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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. THAT part I agree with, and I think that, like 90% of battles should have all enemies visable. I mean, if we can see who we're fighting before we start fighting, we should be able to see them during the fight. @Z Just calm down, bro XD Quit taking this thing so seriously; it's supposed to be fun, not number crunching madness.
  2. Lol, quit being so serious, bro XD You're judging the entire system off of one rigged battle which wasn't even how the battle system was going to work, and now you expect a full tutorial by tomorrow, when you've barely been active the entire time? Lol, bruh. Just lol.
  3. This battle was supposed to be rigged, Kanami said it herself D: I'd like the give it an actual shot, and if it's still broken after an actual battle, then we can discuss changing it.
  4. Once Kanami gets back I'm sure she'll TS you guys back to the village, or something.
  5. Adrian's my character ' x' Though, I kinda agree with Cam. You could just say that he smelled the burning and came to see what happened.
  6. What Cam said. I'd rather you not leave the RP, but, it's your choice.
  7. I don't mind slowing down, personally ' x' It's Kanami that you'd have to convince.
  8. So instead of just trying it to see if it will work, you're going to argue with someone who's been around longer, has experience with this, and has no reason to lie to you about it? Keep truckin', bruh.
  9. Adrian's body was slowly giving out, but he kept fighting. He could barely see, and he couldn't hear very well. The fireballs stopped coming, thinking this as his chance to get close and score a hit on her, something to slow her down and give Ormis the chance to come in and finish her off. Although, in his haste to find her, he ran into someone, not seeing straight as he fell back into the snow. He looked up as a ball of fire illuminated that he had run straight into the witch. He stared at the fire, as if he was enjoying being this close to it. "So, what now?" He asked her, ready to collapse.
  10. No, Xilty, it's not perfect yet ' 3' Two things I'm seeing. The chestplate's shape seems to indicate that it's facing forward, whilst the rest of the body is leaning at a sort of 3/4 angle to the left (OPV). Might wanna adjust the chesplate some. Second thing is the face shape, which I've already told you about o 3o
  11. Yay, better face proportions~! I agree with Astel on the neck, and also the trim here looks quite messed up. I've never been good with really small trim, so, Iunno what to suggest to fix it.
  12. I'm going to bed, Cam's prolly gonna follow suit after his next post, so we both get to wake up and see if we're dead tomorrow :D
  13. ((damn you Mao XD)) [search A1] Adrian jumped out of the way of a ball of fire, not knowing why this witch was having such trouble hitting him. He was injured, and barely able to move; he should have been dead by now. Of course, spending all this time trying to stay alive was making it harder to see where the flames were coming from.
  14. And Mao's way of attacking is actually pretty fair, sort of. Gogogo.
  15. [search E4] Adrian's eyes scanned for the witch, as fireballs flew past him. He had no idea how she'd missed him, but she had, and that gave him a few more moments to try and collect himself. He was finally back on his feet, not knowing how it was possible, but it was happening.
  16. It's totally rigged; she can see us, and we can't see her D: There has to be some fights in the future where enemies are visible. It's totally not fair for them to be invisible the entire time. And, I meant he couldn't fight. I'll still take my searching XD
  17. Time to act as eyes, and nothing else XD
  18. [search C3] Adrian's vision came back, though all of his hearing was muddy. He could hear what sounded like Ormis yelling at him, and through his blurred vision he glanced over at where the witch was standing. I'm really going to die... Wow. Alright, Ormis. I'll hang on for a little while longer.
  19. Welp, Adrian's pretty much out of it, have fun, Cam XD
  20. Adrian could feel the heat of the flame, but he just kept walking. "We're going to try and help our friends. If you want to come with us, or kill us, do it. Your choice." He just kept walking. Sure, he could turn and admit he was wrong, which he was. He had figured that after such a display of magic, she'd be spent, but she obviously wasn't. Ormis wasn't going to fight her, and even if he did, one wrong move and he was a charred body. Although, Adrian wasn't going to get as far as he'd hoped, since his vision was starting to go blurry again. Dammit, not now... He glanced down at the rag, seeing it soaked in blood. "Hey, Ormis... Looks like... that gouge was worse... than I... thought..." he started, his voice giving out as he collapsed into the snow.
  21. Adrian seconded Ormis. He didn't want to see her ever again, let alone now. "Ormis, she's spent. She doesn't have any more fire left in her, and if she does, it's gonna be extremely weak." Adrian smirked as he spoke. "Don't even try and deny it, witch. I might not know how your magic works, but I highly doubt you'd have run away if you had any more in you. You'd have stayed behind and roasted all of us, and those soldiers. Unless you've found someone else to feast on after you ran away-- ack, gack!" He coughed again, some more blood coming out. "Listen, I don't have any time for your bullshit." Adrian pulled himself to his feet as he spoke. "If you're going to kill us, do it. Otherwise, I have some people to try and save with Ormis, here. Put down the spear before you hurt yourself." Adrian was dead serious as he spoke, now, since he knew how little time he had left. "Ormis, if you want to fight her, be my guest, I'm gonna start heading for the village." With that, he turned and started following the tracks the group had left in the snow.
  22. Yeah, scarlet's my fault, since Adrian never heard her name, and I was using it the entire time. I didn't want to call her Carrion, since that might be breaking the 4th wall :E
  23. asdf > inserts foot into mouth Also, Cam's 3 hours behind me, not you :E He's in the Pacific timezone, I'm in EST.
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