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Everything posted by Arch

  1. The original Chapter 1 has been split into two parts. The gaiden chapter with Eltosian comes between the two parts, upon routing Elliot's forces the gaiden chapter will end.
  2. Chapter 1x is a bit of fan service on my part, you DO get to play as Eltosian when he fights against Elliot's troops (the entire scene itself has been expanded into a bigger battle, resulting in more cool points for Eltosian). Eltosian will not be playable beyond Chapter 1x. Cuan is Quinn because I'm testing the waters on some romanizations of names I came across online. I put that picture up mainly to see what kind of reactions I'd get (although admittedly I would like to retain the change, barring some unforeseen massive outpouring of negative reactions).
  3. I'm happy to have been of some use. Enjoy!
  4. Try downloading a ROM from another site. I won't go into too much detail, but one site I know of distributes ROMs which do not work with Nightmare Modules.
  5. Umm...Nightmare should work as long as you have the right ROM, even with the english patch applied. You don't need to extract anything in a DS-like manner. Just make sure the file is outside of the .zip or .rar file it came in.
  6. Yeah, I tried the normal game stats. It didn't work too well so I decided to switch back. For the best. I'm not really going to worry about the rescue icon. That's something that would take a LOT of time to fix, for one small scene.
  7. To quote my good friend Nintenlord, "anything is possible." But as to actually doing that? Yeah, I could have that done in a minute. It just never really crossed my mind.
  8. Well, I've got something of an update. New video for you all. Someone's already complained that I don't keep SF updated enough. I'm going to try and keep that in mind as I continue with the project. Sorry for the neglect!
  9. Another long-time-no-see update! Sorry guys, I just can't seem to keep in contact. I'm like the uncle twice-removed who only shows up when he needs money. So here's the deal. FE4 Advance has been broken for like...two months now. I've been trying to deal with this glitch from hell ( ). Now, I decided two days ago to just quit working on that ROM. I've transferred over the bare necessities onto a new ROM where that damned glitch is nowhere to be found. So over the past few days I've been slowly rebuilding my progress, touching up things that needed it and such. But I also realized something the other day. It has been almost two years since I started this project. What do I have to show for it? Approximately 5 chapters worth of gameplay. I've realized that I cannot complete a hack of this magnitude with only Nintenlord helping with ASM and various other people doing random things sparingly. Back when I first started this project it was a team effort, and I'd like to bring the project back to its roots in that way. So I'm putting out a request for hackers. I need hackers who are willing to help out. I want to put together a good team so this project can be finished before I turn 40. So what I am really looking for are: 1. People who can insert music (I tried, can't do it to save my life). 2. People who can write events (to help me churn out chapters faster). 3. People who can do battle palettes (since it kills my brain every time I try to binge edit them). 4. People who can script custom animations in FEditor (because mine suck monkey-nuts). But if you have other hacking talents I could be needing you too. Those 4 just immediately come to my mind. Show me what you can do, if you really want to help I can always find something. And before anyone considers this offer I want you all to know, I am completely devoted to seeing this project completed. I want desperately to finish what I started on May 14th 2008 (FE4 Advanced). Your work will not be wasted. Your efforts shall not go unappreciated. So please consider helping me out. The more people help the faster this dream can be realized. The more people help out the faster this project will be completed. So please, help! And even if you cannot help any support would be greatly appreciated. I don't want to disappoint the people who have waited patiently for this hack and their continued support would be very much appreciated.
  10. Alright, I am looking for some beta testers to play through the first 4 chapters of the game. These beta testers would need to do the following: - Take notes on the difficulty of the game. Should it be increased? Decreased? Make suggestions on how to do either/or. - Look out for bugs and report them. Make note of what you did to trigger the bug, and what happened. - Look for typos in the script. This is pretty obvious. It would be very nice if one beta tester (who doesn't let units die) could make savestates at the start and end of each chapter and send them to me. If you are interested in beta testing, send me a Personal Message via this forum. Or you can contact me over IM, my IM accounts can be found on my profile.
  11. Variety is the spice of life, add some spice to your grass.
  12. I'm sorry that I've been gone so long. To all of you wondering about the state of the hack, I've got a video that covers everything. I encourage you all to watch, its something of a mix between a trailer and an explanation.
  13. Spamming the Announcements section? Seriously?
  14. I can't help you with the animation. Now for the second part of your question; are you asking if you can make custom chapters with FEditor? That's not possible. Making completely custom chapters? Entirely possible. I've written a tutorial on the subject, enjoy.
  15. I've never actually tested that. Maybe I'll look into it sometime.
  16. I'll consider that. Until I have something done please enjoy this distraction of colorful pictures. Not much to say about Ch3 after that but I do have some pictures of other developments. Gandolf and Kinbois have had their new portraits inserted. The Glory Knight class has been given Ephraim's Great Lord animation (tweaked so the hair is colored differently than the armor).
  17. I interpreted the word "chart" differently. To answer your question I'll be blunt, I haven't figured that out yet.
  18. I don't recall there being a blood chart in the original game. In other news the first post has been updated. No new patch yet (another big bug came up) but I'm still hoping to have something worthy of showing all who have been following this project soon. Yet another news story is that CH3 is 95% complete (Holyn's recruitment event is the only thing not done) and CH4 is being started soon. CH5's map is in production and I'll start on events for that when CH4's are done. When CH5 is complete this hack will be officially 1/4th of the way complete (1/2 of the 1st Generation)! About damn time says I!
  19. Nolan, Nephenee, Black Knight
  20. WRONG! I bet nobody saw that one coming! I guess...luigi bros
  21. Eltoshen, adding characters from FE5 is something I will do in the second generation. Since most of the interesting ones wouldn't be ready for fighting in the 1st. I already have the 2nd generation characters planned out, its just finding the one more for the 1st that's giving me trouble. In case you are curious, I have already voiced my plans to include Cyas and Fergus in the 2nd generation (only two of quite a few). Now, as for the new character. I don't think I'd like an armor since Arden's suckage covers that department about as well as one could expect in a game where movement is so vital. Hunters are the same thing as Archers. That only leaves a Wyvern Rider or a Fighter/Pirate/Brigand. Of course, I could go with Celice's idea. However I did want to have the new character able to pair with people. It would be kinda odd if I paired Eve (for example) with Ayra and didn't pair Lachesis. That would make Skasaha, Lakche, Tristan, and Jane all his children.
  22. Actually I'm debating whether to include Darren or not. I want to add a new character but now that I look at him he's not it. I'd prefer adding something like a Wyvern Rider of an unmounted axe user to the first generation.
  23. Yeah, I was bouncing around with the promotion system. I have decided to emulate FE4's system. And yes, Dierdre is pre-promoted, although that shouldn't make much of a difference since she still has the same stats.
  24. Seriously? You can't take 2 seconds and register?
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