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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. I didn't think I ever would xD Cam told me, after Mao mistakenly told him.
  2. Well, let's just say that I won't be staying dead, but I won't spoil anything more than that xD Mao'll tell y'all when she feels ready, or once you've pressured her enough.
  3. D: D8 ; A ; You all know this is a clever joke and that Mao's not actually going to let him stay dead, right? Please tell me you do Sorry for tellin' 'em Mao, Roy was so sad D: I can't lie to a lady
  4. See, now I know you're joking xD
  5. Well, there's not much I can do, unless I can roam around as a spirit ' 3'
  6. Woohoo! In the words of SB. xD
  7. FLY LICE~ That was amazing xD
  9. I hope I don't explode D: That would seriously suck.
  10. XD Oh, Mao, you and your silly plots. I'd post and try and meddle with your affairs, but, I'm dead :D
  11. But he's not that stupi-- who am I kidding xD Scarlet it is then? I think it sounds better 'an Carrion :E
  12. Ormis wouldn't run away, he's not Adrian D: @the nickname, I blame myself. Then again, Carrion never introduced herself as Carrion, so...
  13. Wat Also, where the hell is Cam? D: He went offline suddenly, and hasn't come back yet. asdf.
  14. Whaaaaaaaaat? She has some modicum of sympathy? Madness D: This is one of Mao's characters! They can't have sympathy! *gunned down* That all depends on Cam and Mao, now :E
  15. :c Sadfais. Ohwell, he's dying anyway :E
  16. "Heh... You're... right..." He smiled, closing his eyes. She's not going to help. I never thought she would, either way. He collapsed again, and this time he wasn't getting back up. "Just... Just help them... Please." He rolled onto his back, forcing an eye open to stare at the sky one last time. He could see a star from where he was looking, but as his vision got blurrier is faded from view. The cloak on his shoulder was dripping now, and wasn't working to stop the blood that was still pouring out of him. He only wished that he could have saved his family, wherever they were, before he died. "Such... is life..." he spat out, coughing up some more blood before he finally blacked out.
  17. Your character's more welcome as an "old vet" than Greg is xD
  18. Wha-- Your character is totally doing what any normal person would do in her situation D: Nothing wrong with that, bruh.
  19. Well, I don't want to godmod D: I think I actually make them less competent because I'm afraid I'll end up godmodding by accident. Oh well :E
  20. Adrian tried to get up, finally managing to get himself to stand, bracing himself against a tree. His vision was leaving him again, and he shook his head hard, making sure to keep himself alive. "We're... going to try... and save our friends..." His breathing was low, and his arm was shaking against the tree. "If you want... to help, then... Oh, who am I kidding... Please, help us." Adrian would beg; he didn't care. She was powerful, and they needed the help. Ormis wouldn't be able to take them all by himself, and Adrian was about to collapse. "If you have any... any way of healing me or something, please..." He braced himself quickly against the tree, feeling himself tip over "please help me."
  21. xD I actually lol'd. Thank you sir.
  22. Morning, Mao. How're things where you are? ' x'
  23. This is what happens when the GM lives in the complete opposite timezone of most everyone RPing XD
  24. Okie dokie. Just makin' sure ;3
  25. Then just leave? Because, as much as I am for discussing it and making it better, I'd rather not have one person just yelling out opinions because they enjoy number crunching =( I mean, if you're going to be like that the entire time, then that's no fun for everyone else.
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