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Everything posted by B.Leu

  1. Great character. Perfect gray-and-gray character for a story about gray-and-gray morality. I was expecting goody-two-shoes character, but I wasn't expecting TS to have the balls to create a character to have that much balls. ... Many people go crazy about her, and not the 'good' kind of crazy, more like the cringe kind. Pretty funny at first, pretty annoying after. Oof. You just destroyed Fire Emblem, you have no idea. πŸ˜› The same could be said for many franchises who pretend that everything is alright and stuff tough.
  2. Yup, GBA only, on Megadrive it's "only" Bolt if I remember correctly. I thought it was Max who activated (somehow) a satellite that dropped a freaking orbital laser. How cool is that ? It would also make sense with the lore and setting of the game. Boy, Mawlock would be broken, but oh so fun.
  3. Holy... How could you get so lucky ? That's amazing !
  4. Woah, costumes DLC are scummy enough as it is, but the sona who was supposed to be in the game from the get go ? Oof, that's really barrel bottom tier. That pre-story about apparently Nemesis and Sothis ? I want that. Even with everything we know jack about them, especially since the everything is still 'almost nothing'. Thinking about it, it's really weird to S support Sothis when you know nothing about her, eh... If one of the DLC class is a cyborg ninja, or Max from Shining Force I, I laugh. (Look up his personal spell, seriously, it's awesome.) As for what I'd like: a new path where my recruited students, main Lord of the house chosen included, joins me as I fulfill my destiny as 'Nemesis but better and actually succeed'; there would be a lot of people killed, and a lot blood, and I'll enjoy it. I'll never happen, and it'll probably end up screwing up the entire the game itself, but eh, I can dream. I was so happy to see those name used, you have no idea. The funny thing is, he's not technically called Dagda, but 'The Dagda', imagine how awkward it'll be to name a country or a person like that ! πŸ˜„
  5. Yeah, it was really weirdly handled how they just joined whatever you decided, well, except Hubert. One could make a case that it's because Byleth is the 'no don't that stupid and evil thing' of the game, but you know. ... And also the gray morality of the entire thing. A fanfic will probably be done about that in the future. (Dew it !)
  6. I don't really understand the comparison... Azura knows everything and uses her knowledge for nothing and without logic, unlike Sothis, who start with nothing, but eventualy gain/regain her memories and actually do things with it. They couldn't be more differents. I agree so much, you have no idea.I'm also happy to see I'm not the only person who talk about how annoying it is how Byleth's a doomat with her. Seriously, having haughty loli brat that you can't tell to screw off is not a great feeling. But it's a good thing she die, relatively quickly and disappear. Midna is a mean piece of snark... at first, because she doesn't care about you, after that then it's just some slight, friendly, snark, not that. Fates and SAO are terrible, and they're examples of what you shouldn't ever do in a story, that's why. And beating a dead horse is funny. πŸ˜›
  7. There is, some some weird moment, in supports that made me go ''wait what ?' but this is very minor. Overall, everything is pretty good really.
  8. I admit, this whole reincarnation thingy is weird. I'm not trying to stir up any fight there, I'm just musing and trying to understand things.
  9. Dare I ask about Ogre Battle 64 ? πŸ˜› I remember the first time I saw each dragons, but especially this one. I was like 'I want that'. I like how it's a freaking TERROR KNIGHT who is yelling at you about your so called betrayal. Viva la revolucion is spanish, the french version is Vive la rΓ©volution you noob. It's funny I don't remember that duel, I must have refused.
  10. Oh hey, another case of sexual harassment that too much people care about. πŸ˜„ My reaction, and to the risk of sounding cold, I don't really care, the person is a voice actor, not the president of the universe, he did crimes, no need to put it in our faces and bother everyone with it. Punish him if you must. And, what does it have to do with voice acting. Well, he might have broke his contract, which is even more of a case of who care. He did bad things, if he's found guilty, he'll be punished, healed or what, no need to make a whole cake about it.
  11. Canon doesn't exist. It will hurt no one. Hopefully, it will continue do to so. Only fun is allowed. All path are equals. All path are grim.
  12. By reading this LP, I realized that I had a love/hate relationship with this game: I love the gameplay and the plot, but not only am I terrible at it, but I feel blueballed no matter path I take. And I prefer the Chaos one. I could never hope to pull the kind of moves you pulled. "And here's a lich that I casually create, and oh here's an angel." Never liked the Law route, Chaos bro all the way, no matter how cheated I felt. Our bro Vyce is such a cool character no matter what imo. Even his edgy and edgiest form. The concept of "Going against genocide makes you a chaotic element" and might, might not be the besy way, fascinate my ass, if you can understand the reference. Somebody will have to explain to me how the hell can the world be in this state of constant grim war, when things like ghosts, huge ass dragons, necromancers, liches and angels exists everywhere but actually no not really. Surprise me no one created a Necrocracy, a Monstrocracy, of some crap. And you never ever see those guys, let alone in charge ! Liches and angels are pretty much immortal so why...
  13. The desire to know more, to have more, what else ? It's in human nature after all.
  14. Yo you take that back, my boy Sion not only have a eyepatch he gains one ! He doesn't have one at first. πŸ˜› Kind of surprised you had a hard time with Sion, he was the easiest to me. Ahaha. The REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE attribute. Surlent have such an interesting gimmick... and it's the path that kick your ass hard, how 'happy' am I to see it's not just me. πŸ˜›
  15. Artur auto-level, whaaaaaaa. But with his shitty growth, it's not going to help much. πŸ˜› Oh Lute honey, what they did to you, she is Mag and nothing else. Natasha woud make a decent dodge-tank for a time and nothing else... and she can can recruit Joshua, who is actually pretty good with good skills. With how much crap some weapons are, I'm left scared by what what the legendary weapons would be. Two bard, one thief, one Jeigan Druid who's going to betray you. WTF is this shitty team.
  16. Maybe it was her Yewfelle/Ichibal that saved her. Eyvelle/Yewfelle sounds both close. ...I mean yeah, it's probably just Kaga, but... I'm trying too you know. >_>
  17. Eclipse. 22 Acc. WTF is this crap. And lol Ross, what the heck. The truth is that Ross is actually really-really dead but his corpse decided to join the team. A dancer who takes only half damage when she got attacked which means all the time ? It's both the best and the worst thing ever, best in case she gets hit, worst because she shouldn't be hit in the first place. Where the heck does that skill come from though ?
  18. Oh hey, I know this game ! It's good stuff ! I had a hard time at Surlent route, even with the best spells. Man, this spell system... real cool. Never seen something as similar.
  19. Guys guys, I just had a revelation about Sothis. And some S supports.
  20. Your deeds is like the faces of your avatar. A wonder ! Thank you. Damnit, Sothis is still a loli. Whyyyyy. Berny is adorably. Is it me, of is the design different than usual ?
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