask me to do it on Skype, or when I'm streaming.
  6. You did? =O Show me this large broom.
  7. What's an airport? Long story short, Nagafen = Oscar = my best friend, and I convinced him to join after much interrogation. So, that's the only reason he's asking if he can post here xD Oscar, ignore Mao, go right ahead and post :3
  8. "Uh... Faye, you know that they can't see you, right? All you're doing is making me look like I'm crazy, talking to myself." Adrian sighed, just deciding to tell Ormis what Faye was saying instead of arguing with her "Ormis, Faye wants you to not kill Carrion, or her book, alright? I'm attached to this book now, apparently, so, you'll probably kill me if you destroy it. I'd rather not die twice, hahaha." I'm going to sound like I'm insane, yay. Adrian flinched a little as Faye's heel knocked into his forehead, making him give an annoyed look up at the fairy. She was right, though. "Ormis, we've gotta get you and R--" Whoa, too close, "...Carrion into some kind of shack, or something. It's still pretty cold outside, and without her setting something on fire, we're all going to freeze. D'you think you can walk?" He turned to the bird as well "And you'll have to help us. You can carry Carrion, right? If Ormis can't walk, I can help him. I don't trust what Carrion'll do if she wakes up on my back. She seems to be able to stand you, at least." He stood, stretched, and then reached a hand out for Ormis. "Oh, Faye, anything you can do to help?" If she was going to be around, he could at least ask if she really could do anything.
  9. I thought and think the VAing in the DMC series was and is actually pretty good.
  10. It pains me to say that I haven't played DMC1/2/3 in more than two years, and am not getting your reference :c
  11. Adrian wasn't surprised by Ormis's reaction, and bewilderment. "What's wrong, buddy? You look like you've seen a ghost. Let's just say that whatever Carrion did worked, and leave it at that, eh? I don't think even I could explain it, at this point." He expected the bird to turn around and freak out as well. He doubted anyone, other than Riya, wouldn't be surprised that he had suddenly shown back up. He noticed that Riya had fallen asleep, or blacked out. Either way, she wasn't awake. Maybe her mood would cheer up if she found out that she hadn't failed. "So, Ormis, are we still planning to save them in the morning? Even though I just got back, I'm surprisingly tired. Carrion's already out, maybe we should sleep as well? You look like you're going to die, or something." He chuckled, cracking a joke like this after what had happened to him. Hopefully Ormis doesn't take this too harshly.
  12. ASDF I knew that would happen :D So, tell me the specifics of this sprite, oh chap of mine.
  13. "You're pretty bad at keeping those secrets, you know. I think I'll stop asking, or you might give them all away." Adrian was still watching Ormis, wondering what was going to be done about him, when Faye told him to do something. "Wait, me? How can I stop him? I have no body...?" Adrian had slowly begun to fall as he spoke to Faye, speeding up before he hit the ground with a loud thud. "Owww, what the hell?!" He said out loud, instead of thinking it. Wait a second. I'm on the ground. I'm back! He smiled, happier than he'd ever been, before realizing what he had to do. "Ormis, stop! I'm fine, really!" he shouted, getting up and running over to kick the saber out of his hand. Falling to the ground, he laughed a bit; it was nice to be able to actually breath once again. "Well... That's one fiasco averted." I just have to get ready to be bombarded with around 50 question as to what just happened. He looked back up at where he had been moments ago, still able to see Faye. Well, that's... odd, to say the least.
  14. Too late! Game over, pal!
  15. Oh, awesome, going that now to stop Ormis from continuing to be a moron. Also, I still wish you luck on your work D: You can probs do it.
  16. Sounds like a plan, Mao o 3o Hope you can get those assignments done.
  17. Bitchin', I work best with those.
  18. o 3o FE6/7 colors are more desatured and pale like the one you're using atm while FE8 colors are saturated, bright, and colorful. My avatar is using FE8 colors. Oh hey, SB.
  19. Graaaaaaaaaaah-- okay. I can do that o 3o Color preference? Aka, FE6/7/8?
  20. It's not bothering me that much xD If you'd like a new one, just throw a reference, or some physical descriptions of the character at me, pureasu.
  21. Thanks, Eclipse :D If only that really worked :3
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