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Nanami Touko

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Everything posted by Nanami Touko

  1. Thank you for the almighty FEditor, that we all use to import animations like this
  2. Amelia, my god, that flower and whatever is in it. It's amazing. The rest of the sprite is good, too, but that really stands out to me.
  3. Ahhh, I can see that. Tomorrow, I shall stream, and fix this.
  4. Mr. ALS, what exactly looks off to you on the hair? I thought Lance fit pretty well, as I'm not really trying to make him look EXACTLY like his FE5 sprite, just close to it, in GBA FE style I guess. Any suggestions?
  5. They're not supposed to be Ranulf and Lethe XDDDD They're cosplays for the Halloween contests on FEND and on here. Bases are go: So... Before anyone else gets confused, they're not Lethe and Ranulf, just my characters here cosplaying as such. This is what you guys get when you assume XD
  6. I think it looks fine. The headband might be a bit too tall, but I think it looks fine.
  7. So, new Levin for my hack. I'm no good at full customs, but I think this splice is pretty good. Supposed to be based off of FE5 Levin, btw.
  8. Dude, we all know I totally took sexiest :)
  9. Tiltyu is also one of the most attractive Fire Emblem girls. Fact School girls aren't always epic. Look at all those smutty animes that portray almost every single school girl as fanservice/damsel in distress. Cough, High School of The Dead, cough
  10. I think a Thunder Mage is cooler than a schoolgirl, anyways. Tiltyu for the win
  11. Unpossible. As long as they fall into the 255 of RBG values, they're fine. Which, they do. It's not the colors.
  12. GIIIIIIIIIIIIIIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANT butterfly. I shall expect such. Dude, sorry for clogging up your sprites gallery with all this chatting
  13. So, wait, what are you doing for the Halloween contest?
  14. DAMMIT HE'S RIGHT. Alright. Gonna get started on... Levin, right now.
  15. Double post, lol the was directed at me trying to convince you to sprite Luka as Miku, but... Well, the quote. OHSHI- Arthur, Claude, and Levin, FUCK DX Why did you remind me? XD The dude killed his mother, almost killed his father, brainwashed his sister to fight the man she loved, and planned the downfall of everything. I think he's evil enough.
  16. BUT, if you did, then... I've got nothing XD So, so, LukaXMiku, wut?
  17. Dude, you have no idea how epic this sprite is. And, yeah. Older Alvis. It would make more sense than the younger one I have now XD Luka should cosplay as Miku, lolwut
  18. Already did: And, shit, now I have to change his battle palette to match the portrait >__< Oh well. That should take about 10 minutes Want to do an Alvis as well? LOL
  19. I can't believe that mini /copied from FEND D: *Steals* If you don't mind, of course
  20. He might. But, not yet XD And, certainly not just for one person.
  21. Yeti's was the best Halberdier, kthx I think that TBA lets people use his animation if they ask him. Dunno. Go ask XD
  22. Trust me, before you ask, Ray's not going to let you use the lance knight XD He's barely gotten it into ASD, and, even when he's done ASD, I highly doubt he'll release it for public use XDDDD
  23. Who the hell voted for Cam? No offense, of course (Which never works XD), but that sprite looks... Off Ameeeeeeeeeeeeliaaaaaaaaaa In response to your "Chaaaaaaliiissss"
  24. Lemme try and explain the staring thing XD

    It looks like he's staring directly at the player, or more so than any other character would.

    And, the strand feels pasted on, like there's not enough shading under it.

  25. ALS, wtf, why isn't my entry in the first post? ;~;
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